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Pakistan has 10,159 tcf of shale gas deposits: USAID

More oil means more chances of American intervention. Also more chances of turning into a basketcase like Saudi Arabia.
all these posters hinting at the U.S would be malicious to Pakistan if this report is true.

U.S doesn't just come in and take the oil, 'we should have" but we didn't. hell china was the main winner of Iraq or the region they gobbeled up all the good oil contracts.

it's all about keeping the oil flowing that's why the U.S is the world sheriff can you imagine if the oil stopped comming from the Middle East?? for whatever reason?? who fixes that if not the U.S military juggernaut???

like a few other posters noted it will take tens of billions if not more and years to get Pakistan shale gas/tight oil going in full swing.


are their best chances of getting most out of these resources.

and as for it being a environmental problem but you can say that for other types of oil and mining of coal/iron ore it's going to keep happening whether Pakistan exploits it's natural resources or not. all you can do is limit the damage.
U.S doesn't just come in and take the oil, 'we should have" but we didn't. hell china was the main winner of Iraq or the region they gobbeled up all the good oil contracts.

it's all about keeping the oil flowing that's why the U.S is the world sheriff can you imagine if the oil stopped comming from the Middle East?? for whatever reason?? who fixes that if not the U.S military juggernaut???

These people forget that USA s a net exporter of energy all by itself. :D
Seen news of some tonnes of billion of coal. What happened now to that coal project
U.S doesn't just come in and take the oil, 'we should have" but we didn't. hell china was the main winner of Iraq or the region they gobbeled up all the good oil contracts.

it's all about keeping the oil flowing that's why the U.S is the world sheriff can you imagine if the oil stopped comming from the Middle East?? for whatever reason?? who fixes that if not the U.S military juggernaut???

You're wayyy over your head man. lol
all these posters hinting at the U.S would be malicious to Pakistan if this report is true.

U.S doesn't just come in and take the oil, 'we should have" but we didn't. hell china was the main winner of Iraq or the region they gobbeled up all the good oil contracts.

it's all about keeping the oil flowing that's why the U.S is the world sheriff can you imagine if the oil stopped comming from the Middle East?? for whatever reason?? who fixes that if not the U.S military juggernaut???

like a few other posters noted it will take tens of billions if not more and years to get Pakistan shale gas/tight oil going in full swing.


are their best chances of getting most out of these resources.

200% right. But, you are wasting your time. These guys, even with hundreds of billions we've poured into Pakistan within the past 60 years, still don't trust us and probably won't either. Its just how the thought process has been built for decades.

Every single incompetent dictator and civilian, who couldn't explain why they didn't do jack squat for the people of Pakistan, blamed their incompetency onto the US and somehow, people bought into it, instead of seeing facts.

If you ask these people today, they still think the US is behind everything that happens in Pakistan, from terrorism to a local thief stealing a woman's purse!!!! And the funny thing is, you are right. The US (and then Canada), are the two countries using Shale Gas technology at a scale Pakistan would need. So to tap into these O&G resources, the US is the biggest help, and then, the purchaser too. But oh no, God forbid if Pakistanis start to see this clearly. There have to be some conspiracy theories involved from the US's side, is how they believe in everything!!
all these posters hinting at the U.S would be malicious to Pakistan if this report is true.

U.S doesn't just come in and take the oil, 'we should have" but we didn't. hell china was the main winner of Iraq or the region they gobbeled up all the good oil contracts.

it's all about keeping the oil flowing that's why the U.S is the world sheriff can you imagine if the oil stopped comming from the Middle East?? for whatever reason?? who fixes that if not the U.S military juggernaut???

like a few other posters noted it will take tens of billions if not more and years to get Pakistan shale gas/tight oil going in full swing.


are their best chances of getting most out of these resources.

and as for it being a environmental problem but you can say that for other types of oil and mining of coal/iron ore it's going to keep happening whether Pakistan exploits it's natural resources or not. all you can do is limit the damage.
I wouldn't be laughing. the minute Iran mines up the Strait of Hormuz who do you think the region is going to call to fix that??

GCC has already shown it can't handle the Houthis let alone the Iranians with their ballistic missiles and Navy :wave:
These guys, even with hundreds of billions we've poured into Pakistan within the past 60 years, still don't trust us
You see viper there is a saying "It takes two hands to clap" yes you poured in a lot of money into Pakistan there is no doubt in it but you tell me honestly do you really think that your leaders gave that money to honest ppl in Pakistan? or you gave that money because your leaders really cared for Pakistani ppl? no you gave us that money because your leaders knew they need us truth is you always have used us be it Afghan-Soviet war or your so called WOT. So plz don't act like that you gave that money in some kind of charity. You see there are some solid reasons as to why there is so much hatred against america in Pakistanis. Well not only Pakistanis but now many other countries hates you.
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200% right. But, you are wasting your time. These guys, even with hundreds of billions we've poured into Pakistan within the past 60 years, still don't trust us and probably won't either. Its just how the thought process has been built for decades.

