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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

As your gibberish doesnt merit a formal reply, i will just copy.paste what i had already said. This time, try focusing on the bold words:

"Both the phrases 'Hot pursuit' and 'Surgical Strikes' though not coined, but were popularized by India, however, it would be Pakistan that will put them to practical use!"

So, the bottom line is, if you had the balls, you would already have done it



By God I laughed at this!!!
No one is gonna tell about 'hot pursuit' operation. Its done, not talked about.

Those who talk about it, just cant do it. Pakistan has mentioned it will pursue targets. When army mentions it, it means it has been decided. Today ISPR did mention it for the first time. Enough is enough.

Army does not make policies. it acts.

If hot pursuit is a dangerous option, then hiding, supporting & encouraging terror from a third country while preaching about terror, is even more dangerous.
I know and agree, two prime examples of current times are BLA and LeT unfortunately.


I have a question for Pakistanis that begs a thought...

What are your views on gun control in Pakistan? Shouldn't one of the actions considered be to close down the free flow of guns in those "nalla" markets of Peshawar and other parts of Pakistan? maybe licensing the act of ownership? especially after incidents like these..

I feel like this is an obvious must step...owning a gun should be a responsibility NOT a right!
Indian Kashmir mourns heart-wrenching Peshawar attack
By Haziq Qadri
Published: December 17, 2014


Kashmir pro-freedom leaders offer prayers for the victims of the Peshawar school attack. PHOTO: IESHAN WANI

The people of Indian-administered Kashmir strongly condemned the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s (TTP) barbaric attack in Peshawar which claimed over 130 lives and injured more than 120 people.

Leaders – cutting across all political and religious lines have also vehemently condemned the attack on the school children and have shown solidarity with the people of Pakistan.

Kashmir’s pro-freedom leaders and students organised funeral prayers, which were held in Srinagar’s historic Jamia Masjid, in absentia for the deceased children.

These prayers were led by the head cleric of Kashmir, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, in the University of Kashmir where hundreds of students participated.

Mirwaiz Umer condemned the attack and said those elements who committed the act are inhuman and are barbarians. Murderers who target innocent school going children can never be well-wishers of Islam and Pakistan.

“[I am] deeply shocked and saddened by this most inhumane act. Strongly condemn attack on school children our prayers and thoughts with the families,” he wrote on twitter.

While expressing his solidarity with the families of the deceased children, Hurriyat Conference Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani said there is no need to prove that people involved in such cowardly acts are in actual the biggest enemies of Islam and Muslims.

“The attacks are inhuman, and those involved must be punished severely.”

Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said the attack was ‘inhuman’ and ‘barbaric’, adding that words were not enough to describe the nature of the perpetrators.

“What terrible, heart breaking images of the attack in #Peshawar. Inhuman and barbaric don’t even begin to describe the perpetrators,” Omar tweeted.

Khurram Parvaiz, a human rights activist, said, “Those inciting, inspiring and defending TTP must be feeling fulfilled today after around 100 children were killed by them. They must know that TTP will soon perish and Pakistan will live.”

In the past few years, pro-TTP graffiti has cropped up in certain parts of the valley, and slogans in favour of the TTP were occasionally raised by some members of the youth during pro-freedom protests. However, after yesterday’s attack in Peshawar, serious questions have been raised against the role of the TTP in Indian-administered Kashmir.

“This should be an eye opener for those people who seek to help groups such as the TTP for the resolution of the Kashmir issue. Involvement of such groups in the Kashmir conflict can only lead to terrorism and bloodshed, keeping the basic issue unsolved,” said Qadri Inzamam, a mass communication student.

Feroz, a student of Kashmir University while condemning the attack said, “We as Kashmiris feel the pain of the innocent killings as we have suffered for decades. There are certain provisions laid by Islam for war. The heinous incident proves that the TTP are not following them, and that their stance and demands are totally rubbish and hoax.”

After offering funeral prayers in absentia, pro-Pakistan slogans were raised and black flags were hoisted in solidarity with the people of Pakistan.

I have a question for Pakistanis that begs a thought...

What are your views on gun control in Pakistan? Shouldn't one of the actions considered be to close down the free flow of guns in those "nalla" markets of Peshawar and other parts of Pakistan? maybe licensing the act of ownership? especially after incidents like these..

