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Pakistan & ISRAEL, a possibly close Relationship?

@Chak Bamu; All the problem you cited are their regional Issue - Their problems with Arabs & Iran. We should look for our interests not others. Re Arabs, they can go to any extent to support Israel if she promise to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Iran can go to any extent to support US in Afghanistan in keeping NA in power without caring about Pakistan's Interest. Pakistan supported Arabs (Jordan) in their conflict with Palestine. KSA is strengthening her ties with India. Why Pakistan have to become football in fight of others? Why always it's Pakistan who have to sacrifice her Interests for others?
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Because we also have to have impress our arab 'brothers', don't we? :angel:

We can never impress them enough even if we turn into Taliban era Afghanistan.

Nahi yaar - I really don't have answers for this.

LOL!!! And Arab are ready to coordinate with them whenever it's in their interests. But generally they don't like democratic country near to them that's why they don't make formal relations. Otherwise they can easily mediate between Palestine & Israel.

The biggest threat Israel posses to Arab oil-garchy is a democratic one. Many oilsheikhs would absolutely hate to have their citizens explore Israel and have a WTF moment then revolt against incompetent Al Sauds, Khalifas, Hammads, Thanis, etc.

No doubt Pakistan is living and can live without Israel, but have relations mean we can access their technology (i am not talking about weapons), attract Investments, can negotiate with them to settle Palestine issue.

We should have friendly relations with every country on the planet unless they declare war upon us.

Pakistan doe not stand to gain much by establishing ties with Israel.

1. No matter what people on this forum like to say. We have been generally supportive of Arabs and have done more for them than was expected of us. No matter what ther governments of Arab countries do, the Arabs themselves are decidedly anti-Israel. Why would we go back on our stated postion and policies? I do not see anything tangible emerging out of it.

Let look into some history.

Main article: Bahrain–Israel relations

Relations are generally tense and the two states do not have diplomatic relations. Like other Arab states, Bahrain does not recognize Israel. A brief period of warming in relations occurred in the mid-1990s.
In 2011, amid Arab spring uprising, Wikileaks cables published on Haaretz revealed some of the hidden relations between Bahraini and Israeli officials. In a meeting with the U.S. ambassador on February 2005, Bahrain's king, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa had bragged about having contact with Israel's national intelligence agency, Mossad. He indicated that Bahrain is ready to develop relations in other fields as well. The king reportedly gave orders that official statements don't use phrases such as "enemy" and "Zionist entity" when referring to Israel anymore. However, he refused the idea of having trade relations, saying it was "too early" and would be postponed until the establishment of an independent Palestine state.

Main article: Egypt–Israel relations

Israel has had full diplomatic relations with Egypt since the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty in 1979. Following the end of the regime of Hosni Mubarak during the 2011 Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood, likely to hold a key role in any future government, announced that the peace treaty with Israel may be put to a referendum.[46]
According to an Egyptian Government 2006 poll of 1000 Egyptians (taken at the time of the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict), 92% of Egyptians view Israel as an enemy nation.[47][48] In Israel, the 1978 Camp David Accords were supported by 85% of Israelis, according to a 2001 poll taken by the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, based in Israel.[49]
Egypt mediated several unofficial ceasefire understandings between Israel and Palestinians. There have been many popular protests in Egypt against peace with Israel (from all levels of society, including amongst intellectuals, students and democratization movements such as Kifaya). These typically intensify following Israeli actions in its conflicts with Palestinians and in Lebanon, which Israel views as self-defense, but are seen in Egypt as harsh repression of Arabs.

Main article: Israel–Jordan relations

King Hussein, U.S. President Bill Clinton and Yitzhak Rabin, Israel-Jordan peace treaty
Israel has full diplomatic relations with Jordan since the signing of the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace in 1994.


