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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

He is definately a tajik, not an indian. We pakistanis are quick to blame indians for every thing and are hesitant to believe that our fellow muslim tajik, afghan or irani can harbour ill feelings towards us.
I have spent some time in iran and i noticed there that iranis dislike pakistanis ,in racist way. Though they are nice to you when you introduce yourself as an indian.....
I agree with the point that pakistan should'nt have supported one ethnicity in afghanistan.

I said this like 50 times that Tajiks have no enmity with Pakistan nor have any idea of Loy Afghanistan and you guys kept ignoring what I said and here you see it your self what this guy is saying and proving.
OP sounds like a real Tajik trying to turn Pakistan against Pashtuns, but it will not happen.

Pakistan will always stand with Pashtuns. We already know "war on terror" is war on Pashtuns. We are against this war.
It´s not Karzai who rules... he is isolated with all those Hesbe Islami Wahabi terrorists. The real power are taken out of Kabul. There are only three powers. The Northern Alliance (Army/ANA), NATO+ US and the Taliban.. the most powerful is surely the US, followed by Northern Alliance. 2014 should be the day of show-down lol Taliban backed again by Pakistan and Saudis and Tajiks and NA by neighbouring countries, plus new allies like Russia, US, China, ... in addioton to thousands of soldiers from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan... as the Taliban era Pakistani military and secret service acting in Afghanistan.

You are defiantly from the ranks of massoud bache saqaw :lol:
What do the Uzbecks/Hazara's/ all the other ethnic groups think about Pakistan?

The same as Tajiks. Their hate goes for Pak´s policy toward Afghanistan and their support for Terrorism (Taliban) against them but toward the civilians they are soft.

You are defiantly from the ranks of massoud bache saqaw :lol:

Well, Bache Saqqaw broke Pashtun monachists, broke the monopoly that will never arise again and now they are ruling the most important sits and insitution, including army, police and secret service... the thing is that Massoud even after his death is a nighmare for you hahaha ;D if Massoud would have been a Pashtun you guy with a Tajik account name would call him today Babae Mellat, father of the nation :D we know Pashtuns are racists. That´s why most of their neighbours hate them and why they are victimized by all sides.
OP sounds like a real Tajik trying to turn Pakistan against Pashtuns, but it will not happen.

Pakistan will always stand with Pashtuns. We already know "war on terror" is war on Pashtuns. We are against this war.

Tajiks are good people I have lots of friends in Kabul and other provinces but he is from those who with lot of struggle took asylum in a euro country and now have his drinks and clubs so a person who is free of everything and don't care about things and also don't have any thought of the realities would post such things. and by what i absorbed by his post i am sure that he is from the ranks of massoud.
Khorasan, is Sher Malang a dari speaking pashtun that cannot speak pashto? What is his position?

Anti-Paak, Anti-Tajik, and pro-India?
Khorason, is Sher Malang a dari speaking pashtun that cannot speak pashto? What is his position?

Anti-Paak, Anti-Tajik, and pro-India?

he is actually an IDless person who became like that when he entered Small Tajikistan (Kabul) .. :) Of course he is anti-Tajik. In Kabul Tajiks would beat him red and blue if he would speak like that.. on Net he is anonymos and so he show his bravery. But his frustration is all because Tajiks brokes Pashtuns´political neck that they can never get the power (as the only people). Most Pashtuns have a problem with losing a nearly 250 years old power secured for them by British lol and the small Tajik come and destroy his british master as well the soviets and their puppets plus the Pashtun monarchy.
The same as Tajiks. Their hate goes for Pak´s policy toward Afghanistan and their support for Terrorism (Taliban) against them but toward the civilians they are soft.

Well, Bache Saqqaw broke Pashtun monachists, broke the monopoly that will never arise again and now they are ruling the most important sits and insitution, including army, police and secret service... the thing is that Massoud even after his death is a nighmare for you hahaha ;D if Massoud would have been a Pashtun you guy with a Tajik account name would call him today Babae Mellat, father of the nation :D we know Pashtuns are racists. That´s why most of their neighbours hate them and why they are victimized by all sides.