Honourable Viper.

There is little doubt that tens of billions have been poured into Pakistan since the early 50’s. But your declaration “even with hundreds of billions we have poured into Pakistan and still Pakistanis don’t trust us” betray the sentiment held by many in the US that Pakistanis are thankless SOB’s. I have heard similar statements by members of the US Congress and some other politicians.

Since I respect your posts and your opinions; I seek your indulgence to let me clarify truth of the matter.

To begin with I would admit that over the years US Gov't & US based philanthropic organization have provided hundreds of millions of dollar to Pakistani flood & earthquake victims and also provided thousands of young Pakistanis with opportunity for getting higher education & training. US is still among the most popular countries where Pakistani would want to settle. This proves that not all Pakistanis mistrust or hate the United States.

Let us now come to point. You would agree that no country would hand out funds & military hardware to another country without expecting something in return. Even the economic & food aid bill "PL-480" passed by the US Congress in 1954 was not entirely altruistic. The objectives included helping US farmers by buying their farm surplus and increasing US political influence among the beneficiary nations. All of this happened during my lifetime, I am therefore aware of its ‘How’ & ‘Why’.

Bulk of the US aid to Pakistan has been during 3 distinct periods.

First phase was in the aftermath of the Korean War when the Cold War was in full swing. Strongly influenced by the McCarthyism; Republicans under the Eisenhower administration wanted to encircle Communist block which then included the newly emerging communist China.

Pakistan was asked to join anti-communist military pacts; Baghdad Pact (later renamed CENTO) and SEATO and to provide military bases to the US. U-2 piloted by Gary Powers flew out from the Budaber base near Peshawar.

Large scale US military & economic aid was provided as an inducement. Let us also not ignore that most of military equipment provided to Pakistan was second hand and surplus to the US Navy & Airforce requirements hence any value assigned to it is only guesswork. Hundreds of F-86's, Shermans & Pattons were being retired and would have been stored away or scrapped if not given away to allied countries such as Pakistan.

An indirect cost to Pakistan was that USSR abstained from voting every time Kashmir came up for discussion at the UN because of her anger at Pakistan joining anti- Soviet military pacts. USSR also encouraged Afghanistan to provide help to anti Pakistan elements in the NWFP (now KP) and Baluchistan.

Second phase of the US aid happened after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. US needed Pakistan to train Mujahedeen to fight her proxy war with the USSR. Pakistan was again offered $2-billion US AID as incentive.

Pakistan paid extremely heavy price for this folly. We got the F-16’s but mushrooming of the jihadi madrassahs, spread of hard drugs and Kalashnikov culture and the sectarianism messed up Pakistani society to an unbearable degree.

After both the occasions; US Aid to Pakistan dried out soon after the US objectives had been achieved. In fact US imposed sanctions on Pakistan soon after, even though reasons sighted for the suspension of aid and the sanctions were different.

Final phase occurred post 9/11. Pakistan' help was needed in punishing the Afghan Taliban regime guilty of harbouring OBL. Pakistan got substantial military & economic aid as payment for facilitating US forces in their war against terror.

Collateral damage to Pakistan has been colossal. 70,000 civilians & 5,000 soldiers have lost their lives as a direct consequence because of Taliban backlash and Pakistan may have lost as much as $50-billion in economic activity due to the revenge attacks by the Taliban. Besides a major portion of the funds given to Pakistan is in fact "Coalition Support Fund" which is reimbursement of the expenses incurred in providing the logistic support to the US operations; for example paying transportation costs from Karachi to Afghanistan. This is not "AID" even though incorrectly assumed as such.

It is because of these factors that has led majority of Pakistanis to conclude that the United States is an opportunist ally who sends a kick your backside as soon the her purpose has been served. Most people would agree that the above conclusion is not without some justification.

I would like to stress that major portion of the so called " Billions" poured into Pakistan from the US was payment for the services provided. It was not out of charity or due to milk of human kindness or something that Pakistani nation should remain eternally grateful for but a business transaction. In other words a simple “Quid PRO Quo”.
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I wouldn't be laughing. the minute Iran mines up the Strait of Hormuz who do you think the region is going to call to fix that??

Who you gonna call? We all know the answer: Ghostbusters! :D

The whole world benefits from the order led by USA, there is no doubt that, hate USA or not.

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