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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

I appreciate ur humanely gesture. But i doubt ur establishment thinks like wise. T T P is receiving help from Raw. Seen it for myself. I was there

Let's get one thing straight...

No Indian will support the Indian establishment if their hands are soaked in children's blood...so I hardly doubt our establishment is that stupid to go for such a cowardly attack.

Secondly, this attack wreaks of desperation. It was a last ditch attempt to scare the army into stopping its operation...
India is clearly not desperate or in a weak state to pull off the most foolish mistake in our 60+ year history...in fact we are in the strongest position we have been in ages!

Lastly, if Pakistan does have proof of Indian involvement, this would be the best time to put the nail in the coffin..
All sympathies are with Pakistan and the Indian establishment will become the North Korea of the world if the world finds Indian involvement in this operation...
So my recommendation is that if the Indian establishment is involved, then Pakistan make this public and I as an Indian would support the alienation and usurping of our current regime as well!
@Xeric Sir,
reference to the video below, my cousin is commanding a unit in Bannu, wish him God Speed in avenging our sons and daughters

may we see more videos like below rather than plain figures.

Nothing will come off this...Hot pursuit will remain nothing but hot fluff until Pakistan sets its house in order.....
the visit of our army chief and ISI has achieved what we wanted. we are not going to invade Afghanistan.
thanks for your advice by the way and try to spare some advice for those Indians who are facilitating BLA from Afghanistan side in the name of diplomatic missions and cultural centres

I am hopeful that with the new govt in kabul, we will see better cooperation and trust on terror issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan..
Amen to that
the visit of our army chief and ISI has achieved what we wanted. we are not going to invade Afghanistan.
thanks for your advice by the way and try to spare some advice for those Indians who are facilitating BLA from Afghanistan side in the name of diplomatic missions and cultural centres

Pray tell Sir, what have you achieved by this visit except a show of support which any nation with a sense of morality would do including India?
No actionable consequence as can be seen yet, but my full support to you in getting your vengeance...time will tell.

As far as my advice for Indians...let's make one thing clear..
Indians can only take advantage of the situation as long as there are traitor Pakistanis for hire...if not Indians, those traitors will find new masters to provide for their services...
So at the end of the day, its the Pakistanis killing Pakistanis...no Indian has pulled a trigger or set off a bomb in Pak...at least none that can be proven!

So as arrogant as it may sound to you....clearing your house of snakes (including the BLA but starting with the TTP sympathizers) should be on top of your list...once completed, the Indian links you allege that are supporting these elements won't have a leg to stand on!

PS: Think of this as India eliminating the D Company from its soil as it had become a proxy for Pakistani tactics (as per Indian thinking)
Despite having the new fresh beginning of relationship between the Afghan and Pak govt, I think Pakistan will has to go alone for some covert operations inside Afghan territory. Dr Ashraf Ghani is still facing problem to get his control over Afghan army and NDS. I don't see any success of joint operation as I have some serious doubt regarding the operational capabilities of afghan Army.
Indians butt hurt that hot pursuit is just a pipe dream for them, talking about "precedence" lol.
Pray tell Sir, what have you achieved by this visit except a show of support which any nation with a sense of morality would do including India?
No actionable consequence as can be seen yet, but my full support to you in getting your vengeance...time will tell.
there have been actions inside Pakistan and Afghanistan in case you missed. we killed TTP in karachi, and in tribal areas and the Americans conducted a drone strike on TTP killing all in a vehicle

so my dear, just need to look harder and focus in the fog of war.
there have been actions inside Pakistan and Afghanistan in case you missed. we killed TTP in karachi, and in tribal areas and the Americans conducted a drone strike on TTP killing all in a vehicle

so my dear, just need to look harder and focus in the fog of war.

I heard about the air strikes immediately after (but not sure about the collateral damage associated with), nothing about action within the Afghan provinces has surfaced yet, but if true, bravo!

Keep up the good work is all I can say and hope Karma bites the TTP swiftly in the form of PA bullets!

Indians butt hurt that hot pursuit is just a pipe dream for them, talking about "precedence" lol.

Just because it hasn't happened yet, don't mean it won't happen!
If the juice is worth the squeeze, anything is possible....my advice to Pakistan, don't make it worth our while! History should serve a reminder as to what can happen when India decides to go after Pakistan!

Careful what you wish for!
I heard about the air strikes immediately after (but not sure about the collateral damage associated with), nothing about action within the Afghan provinces has surfaced yet, but if true, bravo!

Keep up the good work is all I can say and hope Karma bites the TTP swiftly in the form of PA bullets!

Just because it hasn't happened yet, don't mean it won't happen!
If the juice is worth the squeeze, anything is possible....my advice to Pakistan, don't make it worth our while! History should serve a reminder as to what can happen when India decides to go after Pakistan!

Careful what you wish for!
there is no religion or nationality of terrorists who kill innocent people. I have same disgust and anger against those who massacred innocent Indians in Mombai and I understand the anguish and distress when you hear that Pakistan is talking about going after TTP in Afghanistan but you couldnt do that. I have said it many times that I have no justification or sympathy for those who were involved in the Mombai massacre . just because there was one Pakistani caught and there was an alleged phone call telling the terrorists what to do.

here also we found repeatedly Afghan, Arabs and Uzbek terrorists, we didnt threaten to launch attacks on those countries because we know it wasnt done by the state. you made up your mind in blaming ISI and Pakistan army over Mombai massacre so my denial and clarification with any type of reasoning wont matter to you so I stop at just showing my grief as I have done many times before in the past.
there is no religion or nationality of terrorists who kill innocent people. I have same disgust and anger against those who massacred innocent Indians in Mombai and I understand the anguish and distress when you hear that Pakistan is talking about going after TTP in Afghanistan but you couldnt do that. I have said it many times that I have no justification or sympathy for those who were involved in the Mombai massacre . just because there was one Pakistani caught and there was an alleged phone call telling the terrorists what to do.

The way I see it Sirji is that everyone has to do what they can to pay back in kind...
I was with America when it went into Afghanistan for retribution...and I will be with Pakistan in this situation if they decide to venture into Afghanistan for their pound of flesh...
It is upon the Pakistani state to decide ahead of time about the consequences that could come with...other than that it is your right to defend yourselves by any means..

In the case of 26/11, India considered similar options and decided against them weighing in the pros and cons...
Maybe it was too pacifist or maybe it was calculated...the point is, we didnt find it worthwhile to take action through those measures...and that's all upon us...at the end of the day, India became more resilient as a country and came together against a menace and that's the most important after effect I think...

here also we found repeatedly Afghan, Arabs and Uzbek terrorists, we didnt threaten to launch attacks on those countries because we know it wasnt done by the state. you made up your mind in blaming ISI and Pakistan army over Mombai massacre so my denial and clarification with any type of reasoning wont matter to you so I stop at just showing my grief as I have done many times before in the past.

Mind you there is a difference...

India didnt say it was going to go after Pakistan and its state establishment...you are absolutely wrong on that..
India wanted to go after the sanctuaries in P.O.K that were home to anti-India terrorists...
Now according to Pakistan, this would be an act of violating its sovereignty..which I can see from your perspective...
Nevertheless, if Afghanistan in today's scenario said that it would react to Pakistani offensive on terrorist sanctuaries in Afghanistan by even going as far as using nukes, what would you say then?

Would you complicit the Afghan govt as sheltering the TTP or not? now please put that into perspective...

India is willing to work with Pakistan on eliminating terror....however it seems our definitions of terror are different at this point in time....
I hope the current scenario bring us closer to identifying our common enemy...although I wish it wasn't at the expense of children's lives!
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