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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship



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Apr 16, 2012
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Hello and Salam dear Pakistani people,

I am a member of the great Tajik nation of Afghanistan, the Sunni Persian-speaking people in Central Asia and the most important Persian ''branch'' of the region´s history and identity. I know that Pakistan as Afghanistan have bad political relationship to eachother but that negative view and hatred were caused by Pashtuns/Pathans of Afghanistan. No Tajik ever would dare to touch Pakistan or question Pakistan´s existence. As civil people with a great history, civilisation and a common ground we have, we Tajiks do not want to harm any Pakistani. Of course the last decades mades us to a certain grade to enemies since Pakistan were supporting Taliban and Pashtuns against other nationalities in Afghanistan for their ''interest depth'' but if Pakistan would come with open hands and ask us to support them and stablize the region we will do it! We will wash the unligitimated Pashtun migrants from Kabul back to the mountains of Sulaiman or at least to Kandahar or Khost, Paktia or Fata, the traditional and original homelands of Awghans. Pakistan´s history and identity is based on Tajik´s history and identity. The Tajiks brought their armies, culture and civilisation. They brought Islam and Persian beauty in the way of art, music, poems, architecture, philosophy. Great men like Gardez-Shahi, Mahmud Ghori, Ghaznavids and amny other people and dynasty ruled and profited from Tajiks´ heritage. Pakistan´s culture and identity is still the Indo-Persian identity. Not longer than some 9 or 10 decades ago, we people were speaking the same language, Persian as a common Perso-Islamic civilisation. There are thousand other things I can count here to show you our relationship but I guess you have understood what I mean. You as Pakistanis and we as non-Pashtuns of Afghanistan have a common enemy and this enemy is the savage and wild barbarian Pashtun man who is outside Peshawar, Islamabad, Quetta, Kabul, Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif a savage cave-monkey without any culture, civilisation, sense for the beauty, art, religion etc. You can take those cave-monkies from their society but you can not take the cave-monkey mentality out of them or you can take them out of the tribal society but you can not take tribalism out of the individual. The Pashtuns destroy our both countries, it´s culture, history. The savage man missuse the message of Islam in favour of selling our country to wahabis and salafists. These people do not want other peole to live in peace. As hypocrite they are they cry 24hours a day others are oppressing and f*** them days and nights but in return they are oppressing others 24hours. The fault Pakistan did in the mid of 90s was to support that savages with huge military efforts, military service men, military equippments, sending soldiers to Afghanistan and fight planes to bomb the way free for these bastards. Hadn´t you intervene in Afghanistan after 1996 Taliban and Pashtun would have been then a short history and no danger would you face today in Pakistan and we in Afg under the name of Taliban and tribalism. Taliban were beaten and rotten and those who survived ran like chickens via Kandahar to Pakistan seeking for help and refugee and coming back with Pakistan´s army and thousands of terrorists from FATA. These people did not fought and still dont fight for Islam. They fight against Muslim for power. They fight to have the power. When they had the power they did not do suicide bombings but when they lost every power after 09/11 they started with suicide bombings since they can not fight eye on eye against their opposits. Without the support of Pakistan Pashtuns and Taliban will be destroyed and PAKISTAN can annex the Pashtun heartland as part of it´s 5th province and use it as ground against India. Pakistan have to cut off every ties to Arab terrorists who make their fake Jihad in our country instead there where the problems are.. in their own country but arabs were always hypocrites. You want the legitimation and existence of Pakistan beeing