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Pakistan has become the face of international terrorism: India at UN

India and pak are becoming joke of world. We have had too many accusations and nobody like to mess with it.

None gives rats arse.

It's better to sort things out between each other when we know no one wants to mess with two strong military nations.

Further more differences are becoming less potent. Since Pakistan I feel had made Conscious effort to cub terror originated from its soil. Results are in front.

Problem is not terror but animosity on border which is taking lives if brave soldiers for just political gains.
It wont change how we deal with India nor will it change much internationally dare i say its more for local consumption :angel:
Poor Pakistani leaders need to realize that indians wanna play hard ball with us not cricket.
I'd say it's about time you give them a taste of their own medicine.

Exactly, the nice start will be to highlight the terror work of their "monkey" and hanging him publicly. India is a terrorist state and it has been using terrorism as a tool to suppress the legitimate freedom struggle of the Kashmiri people.

Now it is time to hold the terrorist country by its head. India is home to far more separatist movements all of those are legitimate and we need to highlight this to the world. Naxalites, Khalistanis, Assamis, Kashmiris, Nagalanders.....all want freedom from the unnatural union and coercion by the majority.
India and pak are becoming joke of world. We have had too many accusations and nobody like to mess with it.

None gives rats arse.

It's better to sort things out between each other when we know no one wants to mess with two strong military nations.

Further more differences are becoming less potent. Since Pakistan I feel had made Conscious effort to cub terror originated from its soil. Results are in front.

Problem is not terror but animosity on border which is taking lives if brave soldiers for just political gains.
Agree to a degree peace should be a goal but i dont see anything changing in the next decade or the decade after that at the very best continuation of the present statusquo is expected
You are less than one third my age. Go to your father and talk to him like that. I am more your grandfather's age.

@El Sidd

More customary usage? Have you people no shame? You keep reminding me this is a Pakistani forum, @El Sidd. Is this what it stands for?

Sometimes I feel we are not developing but deteriorating by every next generation.

I use to feel May be internet is not for gentlemen but then I realised these people are everywhere rotting every god damn civilised discourse.

I felt bad and offended by listening to those abuse directed to you. A professional deserve respect since you are kind of teacher to illiterate like us.
India and pak are becoming joke of world. We have had too many accusations and nobody like to mess with it.

None gives rats arse.

It's better to sort things out between each other when we know no one wants to mess with two strong military nations.

Further more differences are becoming less potent. Since Pakistan I feel had made Conscious effort to cub terror originated from its soil. Results are in front.

Problem is not terror but animosity on border which is taking lives if brave soldiers for just political gains.

Of course, the world laughs at both. But the situation cannot improve if Indians keep electing a mentally retarded terrorist islamophobe to their premiere office. All of his actions are directed against Muslims and especially against Pakistan. Our wishes need to be realistic and desire for the peace needs to be bilateral and responded with peace.
Agree to a degree peace should be a goal but i dont see anything changing in the next decade or the decade after that at the very best continuation of the present statusquo is expected

Yes exactly status quo is kind of accepted in deep hearts of both sides.

Things are actually cooling off. You see there are hardly any terrorism offered by your country. You have learnt from past that exermism is only harmful.
Pakistan in future will at least try to be politically correct. Your agenda have to shift to economy not religion or India,

We are kind of not learning but want to commit our own fair share of mistakes.

Of course, the world laughs at both. But the situation cannot improve if Indians keep electing a mentally retarded terrorist islamophobe to their premiere office. All of his actions are directed against Muslims and especially against Pakistan. Our wishes need to be realistic and desire for the peace needs to be bilateral and responded with peace.
Absolutely wrong!

He doesn't care for Muslim issue, his agenda is only power and keeping it to longest time.

Muslim issue is tried and he succeeded but now its faded people lost a lot behind facade of , islamophobia and cow mata.
Sometimes I feel we are not developing but deteriorating by every next generation.

I use to feel May be internet is not for gentlemen but then I realised these people are everywhere rotting every god damn civilised discourse.

I felt bad and offended by listening to those abuse directed to you. A professional deserve respect since you are kind of teacher to illiterate like us.
agree..ve reported that ugly remark meted out at Joe....disgusting!
Of course, the world laughs at both. But the situation cannot improve if Indians keep electing a mentally retarded terrorist islamophobe to their premiere office. All of his actions are directed against Muslims and especially against Pakistan. Our wishes need to be realistic and desire for the peace needs to be bilateral and responded with peace.
Oh we need not worry about him he is the best thing for Pakistan he wrecked his own economy just because of his irrational fear of Pakistan haha key part of the choran used to sell demonetization was Pakistan is printing Indian money i am for a more radicalized right wing India its easier for us to anticipate their next move and plan accordingly
Exactly, the nice start will be to highlight the terror work of their "monkey" and hanging him publicly. India is a terrorist state and it has been using terrorism as a tool to suppress the legitimate freedom struggle of the Kashmiri people.

Now it is time to hold the terrorist country by its head. India is home to far more separatist movements all of those are legitimate and we need to highlight this to the world. Naxalites, Khalistanis, Assamis, Kashmiris, Nagalanders.....all want freedom from the unnatural union and coercion by the majority.

What makes the Kashmiri freedom struggle MORE legitimate than that of any other freedom struggle?
Of course, the world laughs at both. But the situation cannot improve if Indians keep electing a mentally retarded terrorist islamophobe to their premiere office. All of his actions are directed against Muslims and especially against Pakistan. Our wishes need to be realistic and desire for the peace needs to be bilateral and responded with peace.

What Congress party in india did good for pakistan or indian muslims ?

Oh we need not worry about him he is the best thing for Pakistan he wrecked his own economy just because of his irrational fear of Pakistan haha key part of the choran used to sell demonetization was Pakistan is printing Indian money i am for a more radicalized right wing India its easier for us to anticipate their next move and plan accordingly

Objective of the demonetization was to finish the parallel economy which is hidden from mainstream economy.
All major politcal parties lost their hidden wealth and hence lost elections.
Things are actually cooling off.
More like staying at same temperature on certain issues and heating up on loc as we just had cross fire yesterday but on most issues i expect same level of hostility and distrust to continue for the better future
What makes the Kashmiri freedom struggle MORE legitimate than that of any other freedom struggle?
UN resolution.

Oh we need not worry about him he is the best thing for Pakistan he wrecked his own economy just because of his irrational fear of Pakistan haha key part of the choran used to sell demonetization was Pakistan is printing Indian money i am for a more radicalized right wing India its easier for us to anticipate their next move and plan accordingly
No, I'm not worried that he can harm Pakistan rather his actions are harming India more and I've already expressed on the forum, that he's the best Indian PM Pakistan has in Delhi :lol: and I won't be surprised that after some time indians blame ISI for installing him.
But I was replying to a post about peace which cannot be made when indian PM is using all his energies against Pakistan.

He basically turned india into a guinea pig for electronic money and demonetisation on behalf of the world banks and govts.
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Objective of the demonetization was to finish the parallel economy which is hidden from mainstream economy.
DId he achieve his end goal?No he ended up harming small businesses for his witch hunt and in the middle of it all played the Pakistan card to gain support still no luck now even more notes are being faked inside India and this drive is now a textbook example of what not to do if you want to end the parallel economy :D
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