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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

Right. Our Nukes are for blackmailing and your are for Mars voyage?
Clearly the "nuclear card" serves more utility to the smaller (military) power. India doesn't particularly need to hide behind its nuclear weapons as far as Pakistan is concerned for obvious reasons. This is not jingoism but the reality of the situation.

Says an Indian whose country itself introduced the terms (Hot pursuit/surgical strikes) in South Asia for the first time :blink:
Well this may be true but this is surely more a reflection of the fact that India has had to think up a whole multitude of responses (dialogue, CSD, hot pursuit etc) to repeated attacks from those based on Pakistani soil. Given that India has not actually done anything (substantial) as way of punitive action against Pakistan shows that the nuclear blackmail is working just fine for Pakistan. Remove that from the equation and things would be quite different and we both know it.
Does Afghanistan have nuclear weapons? This is what holds back India from exploring what you guys are wanting to do in Afghanistan. And this is why India's options vis a vis Paksitan are more limited than Pakistan's vis a vis Afghanistan, do not delude yourself. Please don't muddy the water nor fail to take context into consideration.

You have answered your own question. Something i was trying to point out. In the end it comes down to ones capabilities. There is no delusion here just facts, Facts that you have now come to acknowledge. Pakistan and India and Pakistan and Afghanistan are two very different ball games. Please dont compare apples with oranges.
You didnt read my reply than. Let me address the highlighted part
Whether its a fair or legitimate demand/request.........maybe from your perceptive but the question you should be asking is can you? Now can Pakistan go after Afghanistan? to this I can say we can and we will if Afghanistan does not come to its senses and stop harbouring anti Pakistan elements. We have done that before and we will do it again.
And again, I point out that I have not once said you don't have the right to go into Pakistan to go after those responsible for such atrocities. Nor have I said you need to ask India's permission- this makes no sense.

Again, is it not only right that you extend the same right to India vis a vis elements who have attacked India?

to this I can say we can and we will if Afghanistan does not come to its senses and stop harbouring anti Pakistan elements. .

I hope the irony isn't lost on you that this is EXACTLY what Indians would say to Pakistan if you changed Afghanistan with Pakistan and Pakistan with India.

Unfortunately the word that comes to my mind is, again, HYPOCRISY.

Let's clean our house first. Fazalullah will die automatically.
And again, I point out that I have not once said you don't have the right to go into Pakistan to go after those responsible for such atrocities. Nor have I said you need to ask India's permission- this makes no sense.

Again, is it not only right that you extend the same right to India vis a vis elements who have attacked India?

I hope the irony isn't lost on you that this is EXACTLY what Indians would say to Pakistan if you changed Afghanistan with Pakistan and Pakistan with India.

Unfortunately the word that comes to my mind is, again, HYPOCRISY.

There is no hypocrisy but only your nativity that fails you to see the point. You want to replace Pakistan with Afghanistan and India with Pakistan, please be our guest. Like i said i dont want to indulge in this nonsensical debate because this is not the place.
I am hopeful that with the new govt in kabul, we will see better cooperation and trust on terror issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan..
Time will tell whether it will open a can of worms for us or not. We will strike Afghanistan because we can, Can you say the same about India w.r.t Pakistan? To satisfy your ego you might say yes but deep down you know India cant and even if it does, it will be meet with a retaliatory strike only to end up in a full scale war. India is aware of this reality and hence they didnt go for adventurism.

Now may i suggest you to please stay on topic. This is not what India can or cannot do to Pakistan but what Pakistan can do to Afghanistan.

This mindset shows Pak is another North Korea. A terrorist country using Nukes to blackmail the whole world
Pakistan should do the hot pursuit. I support that completely. But Pakistanis have a habit of talking too much and doing nothing
There is no hypocrisy but only your naivety that makes you compare the two situations. Now I dont not want to indulge in this debate with Indians because this is not the time, however it does not matter to us whether Indians have or dont have an issue with Pakistan doing hot pursuit in Afghanistan. India does not have a say in this matter. Unless of course you guys want to open another front.
I tell you whey India has no say in this matter

our military and intelligence chiefs actually went to Afghanistan in person and not only won the support of the Afghan military and civilian leaders, but also the support of the ISAAF commanders.

this pretty much IS our hot pursuit. there are no parallels to India here. two different things
Officials have done well to keep us in the dark. If every Pakistani new the full gory details, there'd be even more outrage.

After having spoken to some locals, they told some details not covered in the media, or at least not well described.

First of all, every child was shot, sometimes in the head. It was systematic execution, not terrorism.
The gunmen first asked around to find children belonging to army families, they killed those children, they then did not spare the rest of the children either, they killed them too, every class room was riddled with bullets and as many children killed as they saw possible. They then went around killing wherever they found someone. Wherever, whoever, when the bodies starting accumulating and gathering in piles, they kicked the bodies to see if there was anyone left living to finish the job.

They threw the dead bodies of some children over the walls to show us what was going on inside.

One incident, involving an army Major's wife. She worked at the school, her child was killed in front of her and in front of her class. The militants then proceeded to put a bag over her head and beheaded her in front of her class, they then burnt her body. It follows they must have killed the children too.

Some children were allegedly beheaded, and even a 2 year old baby, not a pupil, who just happened to be there was not spared.

They said the media hadn't covered all the gruesome details, nor had security spokesman statements. All I can say is that I wish I had been there.


I haven't been so angry in a very long time, I never wish ill upon anyone, but my moral standards I couldn't care less about. May the wrath of the almighty God lay waste to those responsible, and may that wrath be channelled through the common Pakistani, let us be granted the opportunity to serve that justice. Never again.

WTF man , plz tell me this is just a rumor . I am literally horrified right now
they beheaded children and the teacher??? who told you this??

Burnt the teacher, allegedly beheaded children, various sources reporting on both, including hospital sources, army spokesman himself confirmed the case of the teacher burnt on stage in the auditorium in front of the children.

WTF man , plz tell me this is just a rumor . I am literally horrified right now

I'm probably missing details if anything.
Siachin lays above the LOC, and you know it. No use lying Sir. And you can laugh about the sanctity of the LOC, the entire world, including the USA and China sure agreed with us in Kargil. I can post their exact comments if you like.

We could've massed the Army group Centre alongside your borders, yet we didn't violate it, did we? At the end of the day, We respected the IB, and that's the fact. Laugh or cry, Thinking Tank, is your choice.

The Pro active defense isn't the new doctrine. It's the same old one, just with faster mobilization. The new doctrine will take quite a bit of time to move out from the drawing board into the field.

And besides, where exactly have I threatened Pakistan with Hot pursuit? I haven't even used the word AJK or P0K. Show me the proof, in my exact words. Don't lie, or put words in my mouth like a troll. In case you can't find one, if you really are a man of honor, you will tender an apology.
The moment Pakistan puts them into 'practical use', it will have opened up a can of worms Pakistan will come to regret. It will set a very dangerous precedence for Pakistan.

As far as India is concerned, There is no way we are going to stop you from committing your "hot pursuit', for the next time a terror attack targets India from Pak, we will have your example to follow.
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