secured? Stop supporting taliban and other groups. Come and negotiate with the leaders of Northern Alliance. You want to end that dirty durandline policy of Pashtun nationalists and you want it as border between Pak and Afg? Come and contact us. You want a regime in Kabul that is fixed on it´s own problems than making dirty and stupid claims on other countries? Today, the karzai government is again a Pashtun government but the real power of the state is till hold by Tajiks, Usbeks and Hazaras, the old Northern Alliance. The army (80%) is ruled by NORTHERN ALLIANCE, hundred of militias in northern and western Afgh are ruled by Northern Alliance. The savage Pashtun can only oppress other when he is armed and his opponent is unarmed or when he has support behind his tailed back! Remember, we Tajiks are the sons of Khorasan, the spirit and the soul of that great land and we will be the army of Mahdi. Khorasan is our identity and the enemy of Pakistan and Islam, the nation of MAJUJ and the soldiers of Dajjal are Pashtuns, specially those of Afghanistan! Why PASHTUNS fear that Tajiks want to rename Afghanistan to Khorasan but stupidly claiming on that name when it´s goes about Talibanism and terrorism? Becaus of propaganda issues! Pashtuns are pure kafars. The ordinery Pashtun does not accept Islam or Qoran. He just believe in half of Qoran and Islam. The Talib is the only person who follow the islamic way in a full grade but mixed with his ethnocentric policy which is again haram like he does suicide, beeing a gay or pedophile. Dear Pakistani brothers and sisters, you can have parts of Afghanistan as part of Pakistan. That is your right since Pashtuns are originally from Pakistan and still 80% of Pashtuns live in Pakistan!!!! and you can be sure that once we smashed the national and islamic traitors in Kabul, the Pashtun Karzai government, and we the Northrn Alliance have our own government, the first things we will do is to accept officiall the border between Pak and Afghanistan, helping you to mine and fencing it, giving you the legitimation to annex Kandahr and other Pashtun regions and take control of the massive rare earth in Helmand valley. But one thing we demand from you. Keep out from our own policy and intern state issues. We Tajiks are also devided by the fake and fabricated borders with our Tajik nation in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan but also with Iran, as well as Uzbeks are devided by the border from their Uzbek brothers. We want our Khorasan/Greater-Tajikistan. Our own state. However Pashtuns take the right to claim as the only people on the devision and do not allow others to make such claims. Funny, hue? That´s we call tribalism. Please tell us your concern on the future with us and we will look how to pleasure it for you. Take in mind that the days of the mid of 90s is over. Non-Pashtuns are no more isolated and the pashtuns are not the only side that can get supported by a powerful country and lagre amounts of Saudi´s money and logistic. After 2013 Tajiks will have their good and new allies with Russians, Chinese, Iran, US and India if Pakistan really want a war. Pakistan´s security depends on US fundings and US can easily stop it. Without no money, no army will work and no army or security works the cheap cave-monkies will arise against Islamabad which would means a civil war and definitely the partition of Pakistan. You can chose. The diplomatic way or the martial way. Pakistan and the Taliban can not win a war against the new organized army, the militias plus the new staff of the old Northern Alliance. It won´t be possible. Pakistan finances for Taliban are like throwing your money into the sea. It´s pure waste. You could use it to pleasure the Pakistani civil life and structure. Give up Taliban and come to us and we will open our arms for you as long you keep out of our intern affairs. Every problem Pakistan has with Afghanistan is caused by PASHTUNS. You want all the problems solved than step to us. Support us against the illigitimated karzai government. Karzai and Khalilzad, both Pashtuns, brought the US. Of course we took advantage of the situation against the Taliban since they already had entered Afghanistan and they were an enemy of our enemy. Please decide the right path :)

