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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

it seems as if they are taking it as an unprovoked attack on themselves.
on one hand India has expressed its grief which we appreciate.

so i think its only natural to expect their support that we pursue the perpetrators that have committed a crime against humanity

re hot pursuit. we didnt bark at Afghanistan via the media nor we sent Jet on Afghanistan nor we summoned their ambassador

our chiefs of Army and intelligence went their in person and spoke to their military and civilian leadership, like friendly and reasonable neighbour and got promise of cooperation in fighting the terrorists.

what is wrong with that?
Sir, I can guarantee that all Indians would stand behind Pakistan if it were to pursue the perpetrators of yesterday's horrific attack.

BUT, what many Indians (and myself) have an issue with is the injustice of this talk- Pakistan is gearing itself up to take vengeance on those behind this attack by, possibly, utilising "hot pursuit" into Afghanistan and yet denied this option to India in the wake of 26/11. It is the hypocrisy (as I see it) in that the Pak establishment/army are willing to go to any length to target the wrongdoers of this attack but have not lifted a single finger to bring those responsible for the deaths of an almost equal number of Indians to book.

It is almost as if the grief of Pakistanis, and thus right to go after the perpetrators, is greater than that of Indians which of course is nonsense.

This is just how I read it, and how I am feeling.

FYI LeT/JeM are hands in glove with TTP and they had been killing Pakistanis ruthlessly rather JeM had been bigger contributor of suicide bombers for TTP.

so there is no difference . Kill all of these terrorists
Please please do it, I will remain incredibly skeptical however. There are far too many links to the Pak establishment and LeT/JuD that I can see that mean I find it unlikely these groups will be touched.
COAS Raheel Sharif Emergency visit to Kabul

The moment Pakistan puts them into 'practical use', it will have opened up a can of worms Pakistan will come to regret. It will set a very dangerous precedence for Pakistan.

As far as India is concerned, There is no way we are going to stop you from committing your "hot pursuit', for the next time a terror attack targets India from Pak, we will have your example to follow.

You're already reeling from the last precedence you set with limited war under a nuclear overhang, I'd suggest a deep debate before setting the next.

Time will tell whether it will open a can of worms for us or not. We will strike Afghanistan because we can, Can you say the same about India w.r.t Pakistan? To satisfy your ego you might say yes but deep down you know India cant and even if it does, it will be meet with a retaliatory strike only to end up in a full scale war. India is aware of this reality and hence they didnt go for adventurism.

Now may i suggest you to please stay on topic. This is not what India can or cannot do to Pakistan but what Pakistan can do to Afghanistan.
It changes quite a lot. India has always considered sovereignty of a country inviolable, and has acted consistently with that stance


Hint: Kashmir, Sir Creek, Siachen, hegemony over all its neighbors et al.

(The other inviolable is the sanctity of the LOC).

:lol: :lol:

IBy launching a hot pursuit into Afg, you've pretty much told us that your views on sovereignty are well, open to interpretation.
A country that has twice amasses troops on border,n threatened surgical strikes and debated over the possibility of US Navy Seal type ops apart from evolving its doctrine twice so as to violate a neighbor's sovereignty at short notice says this to a country which has gone over to Afghanistan, had discussed the issue and sought out their cooperation :lol: :lol: :lol:

The CSD was carefully thought out, studied, analysed, simulated and the results dissected. We found that it was impractical, consequently, we never put it on the field. The analysis and the knowledge were, obviously incorporated in the new doctrine.

The new doctrine aka Pro Active Ops.

You have a condescending tone.
Just a few hour before your countrymen were trending #IndiaWithPakistan and your PM is still tweeting his hearts out how his Parliament stood silence today, but you poke your nose out of nowhere and threaten us with a hot pursuit in AJK amidst all that 'solidarity' and you complain of my condescending tone? :lol:
So, apart from your babel, you agree that India did and is still lacking the requisite amount of balls to execute a hot pursuit against Pakistan, and thus would only think about it once Pakistan has already?

BTW, just to remind you, your Cold Start Doctrine therefater converted into Pro-Active Operations was modified form of hot pursuit operations at a grand scale, but as you lacked balls back then and still do, you got busted by our response in the form of New Concept of War Fighting, thus you are again back to square one i.e still waiting to grow balls, well guud luck!

I didn't want to bring this up so far out of sensitivity for those young departed souls.

This is unfortunate coming from a Think Tank who uses words like "balls" to describe India's restraint when India herself suffered a FAR MORE deadly attack (at least on the number of deaths). The identity of the attackers was traced back to Pakistan and even now the alleged masterminds of that still roam freely (in fact with state protection) and continue to spew hatred against India.

But how is Pakistan justified going for hot pursuit inside Afghanistan when they themselves continue to harbor a deadlier terror group responsible for attacks on Mumbai, 2008 (and many more)? Isn't this a hypocrisy of the highest order?

So yes, there were many in India (including myself) that supported the idea of surgical strike on targets inside Pakistan. But now when I look back, I think it was a wise decision to maintain restraint in the face of a brutal provocation but it is unfortunate that a Think Tank indulges in this type of trash talk coming after such a ghastly act.
And the Self righteous tit for tat returns. So long kids in their graves.. return the self righteous tit for tat.
Sir, I can guarantee that all Indians would stand behind Pakistan if it were to pursue the perpetrators of yesterday's horrific attack.

