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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

Unlikely to happen, perhaps air strikes are possible, but even then it would be difficult. Pakistan is already complaining about it's own sovereignty being violated, to do the same with Afghanistan would not only make Pakistan look bad, but would set a precedent. This is not to mention the biggest problem of all, a massive diplomatic crisis, which would throw Afghanistan back into bed with India.

Pakistan hasn't just tried to mend it's relationship with Afghanistan simply to throw it away. Unfortunately, as disheartening as it may sound, a friendly Afghanistan is far more important to Pakistan than capturing Mullah Fazlullah and his band of child murderers.

I suspect Pakistan/Afghanistan relations are about to hit an all time high. Ghani is already relatively pro-Pakistan, and he'll seize this opportunity to build better military relations with Pakistan, and Pakistan will use this tragedy to pressure Afghanistan into siding with Pakistan.
It is just staggering what depths of morality can Afghans go down to. They truly are the worst of humanity. History will remember Afghans as the worst barbarian horde to have existed.

In the interest of the world and a sense of moral justice, Afghanistan must be nuked.
Let's clean our house first. Fazalullah will die automatically.
Which been the policy and failed because source elimination is only way. Factory not the product. You want keep Pakistan playing with puppets for ever....please whose agenda is this???,
Let's get one thing straight...

No Indian will support the Indian establishment if their hands are soaked in children's blood...so I hardly doubt our establishment is that stupid to go for such a cowardly attack.

Secondly, this attack wreaks of desperation. It was a last ditch attempt to scare the army into stopping its operation...
India is clearly not desperate or in a weak state to pull off the most foolish mistake in our 60+ year history...in fact we are in the strongest position we have been in ages!

Lastly, if Pakistan does have proof of Indian involvement, this would be the best time to put the nail in the coffin..
All sympathies are with Pakistan and the Indian establishment will become the North Korea of the world if the world finds Indian involvement in this operation...
So my recommendation is that if the Indian establishment is involved, then Pakistan make this public and I as an Indian would support the alienation and usurping of our current regime as well!

I agree with you 100%!

The ball is in Pakistan's court to prove it and I know the Indian public will not support RAW's involvement in destabilizing Pakistan
Pakistan might just show you how it is done, but unfortunately the variables controlling your decisions are totally not in your control now, will never be in the forseable future.

Perhaps it's gibberish, perhaps its not, you're the Think Tank, not me.

It doesn't matter who popularized it, the law of precedence is based on who did it.

But beside that, balls is itself subjective to long term strategic aims, not a flush of adrenaline pumped idiocy. We chose not to do it, because our long term aims required us to not do it, and it's worked out reasonably well for us. But who knows, Pakistan might just help us change the values of the variables controlling our decision.

Next time it would be better to look, and read, before Think Tanking something.
Why only TTP?

Why not get rid of all terrorists, once and for all?

We can't go about killing all terrorists! Your head of state is a terrorist for his direct and indirect involvement in the murder of minorities but that does not mean that it becomes our responsibility to take him out.

So when is Pakistan handing over Haqqani brothers to Afghanistan..just as they are demanding Fazlullah.

and what about scores of Punjabi terrorist groups operating from Pakistan?

A terrorist does not have any religion or affiliation! He/she is merely a terrorist......a word that in my dictionary also falls outside the boundaries of human.

P.S. Any legitimate government in Afghanistan, such as the current one I believe, will have immense support from within its own ranks for Mullah Omer and the Haqqanis. That being said, we don't house the Haqqanis, they have always been present within their immense support base in Afghanistan.....they still control over 70% of Afghanistan. Can they do this without massive public support? And I will not even go into the argument of what defines them as terrorists at all!!!!!
We can't go about killing all terrorists! Your head of state is a terrorist for his direct and indirect involvement in the murder of minorities but that does not mean that it becomes our responsibility to take him out.

Well you can take out the terrorist operating from your soil, I understand in many of your case they just might turn out your close relative of yours, but then it is your moral obligation.
you live in US, suggest this to your Prebsident.
Finger pointing never resolve the issue. When govt of Punjab and its home minister involve in giving protection to terrorist, then who you blame. People like Molvi Ishaq who killed 106 people now in open and free man , because Judge has no protection. Even hijacking attempt of PNS Zulfikar etc etc and the list goes on and on......Ex CJ freed 1700 hardcore terrorist, .....is it US or another nation involve in all these incidence ????
FYI LeT/JeM are hands in glove with TTP and they had been killing Pakistanis ruthlessly rather JeM had been bigger contributor of suicide bombers for TTP.

so there is no difference . Kill all of these terrorists
Sorry, they aren't hand in glove with TTP. But yes, they are connected as all terror groups are.