Tajiks never had an issue with Pakistan, met a couple in Pakistan and they're cool. Its usually the Afghan Pathans who hate Pakistan.

But I will strongly disagree with you on the Pashtuns caused every problem in Pakistan part or are "barbarians". I don't know about the afghan Pathans but Pakistani Pathans are highly patriotic, intelligent and valuable to Pakistan and we respect them!
I meant the cave-monkies from FATA who tend to terrorism and savagery and of course those from Afghanistan. The funny part is that those Pashtuns in Afghanistan who live in Tajik or Uzbek grounds like Kabul have experienced civility and education but still they act as tribalists. They can´t even speak Pashto or have anymore a Pashtun identity but still claim beeing Pashtuns and work for a united Pashtun country. What kind of paradoxy and hypocrisy is that????????? Specially these Persian-speaking Pashtuns, from the monarchists like the pumpkin Daud to today´s Karzai all of them were traitor to Afghanistan and always claimed on Pakistani ground! And always PAKISTAN teached them a hard lesson but the long ear Pashtun do not want to learn from his teachings lol with their incompetence and fake nationalism they also hurt non-Pashtuns who have no anomosity toward Pakistan. Never had!. The current hatred of NA and non-Pashtuns toward Pakistan is because of Pashtuns. Pashtuns caused that hatred. Pashtuns are sellout people. You can buy every Pashtun as long the money is enough! And surely we fear that because of Pashtuns entire Afghanistan could be forced to become a new battlefield against Pashtuns and their allies, Saudis and Pakistan for not becoming a province of Pakistan. Therefore I say you have your interests in Afghanistan and you want them seeing fullfilled than come to us. The only people who have competence (look to Persian history and administration of Central Asia, Anatolia, India...ect) are Tajiks and Uzbeks! We are the real power-holder, not Karzai. You know you can not establish or play the same game as you did in the 90s. We are today aware about the aims and who our enemies are. Come to us, talk with us, let´s have diplomacy and good relation with eachother. Let´s destroy our common enemy and threat. We know Pakistan´s enemy is India. But when Pakistan change it´policy toward Afghanistan and the righst of non-Pashtuns we will deal with India and India is no more in need for us.
I meant the cave-monkies from FATA who tend to terrorism and savagery and of course those from Afghanistan. The funny part is that those Pashtuns in Afghanistan who live in Tajik or Uzbek grounds like Kabul have experienced civility and education but still they act as tribalists. They can´t even speak Pashto or have anymore a Pashtun identity but still claim beeing Pashtuns and work for a united Pashtun country. What kind of paradoxy and hypocrisy is that????????? Specially these Persian-speaking Pashtuns, from the monarchists like the pumpkin Daud to today´s Karzai all of them were traitor to Afghanistan and always claimed on Pakistani ground! And always PAKISTAN teached them a hard lesson but the long ear Pashtun do not want to learn from his teachings lol with their incompetence and fake nationalism they also hurt non-Pashtuns who have no anomosity toward Pakistan. Never had!. The current hatred of NA and non-Pashtuns toward Pakistan is because of Pashtuns. Pashtuns caused that hatred. Pashtuns are sellout people. You can buy every Pashtun as long the money is enough! And surely we fear that because of Pashtuns entire Afghanistan could be forced to become a new battlefield against Pashtuns and their allies, Saudis and Pakistan for not becoming a province of Pakistan. Therefore I say you have your interests in Afghanistan and you want them seeing fullfilled than come to us. The only people who have competence (look to Persian history and administration of Central Asia, Anatolia, India...ect) are Tajiks and Uzbeks! We are the real power-holder, not Karzai. You know you can not establish or play the same game as you did in the 90s. We are today aware about the aims and who our enemies are. Come to us, talk with us, let´s have diplomacy and good relation with eachother. Let´s destroy our common enemy and threat. We know Pakistan´s enemy is India. But when Pakistan change it´policy toward Afghanistan and the righst of non-Pashtuns we will deal with India and India is no more in need for us.

FATA Pathans are not the problem, their land is just being used as dumping ground for terrorists from all around the world (thats the Pakistani governments fault for neglecting FATA)