Are you even aware of the facts? or just shouting here and there? hiding in holes is what you guys (massoudis) called Muqamat? :lol: don't you watch TV? your own Tajik leaders (zia massoud, abdullahx2 marshal bini,) shouting for abandoning talks with Taliban, all your leaders out of the government and here you go Karzai is a smart *** he even disintegrated the Jamiat with your other leaders and appointed rabanis son as the head of peace council to keep you guys more disintegrated and you guys are thirsty of power you can go for any
I don´t want to know how he feels when he moves through Kabul and see everywhere the pictures of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the national Hero of Afghanistan and idol for million of Tajiks, Turkmen and Uzbeks.
he is actually an IDless person who became like that when he entered Small Tajikistan (Kabul) .. :) Of course he is anti-Tajik. In Kabul Tajiks would beat him red and blue if he would speak like that.. on Net he is anonymos and so he show his bravery. But his frustration is all because Tajiks brokes Pashtuns´political neck that they can never get the power (as the only people). Most Pashtuns have a problem with losing a nearly 250 years old power secured for them by British lol and the small Tajik come and destroy his british master as well the soviets and their puppets plus the Pashtun monarchy.

NA is just supported by USA and even they are fed up with you guys because you don't worth anything! and slightly took every power from you guys it's just the ministry of internal affairs and sooner or later they will take it from you guys; I was the first to get your address but you ignored may be yo u feared of getting your nose red and blue? :lol:
Are you even aware of the facts? or just shouting here and there? hiding in holes is what you guys (massoudis) called Muqamat? :lol: don't you watch TV? your own Tajik leaders (zia massoud, abdullahx2 marshal bini,) shouting for abandoning talks with Taliban, all your leaders out of the government and here you go Karzai is a smart *** he even disintegrated the Jamiat with your other leaders and appointed rabanis son as the head of peace council to keep you guys more disintegrated and you guys are thirsty of power you can go for any

LOL what a Kochi knows about policy? This is not tent policy. All things you see is a game... a political game and people achieved what they wanted... isolating your uncle, the thuggish Karzai and his Wahabi Gulboddinis. That was everything and they were succes. It has nothing to do with power. It has something to do with a new order and power-sharing. We will not allow Pashtuns to take any power, not in Kabul. You can take all the power with you but leave for Quetta or KANDAHAR.. in Kabul you have to serve those who belong to this land and always fought for it... chandafa kardanet da kabul? lol
I don´t want to know how he feels when he moves through Kabul and see everywhere the pictures of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the national Hero of Afghanistan and idol for million of Tajiks, Turkmen and Uzbeks.

Lol each of those square is named for many many people through out the history and masoud is one of them sooner or later those square will get new names. Idol worshipers! :lol:

You guys even saw massoud on moon remmeber :lol:
NA is just supported by USA and even they are fed up with you guys because you don't worth anything! and slightly took every power from you guys it's just the ministry of internal affairs and sooner or later they will take it from you guys; I was the first to get your address but you ignored may be yo u feared of getting your nose red and blue? :lol:

Is that your understanding of policy? :lol: You know that those wardakia khar are just symbols... nothing else? Get some contacts with some government officials who know more about insider-informations :lol: As I said, the KABUL GOVRNMENT is isolated. It wll soon break down and who will take and fill the ranks...exactly, the KABULIS (Northern Alliance)
Khorasan, is Sher Malang a dari speaking pashtun that cannot speak pashto? What is his position?

Anti-Paak, Anti-Tajik, and pro-India?

Tajiks are mixed people. A tajik told me that a large number of tajiks themeselves are actually pashtuns absorbed into them.
pashtuns of afghanistan know dari like we learn urdu here in pakistan. Thats why if sher malang speaks dari then it should'nt be surprising.
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