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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

Well you can take out the terrorist operating from your soil, I understand in many of your case they just might turn out your close relative of yours, but then it is your moral obligation.

It would not matter to us whether the terrorist turns out to be a relative of ours or not, because to us a terrorist is a terrorist. However, rather then giving us your 2 cents worthless, why not go after terrorists in your country.....oh wait, how can you when the biggest terrorist happens to be your father of the whole nation, Mr. Modi!

Yeh the present Afghan regime is getting so much support and have so much appreciation for Afghan Taliban that they are have a terror attack every week in Afghanistan.

And the whole world knows that you don't house Mullah Omar or Haqqani networks or rest of the Afghan Taliban, just like you never housed Osama Bin Laden.

Mullah Omar hiding in Pakistan: US general - The Times of India

All the above is correct except the news in ToI. We know how crap and worthless ToI is generally, and in these particular cases nobody gives a **** what ToI prints!
Let's get one thing straight...

No Indian will support the Indian establishment if their hands are soaked in children's blood...so I hardly doubt our establishment is that stupid to go for such a cowardly attack.

Secondly, this attack wreaks of desperation. It was a last ditch attempt to scare the army into stopping its operation...
India is clearly not desperate or in a weak state to pull off the most foolish mistake in our 60+ year history...in fact we are in the strongest position we have been in ages!

Lastly, if Pakistan does have proof of Indian involvement, this would be the best time to put the nail in the coffin..
All sympathies are with Pakistan and the Indian establishment will become the North Korea of the world if the world finds Indian involvement in this operation...
So my recommendation is that if the Indian establishment is involved, then Pakistan make this public and I as an Indian would support the alienation and usurping of our current regime as well!
India had mobilized her army to pakistan borders immediately after the parliament attack and 26/11 Mumbai attack because India had got evidence of pakistan's involvement. It was big provocation but our leadership showed maturity thankfully. Our leadership knows and even army brasses and bureaucracy that indian public does not support such type of non sense. A few armymen have lost their cools in the past and indulged in unwanted acts but they are now cooling their heels in jails without any sympathy from the people. Even sr. police officers will rot in jail if they are caught doing extra-judicial killings of even most dreaded criminals. We have enough such cases. You have nicely summed up how we indians think.

T T P is receiving help from Raw. Seen it for myself. I was there
You have seen yourself, how? What were you doing there? Were you a RAW agent or were you a TTP jihadi? or your other name is Shaikh Chilli? or Zaid Hamid?
Israel has nothing to do with this event. This just benefits India, Afghanistan and Iran. Please don't bring Israel or the US into this to falsely show 'our closest ally is India' crap.

Oh no. India is not and will never be your "closest ally". Don't delude yourself. We still have plenty of scores to settle with Pakistan. Fortunately for us, you Pakistanis seem to do a great job of settling our scores for us. I really don't know whether it is karma or whether you guys are just plain dumb when it comes to logical thinking, but everytime you slap India with your two thumbs, your remaining 8 fingers seem to bounce right back and slap you on your face. :D
So when is Pakistan handing over Haqqani brothers to Afghanistan..just as they are demanding Fazlullah.

and what about scores of Punjabi terrorist groups operating from Pakistan?
When we complete our mission in Afghanistan

Pakistan Army Cheif warns Afghanistan not What is your problem India.
Sartaj Aziz and Musharraf are both behaving like assholes recently. It was wrong time for them to use the 'India Card', all they got in return was hate.

Please tell me frankly if the Pakistan Establishment will deal with India specific terror groups which have been raised funded and trained by it like the LeT and JeM, for the proxy war against India?

Simple answer: NO. These are their 'strategic assets' and will never be touched even with a barge pole. But Pakistan should be aware that it won't be long before they turn on their masters and start creating mayhem within Pakistan itself as is happening. There are a number of off-shoots of these organizations that have morphed into radical terror groups which are not under the control of the Establishment and now challenging the writ of the state.

You still believe in the strategy of protecting and encouraging the 'good' terrorists like the LeT and JeM but train your guns only against the 'bad' terrorists. Check this out........

Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz on Monday said during an interview with BBC Urdu, that Pakistan should not target militants who do not threaten the country’s security.

And that's why terrorism will unfortunately continue with impunity because of this selective approach.

As Clinton said recently,
"It's like that old story - you can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbours. Eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard."
What does the local Afghan wants? They wanted to fight with Pakistan or wanted to Unite with Pakistan which can bring peace and harmony to them for ever. Even the name AFGHANISTAN only represents a particular group of people where as Pakistan is for Peace. I am sure the local Afghans and even Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other countries wanted to become a part of Pakistan.
Oh no. India is not and will never be your "closest ally". Don't delude yourself. We still have plenty of scores to settle with Pakistan :D

ReRead my post, I was talking about you projecting yourself as a close ally of Israel and The US!!!! You knew that too but you really need to twist the logic. My flags tell you where I belong, but of course, my post wasn't praising India so you had to divert the attention and make me a Pakistani!!!

