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Pakistan must learn something from brother country Saudi Arabia

It is really amazing that Saudi Arabia is referred to as your brother country when in reality the only connection is that of a common religion and probably some genetic exchange from conquests long distant.

As opposed to us who are your actual brothers, even if most of us do not share your views on religion and God.

I don't know about Saudi Arabia but seeing the comments of Indian members it is more than enough for anyone to tell that you don't consider anyone you're brothers and thats exactly because of you're(most indians) views on religion. And secondly all those who give such extreme notions that Pakistanis worship Saudi Arabia is far from the truth if you want to believe it keep believing it but since most people don't know anything about Pakistan aside from the bashing they hear on their media, they don't have the right to call their opinions anything but that.
Sharia is and will exist but secular and and its supporters slaves off west and traitors who sell their WO... for dollars will be wiped out really very soon

I don't have a good understanding of sharia law since alot of people say different things about it. A thread needs to be made about it so people can have a better understanding of it.

I suggest @Aamna14 to make that thread.
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That is because most Islamists are hypocrites. They speak of minority rights, but only in rhetorics, since the rights of minorities in every Islamic country with Sharia put in practice, are being trampled.

And speaking of rights minority rights even in countries that don't practice Sharia are horrible in fact far worse but you would bring all sorts of justifications to prove why is it so that you can add on to you're "Islamists are hypocrites" rhetoric.
On-topic: KSA has a better way of dealing with criminals than we do,Thou I don't agree with some of em but atleast they care about their country.
Shariah will come Sir and this whole system of democracy is corrupt and flawed Shariah will come if not through this system than revolution and even if for that revolution we would have to go through blood bath than let it be But Shariah will come and traitors of Islam will be wiped out from Pakistan really very soon

Cant wait for this revolution to start Mullah and its protectors will be a fair game :welcome I plan to raise billions and pay of our debt by issuing Mullah :sniper: hunting license :victory: Off course license fees will depend on the size of mullah you want to :butcher:.

Phase 2 license will be issued to take out mullah protectors this will bring in enough cash and our foreign reserves should touch trillion or two with in days to feed and cloth all the children of the world not to mention peace in Pakistan.:omghaha:

I cant wait for revolution i want revolution
What can we learn? Let me guess!!
How to sleep well and waste God's gifts.
How to serve US masters well
how to support salfhism through Arms and money.
how to stab in back of neighbours brotherly nations to protect dictatorship.
Which one they want us to learn?? :coffee:
“We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a laboratory where we could experiment on Islamic principles.” - Muhammad Ali Jinnah

At-least we have fulfilled half of Quaid's dream - Pakistan indeed became laboratory of Islam
I don't have a good understanding of sharia law since alot of people say different things about it. A thread needs to be made about it so people can have a better understanding of it.

I suggest @Aamna14 to make that thread.

There should be a thread for discussion about what is Shria Law and how it is good for mankind. Agreed
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Cant wait for this revolution to start Mullah and its protectors will be a fair game :welcome I plan to raise billions and pay of our debt by issuing Mullah :sniper: hunting license :victory: Off course license fees will depend on the size of mullah you want to :butcher:.

Phase 2 license will be issued to take out mullah protectors this will bring in enough cash and our foreign reserves should touch trillion or two with in days to feed and cloth all the children of the world not to mention peace in Pakistan.:omghaha:

I cant wait for revolution i want revolution

Revolution, License? Please learn terms before using them.

I have only one line for you, One extremist can't decide the fate of other extremist.
I don't know about Saudi Arabia but seeing the comments of Indian members it is more than enough for anyone to tell that you don't consider anyone you're brothers and thats exactly because of you're(most indians) views on religion. And secondly all those who give such extreme notions that Pakistanis worship Saudi Arabia is far from the truth if you want to believe it keep believing it but since most people don't know anything about Pakistan aside from the bashing they hear on their media, they don't have the right to call their opinions anything but that.

You really cannot speak for me man. Just as I cannot speak for others, be they my fellow Indians or you Pakistanis.

Truth of the matter is I see you guys as the same as me. Depending on how charitable I feel for the moment, or what latest f-up you guys have created once again, I would even say brothers - now separated.

I do not consider Pakistani females between the ages of 18 to 29 to be my sisters though.

All others are enthusiastically accepted as sisters, mothers, aunties, cousins, ajjis, baajis, maushis, grannies, etc.
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