BUT, what many Indians (and myself) have an issue with is the injustice of this talk- Pakistan is gearing itself up to take vengeance on those behind this attack by, possibly, utilising "hot pursuit" into Afghanistan and yet denied this option to India in the wake of 26/11. It is the hypocrisy (as I see it) in that the Pak establishment/army are willing to go to any length to target the wrongdoers of this attack but have not lifted a single finger to bring those responsible for the deaths of an almost equal number of Indians to book.

It is almost as if the grief of Pakistanis, and thus right to go after the perpetrators, is greater than that of Indians which of course is nonsense.

This is just how I read it, and how I am feeling.

There is no hypocrisy but only your naivety that makes you compare the two situations. Now I dont not want to indulge in this debate with Indians because this is not the time, however it does not matter to us whether Indians have or dont have an issue with Pakistan doing hot pursuit in Afghanistan. India does not have a say in this matter. Unless of course you guys want to open another front.

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There is no hypocrisy but only your naivety that makes you compare the two situations. Now I dont not want to indulge in this debate with Indians because this is not the time, however it does not matter to us whether Indians have or dont have an issue with Pakistan doing hot pursuit in Afghanistan. India does not have a say in this matter. Unless of course you guys want to open another front.
When did I say India/Indians had an issue with you doing hot pursuit in Afghanistan? I explicitly said otherwise. All i am saying is that the same response should be open to India to visit violence against those who have killed Indians on Indian soil and who are in Pakistan right now.

Is this not a fair and legitimate request? Or is there something special about Pakistan and her people that mean India Is expected to just to sit there and absorb every blow whilst Pakistan goes after those who would hurt her? Please do give an answer to this.

Time will tell whether it will open a can of worms for us or not. We will strike Afghanistan because we can, Can you say the same about India w.r.t Pakistan? To satisfy your ego you might say yes but deep down you know India cant and even if it does, it will be meet with a retaliatory strike only to end up in a full scale war. India is aware of this reality and hence they didnt go for adventurism.
Does Afghanistan have nuclear weapons? This is what holds back India from exploring what you guys are wanting to do in Afghanistan. And this is why India's options vis a vis Paksitan are more limited than Pakistan's vis a vis Afghanistan, do not delude yourself. Please don't muddy the water nor fail to take context into consideration.
I wasn't going to reply to your post until I saw that last line. Firstly your COAS is talking about "hot pursuit" into Afghanistan, Afghanistan,unlike Pakistan, does not have NUCLEAR WEAPONS that uses to blackmail the world at every opportunity.
Right. Our Nukes are for blackmailing and your are for Mars voyage?

Matlab hamara kutta kutta, apka kutta tony.


Secondly, but less importantly as my previous point is pretty much the only thing stopping India from engaging in the aforementioned activities (Hot pursuit/surgical strikes), Pakistan's conventional military superiority over Afghanistan is almost laughable- Afghanistan has no MBTs, they have no fighter jets, no AEW assets etc etc so Pakistan could act with almost impunity in Afghanistan. The same is clearly not the case for India with Pakistan.
Says an Indian whose country itself introduced the terms (Hot pursuit/surgical strikes) in South Asia for the first time :blink:

Hint: Kashmir, Sir Creek, Siachen, hegemony over all its neighbors et al.

:lol: :lol:

A country that has twice amasses troops on border,n threatened surgical strikes and debated over the possibility of US Navy Seal type ops apart from evolving its doctrine twice so as to violate a neighbor's sovereignty at short notice says this to a country which has gone over to Afghanistan, had discussed the issue and sought out their cooperation :lol: :lol: :lol:


The new doctrine aka Pro Active Ops.

Just a few hour before your countrymen were trending #IndiaWithPakistan and your PM is still tweeting his hearts out how his Parliament stood silence today, but you poke your nose out of nowhere and threaten us with a hot pursuit in AJK amidst all that 'solidarity' and you complain of my condescending tone? :lol:

Siachin lays above the LOC, and you know it. No use lying Sir. And you can laugh about the sanctity of the LOC, the entire world, including the USA and China sure agreed with us in Kargil. I can post their exact comments if you like.

We could've massed the Army group Centre alongside your borders, yet we didn't violate it, did we? At the end of the day, We respected the IB, and that's the fact. Laugh or cry, Thinking Tank, is your choice.

The Pro active defense isn't the new doctrine. It's the same old one, just with faster mobilization. The new doctrine will take quite a bit of time to move out from the drawing board into the field.

And besides, where exactly have I threatened Pakistan with Hot pursuit? I haven't even used the word AJK or P0K. Show me the proof, in my exact words. Don't lie, or put words in my mouth like a troll. In case you can't find one, if you really are a man of honor, you will tender an apology.
When did I say India/Indians had an issue with you doing hot pursuit in Afghanistan? I explicitly said otherwise. All i am saying is that the same response should be open to India to visit violence against those who have killed Indians on Indian soil and who are in Pakistan right now.

Is this not a fair and legitimate request? Or is there something special about Pakistan and her people that mean India Is expected to just to sit there and absorb every blow whilst Pakistan goes after those who would hurt her? Please do give an answer to this.

You didnt read my reply than. Let me address the highlighted part
Whether its a fair or legitimate demand/request.........maybe from your perceptive but the question you should be asking is can you? Now can Pakistan go after Afghanistan? to this I can say we can and we will if Afghanistan does not come to its senses and stop harbouring anti Pakistan elements. We have done that before and we will do it again.
LOL i am hearing this hot pursuit from you cow piss drinkers from 2008 , one need balls to do such massive and offensive strikes
India saw your balls in 1971 (in then East Pak) and it decided to cut them off for good. Thats why your army is afraid to engage India directly and instead uses proxies and does what it is now accusing Afghans. A taste of your own medicine?
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