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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

Well, we Tajiks can not live with tribalists who have another mentality.. are from mind and culture backward and savage. That´s really the case. F.ex. in Kabul, if a Pashtun is not integrated into the Persian society or does not speak Persian(Dari), he is called as barbarian. No joke! Non-Pashtuns and Pashtuns are like fire and water. Pashtuns always tried to oppress non-Pashtuns, they even produced 23 civil wars among non-Pashtuns in the lsat 111 years to weaken them so their by british gifted power could profit from it. Talibanism or the era of Taliban was not the only thing. It was just a peak of a mountain of problems. Racism and facsism against the original and indigene population of Afghanistan, forgering of history, running always toward Pakistan for cultural and political goals but forbidding non-Pashtun Tajiks for Iran or Tajikistan, the cousin and brother of Tajik. You see, that hypocrite policy, filled with fascism and Pashtun chauvinism and trying to impose Psahtunic oddities on non-Pashtuns caused a lot of problems that ended at the end in a civil war and the current situation. After US withdraw Afghanistan will face civil war and a partition. So much Pashtuns love non-Pashtuns and vice versa

Bamanus, are you living in Kabul let me know your place?
Just out of curiosity..how were you guys(tajiks) treated under Afghan taliban rule?
Nothing all I can say is Northern Alliance are your friends :lol:

man mohmandzai nestam kushaad, enjaa amadi ke goye Pakistan ra bekhori :lol:

ghairat khodet dar ami post hayet maloom mesha ;)

Northern Alliance or not, they are not savage and barbarians. They have their enemies among the Pakistani ranks but they do not hate the Pakistanis but the state-policy! You have AL-Qaida and hundred other networks of terrorist groups.. so what? Northern Alliance is there to defeak it´s homeland against traitors! Inshallah After 2014 you will see a new face of Northern Alliance marching in your strongholds for terrorists.
And you guys blame Karzai that tajiks have overtaken the government :lol: you can get some idea from this guy :lol: Pashtuns still rule! and he is my witness here! :P
You mean Benamos... a word unrelated and unknown to you ;) ... da dictionary ki bebini, akse qawmet da palush noshan dada :)

Wait Sher, you are also Tajik?

no, he is a Tajikized Pashtoon lol That´s what i spoke about.. these guys can not a single word Pashto or know anything Pashtunic more but act here as Pashtuns LOL A bit IDless or ID-confused, if you ask me.
What do the Uzbecks/Hazara's/ all the other ethnic groups think about Pakistan?
Northern Alliance or not, they are not savage and barbarians. They have their enemies among the Pakistani ranks but they do not hate the Pakistanis but the state-policy! You have AL-Qaida and hundred other networks of terrorist groups.. so what? Northern Alliance is there to defeak it´s homeland against traitors! Inshallah After 2014 you will see a new face of Northern Alliance marching in your strongholds for terrorists.

That's all what I kept telling every other member here :lol:
He is definately a tajik, not an indian. We pakistanis are quick to blame indians for every thing and are hesitant to believe that our fellow muslim tajik, afghan or irani can harbour ill feelings towards us.
I have spent some time in iran and i noticed there that iranis dislike pakistanis ,in racist way. Though they are nice to you when you introduce yourself as an indian.....
I agree with the point that pakistan should'nt have supported one ethnicity in afghanistan.
Wtf dude. If you guys are both in Kabul don't shoot or behead each other. Just chill.

Lol no dude don't worry but me is sure that he isn't here otherwise how wouldn't have this mentality!
I have spent some time in iran and i noticed there that iranis dislike pakistanis ,in racist way. Though they are nice to you when you introduce yourself as an indian.....

Most Iranians I've met were fine, in fact we've got a large amount of Iranians living in Pakistan.
He is definately a tajik, not an indian. We pakistanis are quick to blame indians for every thing and are hesitant to believe that our fellow muslim tajik, afghan or irani can harbour ill feelings towards us.
I have spent some time in iran and i noticed there that iranis dislike pakistanis ,in racist way. Though they are nice to you when you introduce yourself as an indian.....
I agree with the point that pakistan should'nt have supported one ethnicity in afghanistan.

This is a surprise to me...I was thinking otherwise throughout..
And you guys blame Karzai that tajiks have overtaken the government :lol: you can get some idea from this guy :lol: Pashtuns still rule! and he is my witness here! :P

It´s not Karzai who rules... he is isolated with all those Hesbe Islami Wahabi terrorists. The real power are taken out of Kabul. There are only three powers. The Northern Alliance (Army/ANA), NATO+ US and the Taliban.. the most powerful is surely the US, followed by Northern Alliance. 2014 should be the day of show-down lol Taliban backed again by Pakistan and Saudis and Tajiks and NA by neighbouring countries, plus new allies like Russia, US, China, ... in addioton to thousands of soldiers from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan... as the Taliban era Pakistani military and secret service acting in Afghanistan.
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