Ye, you are settling scores all right, you just settled one by supporting killing of over 150 innocent children on a day that had relevance to you and a lot!!!
ReRead my post, I was talking about you projecting yourself as a close ally of Israel and The US!!!! You knew that too but you really need to twist the logic. My flags tell you where I belong, but of course, my post wasn't praising India so you had to divert the attention and make me a Pakistani!!!

Ye, you are settling scores all right, you just settled one by supporting killing of over 150 innocent children on a day that had relevance to you and a lot!!!

Frankly it remain immaterial whether you are a Yankee or a Pakistani. And no, the Indian members on this forum don't delude themselves. Indians are wide awake to reality. Neither the USA nor Israel are allies of India. India works only for its self interests. In fact, thank the stars that India never regarded your country as an "ally". Look at our poor neighbor and kin Pakistan and the condition it is in due primarily to its "alliance" with your country. With allies like you, who needs enemies? Ask the Pakistanis if you don't believe me :D
I have been suggesting to do this for a while now. Since yesterday, it's become imperative. Afghanistan and Iran needed a notice months ago.

There is no such thing as good or bad terrorists. All of these bastar*ds involved in terrorism need the death penalty! period. These inhumane barbaric idiots don't care about human lives. The best way is to eliminate them with their supporters before they kill more civilians.

Good and Bad Terrorist is the Definition given by PAK , ISI and PA. Check the your Gen words where they describe any terrorist which take training in PAK and killing Indians and help in Afgan in good one and its allow to do so.

Any one which is attack to PAk interest is Bad one.

you find out after school attack , that their is not good or bad terrorist?
Oh my god.. Whats been happening.... Where come India comes in between of all this...
All this talk of hot pursuit and demands and orders, why doesn't PAkistan just strike a deal with Afghanistan. Give them Mullah Omar and Haqqani, and take Fazlullah in return? Its not that hard, they are all hiding in Pakistan, with the tacit approval of the Pakistan mil. Or is the dream of "strategic depth" in Afghanistan more important than the lives of these 140 kids?

Why is the life of an Afghan kid killed by a Haqqani/Afghan Taliban suicide bomber less important than the life of a Pakistani kid killed by Pakistani Taliban?
Peshawar carnage: Govt, military weigh options


The country’s top civil and military authorities are contemplating options, which include ‘hot pursuit’ of terrorists inside Afghanistan, to deal with the threat of militancy in the wake of worst-ever terrorist attack in Pakistan on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif along with Army Chief General Raheel Sharif went into an emergency huddle in the corps headquarters in Peshawar to discuss the response to the attack which was described as a ‘national tragedy.’

They were also joined by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak and the governor of the province, Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan.

According to officials familiar with the talks, the meeting focused on discussing options to eliminate the terror threat completely.

The Express Tribune has learnt that security agencies believe that Tuesday’s terrorist attack might have been planned by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Afghanistan where they allegedly have safe havens.

A security source said that while Operation Zarb-e-Azb and Operation Khyber-I would continue, Pakistan would immediately take up the issue of ‘terrorist sanctuaries’ with Afghanistan. The source disclosed that if Kabul fails to act this time, Pakistan may go for ‘hot pursuit’ inside Afghanistan to take out all those who were behind the Peshawar attack.

The final decision would be taken after today’s (Wednesday) meeting of political leaders convened by the Prime Minister in the provincial capital. Sources said the government would table the option before other political leaders for a consensus decision.

“But our priority will be to make sure that Afghanistan either takes action against all those elements or hands them over to Pakistan,” said another official while requesting anonymity.

The option of ‘hot pursuit’ had been contemplated in the past as well but Pakistan military opted against it due to its likely repercussions.

“But the Peshawar attack is a tipping point and we cannot tolerate such sanctuaries anymore,” cautioned the official without elaborating further.

Pakistan has long accused Afghanistan of not taking any action against sanctuaries of TTP in Kunar and Nuristan provinces. Islamabad believes that ongoing offensive in the tribal areas can only be successful when action will be taken against terrorists on Afghan side of the border.

In his reaction to the tragic incident, the Prime Minister even talked of joint efforts by Pakistan and Afghanistan to tackle the menace of terrorism.

Peshawar carnage: Govt, military weigh options – The Express Tribune
No, need to send F-16s as JF-17s can do the job too.

Time has come to test the JF-17s and their new weapon systesm against terrorist as French tested their Rafales in Libya.

I have a question, can PAF mine the areas from air where these terrorist roam freely? those ares should be heavily mined if it is effective.

No doubt JF-17 are fully capable for Hot Pursuits but it will be the last resort....
And the areas where terrorist roams can be easily mine by regular troops of Pak Army....
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