In 1986, King Hassan II invited then Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres for talks, becoming the second Arab leader to host an Israeli leader. Following the September 1993 signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles, Morocco accelerated its economic ties and political contacts with Israel. In September 1994, Morocco and Israel announced the opening of bilateral liaison offices.[citation needed] When the king died in 1999, then-prime minister Ehud Barak and the Moroccan-born foreign minister David Levy flew to Rabat for his funeral.[68] The foreign offices were closed in 2000 following sustained Israeli-Palestinian violence.

Main article: Israel–Qatar relations

Among Arab nations, Qatar is the warmest to Israel, although it does not currently have diplomatic relations.

Israel – United Arab Emirates relations are pursued behind the scenes. Officially, the United Arab Emirates does not recognize Israel as a state, and the two countries do not have diplomatic relations.

Despite no official ties, Israel and the UAE have clandestine economic relations, and trade between the two countries, principally in the area of security, amounts to about $300 million per year.[1]

Ohh and I must add that Israel gave UAE a nice spanking for hosting a Palestinean terrorist leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh !

Assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. If anyone thinks that we would be able to influence Israel by establishing relations with them is deluding themselves. Turkey has done a lot for Jews in general. By recognizing Israel they went farther than other Islamic countries, but what have they gained? This special relation did not keep Israeli commandos from killing Turks on Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

A lame show off stunt by AKP to appear their masters in GCC. It shouldn't be called Gaza Freedom Flotilla but rather Shameless Political Stunt Flotilla!

3. Seeing Israelis cozy up with India should be a cause for consternation, not appeasement.
India has just slapped a 10 years ban in Israeli Millitary Industry, an opportunity for us to exploit. Israel wouldnt have the chance to cozy up with india has we been playing our diplomacy right back in 1947.

4. Arab governments did initiate a proposal for laying terms for recognition of Israel. I distinctly remember King Abdullah hinting about this about ten or so years ago. Nothing came out of it. Israelis were indifferent. Let them come up with something if they feel that they need to be a part of their neighborhood.

The Arab proposal is a complicated mix of give, give, give and is intended as a shameless political stunt over suffering Palestineans than have any geniune intentions of peace. Arabs cannot cohernece Israel into giving up territory because are the one who announced war and as a victor of 1948, 1967 and 1973 Israel rightfully retain the right to annex territory. This is akin to saying Pakistan should give up Kashmir and GB in order to make peace with India and FATA to make peace with Afghanistan. Lets deal everyone with equality.

5. Israel's support base is the Western world. That ought to give us a bit of an idea how eventually Israelis would come to regard themselves in their neighborhood. State of Israel does not show any signs, but individually some Israelis are pondering about future scenarios. I am not current on Israelis press, but I would bet that the doves are doing their bit and growing in numbers. There is only one future for Israel and that is as a part of Middle East, not an outpost of Western world. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for them, their neighborhood, and for the world at large.

Israel should be teaching Russian, German and French rather than Arabic and Hebrew if they considered themselves an outpost o west.

6. This then leads to a scenario as to how we Paksitanis would interact with Israel. If justice be done and sincere peace be made, we would be stupid not to accept realities. Until such time its best to stick to our position. Meanwhile the best we can do regarding Israel is be indifferent.

We all live on the same globe and ignoring someone is not gonna make us last long. Israel is a reality which is here to stay and gives us an immense bargaining chip in the region as well.

@Chak Bamu; All the problem you cited are their regional Issue - Their problems with Arabs & Iran. We should look for our interests not others. Re Arabs, they can go to any extent to support Israel if she promise to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Iran can go to any extent to support US in Afghanistan in keeping NA in power without caring about Pakistan's Interest. Pakistan supported Arabs (Jordan) in their conflict with Palestine. KSA is strengthening her ties with India. Why Pakistan have to become football in fight of others? Why always it's Pakistan who have to sacrifice her Interests for others?