The LeT aka JuD and JeM are India specific terror organizations raised, funded and trained by your Establishment specifically for their proxy war against India. General Hafiz Saeed is their commander-in-Chief who roams about freely in Pakistan, provoking 'jehad' against India with his terror organization the TTP, never mind if he and his JuD/LeT has been banned by the United Nations which declared it a terrorist organisation in December 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader. In April 2012, the United States declared him a terrorist and announced a bounty of $10 million on his head.

But naturally, the courts can't proceed against him due to the pressure from the Establishment as well as the judges recusing themselves from the case due to threats on their lives by the LeT. Six judges have already been changed as they lacked spunk to take this turd's case head-on.

Let's be clear on one thing. As much as Nawaz and Co might say about defeating terrorism from Pakistan by eliminating all forms of terror, 'good' or 'bad', the fact is that the 'good' terror organizations - JuD/LeT/JeM - will never be touched. Using terror against India is a well established state policy and part of army doctrine. These snakes will continue to be nurtured by your Establishment until they start biting the hand that feeds them. This is already happening as can be seen by the number of offshoots that have split and joined various terror organizations that are inimical to Pakistan's interests.

So don't expect any change. It's going to be more of the same but where the 'good' terrorists will continue to morph into the 'bad' ones who are ready to cause mayhem within Pakistan itself.

The bottom line is that Pakistan's state policy of using terror has started to backfire with horrific consequences. It's tTime for Pakistan to change course.
P.S. Any legitimate government in Afghanistan, such as the current one I believe, will have immense support from within its own ranks for Mullah Omer and the Haqqanis. That being said, we don't house the Haqqanis, they have always been present within their immense support base in Afghanistan.....they still control over 70% of Afghanistan. Can they do this without massive public support? And I will not even go into the argument of what defines them as terrorists at all!!!!!

Yeh the present Afghan regime is getting so much support and have so much appreciation for Afghan Taliban that they are have a terror attack every week in Afghanistan.

And the whole world knows that you don't house Mullah Omar or Haqqani networks or rest of the Afghan Taliban, just like you never housed Osama Bin Laden.

Mullah Omar hiding in Pakistan: US general - The Times of India
in an unprecedented manner the whole indian population came together to elect a known mass murderer of innocent people including women, children and elderly, yea we know how ethical Indians are, go spew this shit on indian forums, you won't find any takers here

Let's get one thing straight...

No Indian will support the Indian establishment if their hands are soaked in children's blood...so I hardly doubt our establishment is that stupid to go for such a cowardly attack.

Secondly, this attack wreaks of desperation. It was a last ditch attempt to scare the army into stopping its operation...
India is clearly not desperate or in a weak state to pull off the most foolish mistake in our 60+ year history...in fact we are in the strongest position we have been in ages!

Lastly, if Pakistan does have proof of Indian involvement, this would be the best time to put the nail in the coffin..
All sympathies are with Pakistan and the Indian establishment will become the North Korea of the world if the world finds Indian involvement in this operation...
So my recommendation is that if the Indian establishment is involved, then Pakistan make this public and I as an Indian would support the alienation and usurping of our current regime as well!
Let's get one thing straight...

No Indian will support the Indian establishment if their hands are soaked in children's blood...so I hardly doubt our establishment is that stupid to go for such a cowardly attack.

Secondly, this attack wreaks of desperation. It was a last ditch attempt to scare the army into stopping its operation...
India is clearly not desperate or in a weak state to pull off the most foolish mistake in our 60+ year history...in fact we are in the strongest position we have been in ages!

Lastly, if Pakistan does have proof of Indian involvement, this would be the best time to put the nail in the coffin..
All sympathies are with Pakistan and the Indian establishment will become the North Korea of the world if the world finds Indian involvement in this operation...
So my recommendation is that if the Indian establishment is involved, then Pakistan make this public and I as an Indian would support the alienation and usurping of our current regime as well!
frankly speaking your establishment supports these scums they give money to them and arms them but but the point is they (indian establishment) are not the planer i mean they do not plan for ttp, attack here or there do this or that, you got my point ? now go and sale your alloo chaat somewhere else


Exactly. Those were my exact words, and despite repeated perusal of that text, I fail to find any mention of AJK, or P0K, or for that matter any talk of us going for a "hot pursuit" anywhere inside territory administered by Pak. So why lie when you know you can't back it up?

Pretty pathetic....

And yes, by the word, I really did mean the literal meaning of that word :an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. I'm not entirely certain what that word means to a think tank.
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