Are you an Afghan Tajik or a Tajik from Tajikistan? And do you think Afghanistan will fall into a civil war after NATO leaves?
I meant the cave-monkies from FATA who tend to terrorism and savagery and of course those from Afghanistan. The funny part is that those Pashtuns in Afghanistan who live in Tajik or Uzbek grounds like Kabul have experienced civility and education but still they act as tribalists. They can´t even speak Pashto or have anymore a Pashtun identity but still claim beeing Pashtuns and work for a united Pashtun country. What kind of paradoxy and hypocrisy is that????????? Specially these Persian-speaking Pashtuns, from the monarchists like the pumpkin Daud to today´s Karzai all of them were traitor to Afghanistan and always claimed on Pakistani ground! And always PAKISTAN teached them a hard lesson but the long ear Pashtun do not want to learn from his teachings lol with their incompetence and fake nationalism they also hurt non-Pashtuns who have no anomosity toward Pakistan. Never had!. The current hatred of NA and non-Pashtuns toward Pakistan is because of Pashtuns. Pashtuns caused that hatred. Pashtuns are sellout people. You can buy every Pashtun as long the money is enough! And surely we fear that because of Pashtuns entire Afghanistan could be forced to become a new battlefield against Pashtuns and their allies, Saudis and Pakistan for not becoming a province of Pakistan. Therefore I say you have your interests in Afghanistan and you want them seeing fullfilled than come to us. The only people who have competence (look to Persian history and administration of Central Asia, Anatolia, India...ect) are Tajiks and Uzbeks! We are the real power-holder, not Karzai. You know you can not establish or play the same game as you did in the 90s. We are today aware about the aims and who our enemies are. Come to us, talk with us, let´s have diplomacy and good relation with eachother. Let´s destroy our common enemy and threat. We know Pakistan´s enemy is India. But when Pakistan change it´policy toward Afghanistan and the righst of non-Pashtuns we will deal with India and India is no more in need for us.

Why are you bashing Pashtuns like crazy? I'm sure not all Afghan pashtuns are bad people. Secondly, the people of FATA are patriotic, they helped us liberate Azad Kashmir, stop your unnecessary hate.

You Afghans are divided and hate each others guts over ethnic difference, so i advise you not to bring that nonsense here. We Pakistanis might have our differences with regards to certain matters, but we won't let any outsider try to incite ethnocentrism or sectarian violence.

I don't hate any Afghan and Tajik are good people, but you need to work towards a united Afghanistan, lead the way by making a few compromises for the unity of your country, otherwise you are no different from those people you are criticizing.
I am a pure Kabuli (Tajik), Afghanistan.

You say they ''liberate'' Azad Kashmir, I say you dig your own grave. We Tajiks want an own united states as Pashtuns want. We want our traditional lands, including Ghazni, Logar, Gardez up to Namangan (Tajik-Kyrgyz border) and westward to Herat, as Pashtuns want their country from Helamdn to Peshawar or even to Attock. Afghanistan is a failed state and was always a failed state when Pashtun started to sell themself to the british, the soviets, Arabs, US and other foreigners. That´s what majority of people think in AFghanistan and know. Not only Tajiks.


Yes, it is very clear there will be a civil war between non-Pashtuns and Pashtuns and than a new civil war will follow within the Pashtuns. But at the end Afghanistan will be devided between Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns.
Desert Fox, don´t fix on Pashtuns who are your state´s enemy number 1. Instead, what is your view on my conclusion? Will you start to build ties and contacts with us to fullfill your interests in the region or will you support an ethnocentric policy against non-Pashtuns?

I told you that Pashtuns are also number one enemy of non-Pashtuns. Always were. Beside that either they are wahabis or salafis or they accept half of Qoran and ISLAM! They are kafars in that case.

However, lets talk serious. Forget the emotional parts.

Ps: we Tajiks don´t hate Pakistan. We hate the government that destroy Afghanistan
the reason of afghan's present worst situation is because they never think about unity of all afghan nationalists. tajik, uzbik, pashtuns all are afghani but they are not ready to give respect to each other. this is the reason, they are unable to get the respect from world and has become a proxy war land for whole world

Afghanistan is a good example to learn for all Pakistanies. I dont want my Pakistan to have a civil war like afghanistan, we must not behave like them.
Desert Fox, don´t fix on Pashtuns who are your state´s enemy number 1. Instead, what is your view on my conclusion? Will you start to build ties and contacts with us to fullfill your interests in the region or will you support an ethnocentric policy against non-Pashtuns?