Pakistan should distance themselves from Arab regional issue. The Arabs are an insecure bunch which do not enjoy any appreciation in the world due to their austere and backward primitive culture. Their insecurity makes them pump millions each year into religion to export covert-imperialism via sleeper terror cells because no-one in their right mind would willfully accecpt something reminiscent of stone age.
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. Arabs cannot cohernece Israel into giving up territory because are the one who announced war and as a victor of 1948, 1967 and 1973 Israel rightfully retain the right to annex territory.

This right here is the standard fare of most ardent defenders of Israel on internet forums. Are you really who you say you are? Is your flag selection correct? I have my doubts. I have found a number of your earlier posts to be more than a little extreme when opining about certain matters. No wonder.

I could shoot holes in most of your arguments. But I am tired of arguing and multi-post disputes. Israel apologists argue like their life depends upon winning an argument and even when just plain wrong, they would continue to retype and regurgitate the material that has long been discredited. Usually I see Israel supporters in minority (since last seven or so years), and enjoy their desperation. But not today. I'll let you have the field. My insomnia is fading and I really must sleep.

@Chak Bamu; All the problem you cited are their regional Issue - Their problems with Arabs & Iran. We should look for our interests not others. Re Arabs, they can go to any extent to support Israel if she promise to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Iran can go to any extent to support US in Afghanistan in keeping NA in power without caring about Pakistan's Interest. Pakistan supported Arabs (Jordan) in their conflict with Palestine. KSA is strengthening her ties with India. Why Pakistan have to become football in fight of others? Why always it's Pakistan who have to sacrifice her Interests for others?

I do not quite think that we are a football in the fight of others. I really can not get involved much deeper into an argument over this. But let me just note that we are following our national interest. Our government has tested the field a few times in the past and has always decided against cultivating relations.

Let us wait for something substantial to happen towards peace and especially from Israel's side. I make sure that I at least scan whenever I come across any material relating to Israel. I am well aware of the past and current trends. Even the supporters of Israel in Western capitals are tiring of Tel Aviv's obstinacy and mulish behavior. Just look at the settlement building activity in the occupied Palestinian lands and that just tells you what Israeli government is about. There is more to be hoped from Jewish Israelis who feel the injustice done to Palestinians than from their government. Next decade would be interesting.

Currently there is no need, no incentive, and no desire to engage Israelis. That is just as well as far as I am concerned.

Sorry to be blunt, but I think that you are plainly mistaken if you view this as just a regional issue. That it is not, I assure you. If indeed that were the case, U.S., E.U., Russia, etc.. would not be so involved in the peace process. If Israelis were better disposed towards achieving peace, the same interested parties would not be so gloomy.

Sometimes one ought to stand with what is right, especially when national interest does not assert its weight.

I see nothing worthy being achievable by allowing Israel to open a mission or an embassy in Islamabad.

Hope to discuss more a few days down the road...Yawn.
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This is the question that bugs me: From our perspective, there is little difference between Palestine and Kashmir issues. If Arabs can trade with India and have diplomatic relations, why cant Pakistan have diplomatic relations and do trade with Israel? :blink:
If having diplomatic relations with Israel will make Pakistanis more moderate, then it will contribute to peace in the region.
Israel would probably treat Pakistan with more respect than Arabs
You guys are acting like Isreal is the only developed country in the world.
Instead of recognizing a country which is based on genocide and the brutal oppression of the Palistinians, why don't we invest in ourselves and get to their level?
The difference will be that we will have done it on our own where as they did it while sucking at the teets of the American Tax payers.
You guys are acting like Isreal is the only developed country in the world.
Instead of recognizing a country which is based on genocide and the brutal oppression of the Palistinians, why don't we invest in ourselves and get to their level?The difference will be that we will have done it on our own where as they did it while sucking at the teets of the American Tax payers.
Buddy do you know what Genocide is ? Aren't you bombing Tribal regions with jets ?

