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Pakistan has 10,159 tcf of shale gas deposits: USAID

Unfortunately after seeing the same faces re-elected to power time & again, it does not look likely that Pakistan’s fortunes are going to change any time soon. However one must always hope for the best.

Hope just for hope's sake doesn't do much, unfortunately, Sir.
RIIIGHT!!! Try counting from 60 years ago....you'd end up in "hundreds" of billions over 6 decades!!!! Number don't lie. But like children say to their teacher "sorry teacher, I don't have homework to show, the Dog ate my homework", here, the Dog ate the billions sent to Pakistan to help the common people over the past 6 decades!!

@niaz has pretty much put everything on the floor with regards to the US aid that has ever come to Pakistan, which you conveniently tried to side-step. Kindly stop lying. And this more American than the Americans charade is unbecoming, but that's just my opinion.

Anyway, below you can read how much the US has given Pakistan in "aid" since 1947. These figures include reimbursements for services rendered yet they total only to about $75 billion. As you might not notice, its hundreds of billions short of hundreds of billions.

Aid to Pakistan by the Numbers | Center For Global Development

For everything else, go through the thread below to know what's what of the US aid to Pakistan.

The Reality of US Aid to Pakistan

200% right. But, you are wasting your time. These guys, even with hundreds of billions we've poured into Pakistan within the past 60 years, still don't trust us and probably won't either. Its just how the thought process has been built for decades.

Every single incompetent dictator and civilian, who couldn't explain why they didn't do jack squat for the people of Pakistan, blamed their incompetency onto the US and somehow, people bought into it, instead of seeing facts.

While Pakistanis should remember the supposed "hundreds of billions of dollars" they definitely do remember how the US suddenly becomes their best friend when in need of them and promptly throws them away as soon as its goals are achieved, the sanctions on top are just an added reminder. The Pakistani people remember the decade of the 90s more vividly than the dollars sent. The US backing and support for usurping generals is another matter altogether.
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