I told you that Pashtuns are also number one enemy of non-Pashtuns. Always were. Beside that either they are wahabis or salafis or they accept half of Qoran and ISLAM! They are kafars in that case.

However, lets talk serious. Forget the emotional parts.

Ps: we Tajiks don´t hate Pakistan. We hate the government that destroy Afghanistan

You are wrong, Pashtuns do not hate non-Pashtuns, there are Afghan Hazaras who live in Peshawar in KhyberPakhtunkhwa:

Hazara community finds peace in Peshawar - YouTube

And yes, i want Pakistani to have good ties with Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Pashtuns of Afghanistan.

We are all Muslims and from the same region, there is no point in fighting and killing each other.
Desert Fox, don´t fix on Pashtuns who are your state´s enemy number 1. Instead, what is your view on my conclusion? Will you start to build ties and contacts with us to fullfill your interests in the region or will you support an ethnocentric policy against non-Pashtuns?

I told you that Pashtuns are also number one enemy of non-Pashtuns. Always were. Beside that either they are wahabis or salafis or they accept half of Qoran and ISLAM! They are kafars in that case.

However, lets talk serious. Forget the emotional parts.

Ps: we Tajiks don´t hate Pakistan. We hate the government that destroy Afghanistan

Sorry brother but its not Pakistan who destroyed Afghanistan. its u urself who has destroyed ur country. Why have u given anyother country a chance to poke their nose in ur affairs. yesterday it was Pakistan, now US and India.

Its only afghan who can put theirself on either right or wrong path. I repeat, choice is only urs.
This is not true. non-Pashtuns even accepted in their own country oppression and an name change from Khorasanian to british promoted and fabricated ''Afghan''. We always tried to live in peace with every party and side. But anyone who knows the history of AFghanistan knows that somehow Pashtuns missused our patience and tolerance. They brought for examples Nomads from Pakistzan to Afghanistan and settled them on non-Pashtun lands. They took the power from the british also non-Pashtuns fought the british and used them for their own tribes and ignoring non-Pashtuns. You have heard anything about Pashtunization? After 09/11 we accepted another time a Pashtun as the new ''leader'' and he traited us again. The thing is that no neighbour can co-exists with a Pashtun and vice versa. The Pashtun is an odd personality. He has his own mind which is unrelated with his neighbours. The Panjabis has a alot in common with a Tajik who are cut off from whichother by Pashtuns but still have a common identity and culture while Pashtun, the next neigbour to both is not related with both type. You see, that is the problem. The civil war after the soviet withdraw was because of independence movements of different ethnicities. Noone wanted to be bounded with a central government. Hadn´t Pakistan intervened in Afghanistan in the mid of 90s the Taliban were never moved back from Quetta to Afghanistan and maybe we wouldn´t have the current situation. Two many differnet languages and cultures are living in Afghanistan, so different mentalities. The moderate non-Pashtun, known for his past history, culture and civilisation and the backward and savage and martial Pashtun who actually hates any life in cities or beeing close to education or to non-Pashtuns. The main problem of Afghanistan is also the power-question. How to solve it? We made many conclussions but the Karzai govrnment fears that they will lose their power as they lost it after the saur revolution when the monarchists were brought down and non-Pashtuns fought for their own independence with bought weapons from Russians. A decentralised government would mean that 70% of Afghanistan which is populated mostly and dominated by non-Pashtuns will be in the hands of these nPashtuns. For example Herat has a 90% Tajik population, the minorities are Usbeks, Balochs, Hazars and Pashtuns. Currently, under a centralized government, the city is ruled by a non-Tajik who take all money to Kandahar or Helmand and missuse the trust of the people while in a decentralised government such things will not be able since the people will vote for their own representatives and governeurs which would be a Tajik. Karzai want again a Pashtun state and at the end again a Pashtun monarchy. But non-Pashtuns won´t accept it so the war will keep on. Now it depends on Pakistan what they want. A regime of ultra-nationalist Pashtuns like Karzai or his forerunners who always treatend Pakistan or a regime that just fix the intern problems and do not think about Durandline and other no important things.