And Pakistan also takes American Tax payer's money.
Oh there we go again. All the tired arguments are coming back to be rehashed once again.
@KRAIT. There is no genocide in Pakistan. The closest we came was in 1971, when things were just too desperate and confused. The transfer of population was very unfortunate in 1947. It was just too bad, my parents suffered and they carry (carried) this burden forever. Same for Hinuds and Sikhs who went the other way. I met a couple who went East and they were just as scarred as my parents. Anyway, mera bhai please do find differences between what is happening today and what happened sixty, seventy years ago.

Like I said before there are superficial similarities between Israel and Pakistan. A littl bit of thinking debunks the fallacies used to support the case.

Establishing ties with Israel might have yielded some positives along with many negatives (esp. making ISI more busy) when we were very dependent upon goodwill of Washington. That time passed a good few years ago. We have readjusted and are in the process of re-orienting our policies in view of new ground realities and our changed perceptions of National interest. One salient feature being our reaching out to India for establishing peace in the region. Indian government would like to reciprocate, but seems tied down with public opinion and political opposition.

Now can someone please tell me, where does Israel fit in this scenario? No where. They need to do what is right and they would find that there are plenty of peaceniks like myself who would support peace. Until that happens, we must not even discuss this thing. There is no point. They ought to find the desire and drive for peace and establishing relations. Not the other way around.
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This right here is the standard fare of most ardent defenders of Israel on internet forums. Are you really who you say you are? Is your flag selection correct? I have my doubts. I have found a number of your earlier posts to be more than a little extreme when opining about certain matters. No wonder.

Freedom of speech, opinions and debating problems are signs of a healthy free-thinking mind. Personal attacks, name calling, being judgmental and rejecting debate in favor of stereotypes are sign of an ideologically enslaved personality.

I could shoot holes in most of your arguments. But I am tired of arguing and multi-post disputes. Israel apologists argue like their life depends upon winning an argument and even when just plain wrong, they would continue to retype and regurgitate the material that has long been discredited. Usually I see Israel supporters in minority (since last seven or so years), and enjoy their desperation. But not today. I'll let you have the field. My insomnia is fading and I really must sleep.


Please do shoot holes than but instead what I see is all personal attacks, name calling and stereotyping. We aren't paid propaganda agents, we are just expressing our POV and freedom of speech is our right.

I do not quite think that we are a football in the fight of others. I really can not get involved much deeper into an argument over this. But let me just note that we are following our national interest. Our government has tested the field a few times in the past and has always decided against cultivating relations.

This is standard GOP propaganda. We are following a r0tten cold-war era policy of alignment and appeasement. The results are for all to see.

Let us wait for something substantial to happen towards peace and especially from Israel's side. I make sure that I at least scan whenever I come across any material relating to Israel. I am well aware of the past and current trends. Even the supporters of Israel in Western capitals are tiring of Tel Aviv's obstinacy and mulish behavior. Just look at the settlement building activity in the occupied Palestinian lands and that just tells you what Israeli government is about. There is more to be hoped from Jewish Israelis who feel the injustice done to Palestinians than from their government. Next decade would be interesting.

Peace with who? Arabs? Palestinians? How does that impact our foreign policy beside a bunch of arab countries have no problem signing peace with Israel. May be our behind has not been kicked hard enough to enforce a humiliating "peace by defeat" accord like on Jordan and Egypt? Rather than Aman ka Tamasha for a hostile occupying neighbor or sucking up to those exporting extremist idealogy, it would be far more logical to cultivate relations with a country which is not engaged in either.

Currently there is no need, no incentive, and no desire to engage Israelis. That is just as well as far as I am concerned.

The foreign and strategic needs do not point so.

Sorry to be blunt, but I think that you are plainly mistaken if you view this as just a regional issue. That it is not, I assure you. If indeed that were the case, U.S., E.U., Russia, etc.. would not be so involved in the peace process. If Israelis were better disposed towards achieving peace, the same interested parties would not be so gloomy.

So what issue is it then? Ideological? Religious? Dont speak like a street mullah!

