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Pakistan looking at Hot Pursuit options in wake of Peshawar attacks

Sartaj Aziz and Musharraf are both behaving like assholes recently. It was wrong time for them to use the 'India Card', all they got in return was hate.

Ironically, Indians are stating (even on this forum) that Musharraf's statements are earning him popularity.... Sartaj Aziz is just following suit, because he also believes that Musharraf is gaining popularity with what ever he says....hence your guess work has no credibility.
However, i also agree that same statements cannot go down the throat of Indian loyalists... who have no other business just to discredit any thing that appears against India and my guess work is this loyalty stem from the deep seeded love for the holy state, which has 50 weekly flights to India, but have more admirers in Pakistan.
yes Indians sucked them badly by attacking cowardly on the weaker part of pakistan

Everybody attacks your "weaker part". Perhaps your entire hole (oops meant whole) is a "weaker part" moron :D
dont get overworked by names

ok if we say including LeT would you agree to say also BLA?

when our operation was started then we repeatedly said over and over again that it was against all terrorists. and the results were acknowledged by Americans and Afghans. but if that's not good enough then it never will be

again my dear I repeat, he is saying for the sake of names that are put up by critics whenever they question our operations.
fill in the blanks for your own pleasure.

even if we mention 50+ organisations for being PC to appease everyone then there is still a chance that few names will be missed.

the mention of good and bad was for the benefit of those who coined this term on Pakistani efforts

I guess then you should discard the word 'Taliban' and start using only terrorists!!That covers each and every one of them including your BLA separatists.How about that sir??
Now who is ignorant fool here.

Before even the first air strikes were launched on miranshah, all top commanders of haqqanis were evacuated to an IDP camp near kunar province..
Can you name even a single Afghan Taliban commander who has been killed or captured in the present operations..despite the general consensus being they are all operating from Pakistan.

This issue can not be excused for it is Quid pro quo to your present demands from Afghanistan

You want Fazlullah and TTP leadership from Afghanistan..fine ..but go ahead give then Mullha Omar and Haqqanis?

As far as Fazullah is concerned, we will get that midget piece of Crap with or without Afghans help. Our friendly request to afghans didn't mean, please help us we are defense less that only mean. we rather you do it ,or we will do it for you,as we have the means and will to do it. An Indian you being upset at the capture of RAW agent Fazlullah is understandable,with these monsters taken out India's investment in all terrorist be TTP or BLA is in jeopardy.

Please, tell me When India will stop financing and supporting TTP and BLA covertly? If you are going to deny this, then we have nothing to talk about, since you are not serious about solving this.
could this be a false flag operation by ISI to get legitimacy for hot pursuit within Afghanistan ?
I don't know you much from this forum, however, it's obvious from your post that you are one of those "Destroy India - Destroy Pakistan, BUT save Kashmir & Saudia Arabia" kind of guy. Good for you.


Ironically, Indians are stating (even on this forum) that Musharraf's statements are earning him popularity.... Sartaj Aziz is just following suit, because he also believes that Musharraf is gaining popularity with what ever he says....hence your guess work has no credibility.
However, i also agree that same statements cannot go down the throat of Indian loyalists... who have no other business just to discredit any thing that appears against India and my guess work is this loyalty stem from the deep seeded love for the holy state, which has 50 weekly flights to India, but have more admirers in Pakistan.
Use of nuclear weapons against targets in FATA and Afghanistan should be authorized now
Excellent thinking. What's next Karachi, Jhang.... why not Islamabad and Rawalpindi too? There are more terrorists (numbers) in those urban centres than whole population of FATA combined!

Use of nuclear weapons against targets in FATA and Afghanistan should be authorized now

Again. Blaming everyone but ourselves. Today I can truly gauge the mental capacity of many here.

you bastards will hear from us very soon
US had been asking us to stop Haqqani network since 2001, but everyone in the country became anti –US for asking us to “Do more”. Taliban Khan stopped supplies to ISAF forces to stop drone attacks on FATA. However, when we are being hurt, Pakistan is threatening Afghanistan! This is only because we know that Afghan Army is not in a position to retaliate.

I would support all diplomatic means and if that does not succeed; stopping all transit trade with Afghanistan, even recalling our ambassador in protest and even banning air traffic going to Afghanistan from using Pak airspace. But in my view we should not adopt “Hot pursuit” policy against Afghanistan.

I am against drone attacks, hot pursuit or any other incursion into the neighbouring country on the matter of principle. This is the pretext that Israel uses for armed incursions inside Lebanon & air attacks on Syria and US the drone attacks on sovereign nations.

Pray tell me how would we feel if India used the same pretext and had bombed bases of Lashkar Tayyaba (now Jamaat Dawa) after Bombay attack?
Excellent thinking. What's next Karachi, Jhang.... why not Islamabad and Rawalpindi too? There are more terrorists (numbers) in those urban centres than whole population of FATA combined!

Its only a matter of time that this will get authorized , when wives of Army officers are in favour of this strike then its only a matter time that the commanders will take it into serious consideration
LOL. So authorization of use of nuclear weapons rests in the hands of wives of Army officers. God have mercy on our nation!

Its only a matter of time that this will get authorized , when wives of Army officers are in favour of this strike then its only a matter time that the commanders will take it into serious consideration
LOL. So authorization of use of nuclear weapons rests in the hands of wives of Army officers. God have mercy on our nation!

In the Military life , the wife plays a very crucial role , perhaps you don't know

FATA is an absloute shit hole , its the shit hole from which india and afghanistan operate against us , it closure and sanitization will be quicker once use of nuclear weapons gets authorized
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