You think Hazaras don´t hate Pashtuns? Do you know why Hazaras live today in PAKISTAN? Do you know that Peshawar was once a non-Pashtun region, mostl y Gujjar/Gakkhar valley? Do you know that Pashtuns kill Shia Hazaras? You don´t really know the anti-Pashtun sentiments among Hazaras. Believe me brother. Pashtuns f.ex. killed 65% of their population for 100years ago.

Sorry brother but its not Pakistan who destroyed Afghanistan. its u urself who has destroyed ur country. Why have u given anyother country a chance to poke their nose in ur affairs. yesterday it was Pakistan, now US and India.

Its only afghan who can put theirself on either right or wrong path. I repeat, choice is only urs.

This is what I mean. But you did not decreased your problems by chosing TALIBAN and supporting only Pashtuns because you host 80% of Pashtuns in your country. You had the chance either to keep out or to establish a fair state and government in 1996. :) However, a non-Pashtun government will be different than the old ones. We accept the borders between Pak and Afg, so that there shouldn´t be any reasons for any of our neighbours to fear us or anyother state with ties to us. We also condemn terrorism and we also seek to have a very close friendship with our neighbours. And many more. Things that only a non-Pashtun government can establish and support.
Divisions amongst Afghan people will always bring manipulators or occupiers, be it from the region or afar. To find a lasting Afghan people like you will have to find ways to bring unity in your country.

If you are from Afghanistan, you are Afghan first and then someone else. Its important that you try to bridge differences. if you fail, Afghanistan and Pakistan will always fail to find peace and suffer.

You need to find a solution. Your differences will invite interest from outside and that is never helpful.

After the Soviets withdrew, you started fighting amongst yourself. That fight was more ruthless than any occupation. I dont believe it was jihad waged by mujahideen. It was a fight to preserve the fiefdom and every ethnic identity in Afghanistan was part of it. If it was jihad, there would not have been civil war after the liberation.
Divisions amongst Afghan people will always bring manipulators or occupiers, be it from the region or afar. To find a lasting Afghan people like you will have to find ways to bring unity in your country.

If you are from Afghanistan, you are Afghan first and then someone else. Its important that you try to bridge differences. if you fail, Afghanistan and Pakistan will always fail to find peace and suffer.

You need to find a solution. Your differences will invite interest from outside and that is never helpful.

After the Soviets withdrew, you started fighting amongst yourself. That fight was more ruthless than any occupation. I dont believe it was jihad waged by mujahideen. It was a fight to preserve the fiefdom and every ethnic identity in Afghanistan was part of it. If it was jihad, there would not have been civil war after the liberation.

It was a fight for independence and decentralization of government. Primerly because Tajiks wanted to acces the government in their own heartland, Kabul which was disruppted by Gulbuddin hekmatyar, who then was used by Pakistan against Tajiks. But Hekmatyr was from beginning an enemy of Massoud and always propagated against Tajiks and a Tajik ruler or president as an ursupator. The only good solution for us is to devide Afghanistan and let non-Pashtuns like Tajiks to unite themself with their brothers outside of Afghanistan and creater their ''Greater-States''. The current Afghan state is failed. It´s a failed state without a common identity. One can mve to the schools and universities, look to the medias or go to the economy stage of the country and than you can see the devision. Many observer are right, outside and from Afghanistan that Afghanistan will not be survive the next 15 years if things goes like they are at the moment. However, majority, specially among students and the educated ones are pro-partition or at least federalism of Afghanistan.
This guy is a false flagger. Maybe another indian troll. From his first sentence you can tell he's not really Tajik. Most Tajiks of Afghanistan are Shia not Sunni. I knew a Tajik Afghan guy in my university, he explained everything about Tajik Afghan people. You people love India and hate Pakistan and Pashtuns. Pakistan should support Pashtuns because Pashtuns are the 2nd largest ethnic group of Pakistan.
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