I feel like this is an obvious must step...owning a gun should be a responsibility NOT a right!
no sorry I disagree
automatic bore is already prohibited
the TTP come with RPG, C4 explosives and fully automatic weapons with AP round, they have never sought any approval or weapon permits for that and they never will.

prohibiting all legal weapons will have no affect on terrorists and criminals but will deny ordinary people the chance and right to defend themselves
no sorry I disagree
automatic bore is already prohibited
the TTP come with RPG, C4 explosives and fully automatic weapons with AP round, they have never sought any approval or weapon permits for that and they never will.

prohibiting all legal weapons will have no affect on terrorists and criminals but will deny ordinary people the chance and right to defend themselves

You don't think that having easy access to guns gives every hot blooded Pakistani the option to wage a "Jihad" of their choice?
And how do you expect the law and the armed forces to implement policies and maintain rule of law when every tom dick and harry has the right to arms as they do? What is the separating factor that gives police/army the edge over criminals and jihadis?

I'm very surprised at your answer...
If kunar is a problem then invade it and see which province fazlullah go's , let's see what the afghanis or the usa do about it, I guarantee he will be handed over in days. The yanks know exactly where he is, and khad have given him protection. I guarantee you Yankees will not do anything, you need leadership with fortitude and will, let's see what the two shareefs
will do about it, because in a week this tragedy will be forgotten that's how desensitised this quam has become. This quam needs to seize the moment
As my posts above say, I am dead set against any 'hot pursuits' into Afghanistan because it will set a very bad precedent. History is full of full-fledged wars--even WW2--where someone crossed international border 'in retaliation'. If there have to be 'retaliation' then clandestine options provide plausible deniability.

Let the stupidity of 'hot pursuits' as an option be dropped. And, as @Irfan Baloch says above, a very charged COAS of Pakistan decided to diplomatically approach Afghanistan to get support instead of public chest thumping. I have to say I am proud of the measured and mature response of the entire Pakistani civilian and military leadership after the latest tragedy.
You don't think that having easy access to guns gives every hot blooded Pakistani the option to wage a "Jihad" of their choice?
And how do you expect the law and the armed forces to implement policies and maintain rule of law when every tom dick and harry has the right to arms as they do? What is the separating factor that gives police/army the edge over criminals and jihadis?
I'm very surprised at your answer...

I am dead-set against guns! Here in the U.S I live out 'in the country'. Everyone has guns here. But it took me many years of 'advice' by friends before I decided to get a .22--to kill snakes in our yard. I am also not ignorant of the Gun Lobby in America and of both sides of the argument. Though, being a 'liberal', I tend to think there are too many, too powerful guns, in too ignorant peoples' hands...

So that is my background--for whatever it's worth mentioning.

Let me recall a trip to the 'BaRa' Market in KPK near the Afghan border wayyyy back in 1974. I was a boy then but grown enough to realize the serious stuff in life. The 'BaRa' Market was full of all kinds of weapons. Most fascinating to us kids were pen-guns--literally like a fountain pen. We had no fear in that Market. We were even briefly allowed into Afghanistan from the Torkhum border crossing. I will never forget the images of Afghan border guards letting our family through and smiling at us...

But Pakistan was very peaceful then. Heck, Pakistan was relatively peaceful even into the early 2000's. I am not saying you are wrong--you may be. But I am saying that guns have been part of some parts of Pakistan without endangering Pakistan for most of Pakistan's history. And we are better off looking at some hard data before jumping to conclusions based on our prejudices (not saying YOU but as we all).
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Hand over Fazlullah: Army Chief to warn Afghan authorities

ISLAMABAD- Army chief General Raheel Sharif rushed to Kabul today to deliver a warning to Afghan authorities to take decisive action against sanctuaries of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), or else Pakistan would go for ‘hot pursuit’, reported TV channels

I have been suggesting to do this for a while now. Since yesterday, it's become imperative. Afghanistan and Iran needed a notice months ago.

There is no such thing as good or bad terrorists. All of these bastar*ds involved in terrorism need the death penalty! period. These inhumane barbaric idiots don't care about human lives. The best way is to eliminate them with their supporters before they kill more civilians.
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