Sometimes one ought to stand with what is right, especially when national interest does not assert its weight.

I see nothing worthy being achievable by allowing Israel to open a mission or an embassy in Islamabad.

Hope to discuss more a few days down the road...Yawn.

Once again this is just some random blabber at the street mullah level. What achievable by opening a mission in Islamabad? Well moderation of society and access to tech denied by our WOT partner is possible. One should also ask what did Jordan and Egypt achieved by signing peace with Israel? Or perhaps the $300 Million trade between UAE and Israel.

This is the question that bugs me: From our perspective, there is little difference between Palestine and Kashmir issues. If Arabs can trade with India and have diplomatic relations, why cant Pakistan have diplomatic relations and do trade with Israel? :blink:

If having diplomatic relations with Israel will make Pakistanis more moderate, then it will contribute to peace in the region.

Yeah because the Arabs understand where their benefit lies while at the same time exporting their brotherhood BS to anyone willing to take it. Not to mention not only Arabs are warm to India but also conduct millions worth of trade with Israel. Beside every extremist mullahs hides their agenda behind Jew bashing!

Israel would probably treat Pakistan with more respect than Arabs

Well said :tup:

You guys are acting like Isreal is the only developed country in the world.
Instead of recognizing a country which is based on genocide and the brutal oppression of the Palistinians, why don't we invest in ourselves and get to their level?
The difference will be that we will have done it on our own where as they did it while sucking at the teets of the American Tax payers.

Israel is not the only country developed in Middle East but it is one of the most developed and high tech country of middle east. Pakistan and Egypt are probably the biggest suckers of American tax payer dollars!

Establishing ties with Israel might have yielded some positives along with many negatives (esp. making ISI more busy) when we were very dependent upon goodwill of Washington. That time passed a good few years ago. We have readjusted and are in the process of re-orienting our policies in view of new ground realities and our changed perceptions of National interest. One salient feature being our reaching out to India for establishing peace in the region. Indian government would like to reciprocate, but seems tied down with public opinion and political opposition.

Now can someone please tell me, where does Israel fit in this scenario? No where. They need to do what is right and they would find that there are plenty of peaceniks like myself who would support peace. Until that happens, we must not even discuss this thing. There is no point. They ought to find the desire and drive for peace and establishing relations. Not the other way around.

Not sure which delusional world you are living in but there had been clandestine co-op between ISI and Mossad upto this day. Mossad played a pivotal role in supplying arms to Afghan fighters during Afghan-Soviet war. Rather than Aman ka Tamasha with an occupying power, it would be far better to take a sane minded approach to power countries around the world and Israel carries a lot of weight. Pakistani mentality is enslaved and devoid of free thinking. They cannot break the triangular shackle of India, Arabs and Afghanistan.
At the end of the Day Israel and Pakistan have no problem except vicious hob-gobbling of ummah concept from the ones who don;t believe in it ( Iran and GCC) . Look at syria . And if Pakistani heart is extra-large is bleeding on plight of oppresed people Pakistan should cut of relations from China on issue of Uyghur and Tibetans from Mali , From hutu and tutsis from America on issue of Native american , from Australia on issue of aborigines , from canada again on issue of natives from Turkey , Iraq and Iran on issue of Kurds from Germany on issue of jews etc ...

I know it all sounds codswallop . So does Pakistanis pain on Palestine . It is nothing more than what kind of literature you were fed upon while growing ....

Best regards

You guys are acting like Isreal is the only developed country in the world.
Instead of recognizing a country which is based on genocide and the brutal oppression of the Palistinians, why don't we invest in ourselves and get to their level?
The difference will be that we will have done it on our own where as they did it while sucking at the teets of the American Tax payers.

US aid to Pakistan each year far exceeds what is donated to Israel.

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How Much Did the U.S. Give Pakistan? | Fox Business

The level of ignorance and education on this forum is simply mind blowing. Pakistan receives 3 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF ECONOMIC AID as Israel does.
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