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Pakistan has 10,159 tcf of shale gas deposits: USAID

(Off topic)
Be aware, of USA.:agree: They'll soon declare you Terrorist State(because u have oil) and might help u to setup peace by sending 20-30k soldiers.
Be Aware :usflag:
Giving us acual freedom and democracy just like iraq
I Think. This is the Way to Go.
No Doubt Pakistan has Full Calliber and Resources to bethe Next KSA.

Guys, Focus ur Energy on Coal and Shale... Its your Future.

All these figures are bullshit.

No. They are not.
It's economically unfeasible. The cost of extraction is very high compared to the prices of oil and gas in the market.

The U.S. shale oil and gas industry is going through a shock due to the low international oil prices.
And we will use it for what? Lubricate baby bhuttos and shareefs impotent c**ks!!

Even if Allah rains on gold on this country pakistanis wont benifits from it! Some muhajir ka swine leader some sindh ka bastard leader or some punjab ka asshole leader or some kpk ka bitch leader will reap all the benifits!

Systems we follow are flawed and encourages curroption!
Though USA is working alot to get its hands on shale gas/oil, but in Denmark and most other european countries there have been quite a lot resistance against it. I haven't followed the cases, just read the headlines, and its something about environmental damages are huge. That is something EU cares about, USA dont, and that's why, Denmark fx have decided not to get it's shale gas up.

Regarding Pakistan, I think that first of all the environmental factors must be considered first. We cannot get the gas/oil up and 50 years later, all these shale gas/oil rich fields are completely destroyed.

If a survey conclude, it is safe to extract, I hope Pak government doesn't give away all the rights to drilling etc. to a foregin company, and in the end, only gets 20, 30 % in royalties.... like KSA.
If all that oil becomes available
Then the price of crude will fall down to 25 USD and the House of Saud will be begging Mariam Sharif's Great grand Kids for a bailout package
It could even improve India Pak relations
Coz every India Government wishes for cheap oil to balance its books
We better make few clones of Mani Shankar Iyer so we can make some deals to get this cheap gas and Oil flowing east.
shale gas is never good for the environment....the damage that a shale gas plant would produce will be enormous

The technique requires drilling down through hundreds of feet of rock and then horizontally through shale beds. Millions of gallons of sand and chemicals are then pumped down under high pressure to fracture the rock formations, releasing the natural gas. But in drilling down to the deposits, wells often pass through aquifers that provide water to communities, plants and wildlife on the surface. Leakage of shale gas into water supplies isn’t supposed to happen, but reports indicate otherwise.

it may result in draught in the areas around the plants
BEWARE oF Uncle Sam ........
& India.
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If all that oil becomes available
Then the price of crude will fall down to 25 USD and the House of Saud will be begging Mariam Sharif's Great grand Kids for a bailout package
It could even improve India Pak relations
Coz every India Government wishes for cheap oil to balance its books

I believe the numbers of EIA are more credible.

105TCF recoverable shale gas
9.1Billion barrel recoverable shale oil

Reason: EIA is associated with energy for decades and also has experience of shale oil/gas
I believe the numbers of EIA are more credible.

105TCF recoverable shale gas
9.1Billion barrel recoverable shale oil

Reason: EIA is associated with energy for decades and also has experience of shale oil/gas

105TCF and 9.1 Billion Barrel will take 8 years to be consumed by India, but could still last Pakistan 50 years, if recovered, not to mention nearly 1 Trillion USD saving over 50 year period
Shale will have its time after easier deposits are finished. Prices have to go up for shale production to be viable.
Shale gas reserves always sound good on paper.

But a proper assay has to be done regarding a) its quality and b) the feasibility of extraction + impact

I suspect that there is some spanner in the works regarding either or both of these issues w.r.t the Pakistan deposit given that I have come across this estimate (along with the Thar coal one) for quite some years now....and no one is really that interested in pursuing it any further.
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