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Pakistan falling behind India, BD on multidimensional poverty: Source OPHI

with just 5% .. this is a small problem.. just 3 districts .. they are getting sorted as we speak... your Terrorists are getting killed as common people are sharing intelligence with army... your favorite hurriyat is starving of money and dying slowly... wait for few months... it will die out like Khali-Sthan movement did....

Saying the same sh!t since 1947. :)
Saying the same sh!t since 1947. :)
Wait and watch... with a hit rate of 2 every day soon your foot soldiers are getting taken down... and rest are getting converted out of Pakistani trap... its a matter of time.
with just 5% .. this is a small problem.. just 3 districts .. they are getting sorted as we speak... your Terrorists are getting killed as common people are sharing intelligence with army... your favorite hurriyat is starving of money and dying slowly... wait for few months... it will die out like Khali-Sthan movement did....

its not 5%

this is a figure you pull out of your azz

There is widespread hatred of India and deep resentment

as india turns more hindutva and thousands of madrassa students lives almost being taken all indian muslims but Kashmiris especially see the risk of a hindutva india
its not 5%

this is a figure you pull out of your azz

There is widespread hatred of India and deep resentment

as india turns more hindutva and thousands of madrassa students lives almost being taken all indian muslims but Kashmiris especially see the risk of a hindutva india

Unlike you guys who pull out numbers out of your azz... we believe in giving intelligence based numbers... and oh.. the stone pelting has stopped ... as soon as money stopped flowing... LOL
Unlike you guys who pull out numbers out of your azz... we believe in giving intelligence based numbers... and oh.. the stone pelting has stopped ... as soon as money stopped flowing... LOL

stone pelting has continued, they pelt stones because they hate you not because they are being paid, you cant buy contempt for indians/hindus
MPI index for India is 0.282 and for Pakistan its 0.232 so no Pakistan has lesser poor . Its not only MPI , World bank says the same thing .
Particularly when its a matter of poverty. Laughing on online forums about who is poorer is a cruel joke on your part on our own people.

Let the Pakistanis partake in this. We need to keep our head down and continue to work in making our country better. Its the Pakistanis job to indulge in such activities.

Making fun of poverty in any country is totally unacceptable; and mods should ban such comments.
Khan sb,

That 0.282 thingie is a bit dated. That was based on 2005-06 data. The updated no based on 2012 is 0.191 for India.


Give me updated links otherwise, World Bank , UNDP , MPI figures are there to see.
@AnnoyingOrange Be that as it may. Let me sum up your country. Your land is savage infested, a land that still has not managed to qualify that most basic requirement of civilization. A toilet. Most of you savages send your women to poop in the open. We gave the world sanitation 5,000 years ago. You people still have not learn't it today. That is the bottom line.

Rest is just distraction.

The Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index for 2016 was published by OPHI. It includes 102 countries, covering 75 per cent of the world’s population, or around 5.2 billion people. According to the estimate, nearly 30 per cent of people (1.6 billion) are identified as multidimensionally poor.

According to the 2016 Report, India has the highest multidimensional poverty after Afghanistan in South Asia. Nearly 54% of the Indian population is multidimensionally poor compared to 66% in Afghanistan. The poorest region in South Asia is Bihar, followed by ‘South’ Afghanistan. The poorest 15 subnational regions in South Asia are all in India or Afghanistan, plus one region (Baluchistan) of Pakistan.

There are more ‘Multidimensional poor people (421 mn) in the eight poorest Indian states (Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal) than in 26 poorest African countries combined (410 mn)

So the poorest regions in the world are from India

India has worse poverty than Pakistan does.


Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report
India, the world's second fastest growing economy, has been ranked as poorer than its blighted enemy Pakistan in a United Nations report on global poverty.

An Indian girl selling pens waits for customers in New Delhi, India Photo: AP

By Dean Nelson, New Delhi

3:14PM GMT 03 Nov 2011


The report also finds more 'gender equality' in conservative Pakistan than in 'tolerant' India.

Its findings amount to a wake-up call for a nation which has taken great pride in its rapid economic growth and the increasing clout of its billionaire business leaders but has failed to share the spoils with its poor. Britain's Department for Internmational Development has pointed to this chequered progress to justify its continuing aid to India.

The Human Development Report reveals that while India ranks slightly above Pakistan in its level of 'human development' – based on life expectancy, schooling and per capita income – its wider poverty level is worse than Pakistan's.

In absolute terms, 41.6 per cent of India's 1.1 billion people earned less than 78 pence per day compared with 22.6 per cent of Pakistan's 173 million.

The report quotes its 'multi-dimensional poverty index' which includes measures of schooling, child mortality, nutrition, access to electricity, toilets, drinking water, and hygienic living conditions, and reveals India is poorer.

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It found 53.7 per cent of Indians suffering from this broader kind of poverty, compared with 49 per cent of Pakistanis.

More surprisingly, India is ranked below Pakistan and Bangladesh on gender equality which reflects maternal death rates, teenage pregnancies, access to education, and the number of women parliamentarians and in the workplace.

India's rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said the report highlighted the prevalence of poverty in the midst of economic growth and the possibility that "actually economic development may lead to retrogression of social indices." Priya Subramanian of Save the Children said India's poor ranking reflected a lack of political will to tackle poverty.

"It is things like healthcare and education which have India lagging behind Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. These countries are well on track and India, with its fast growing economy, has still not got its act together," she said.

"While we have a new band of millionaires, on the other side people continue to suffer endlessly. Millions still live below the poverty line and go to sleep hungry. The [economic] growth has not flowed towards them," she added.

Poverty eradication uphill task for Pakistan, India: World Bank
Anwar IqbalUpdated October 04, 2016


WASHINGTON: Statistics released by the World Bank this week show that both India and Pakistan face an uphill task in eradicating poverty, despite Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s claim that Islamabad needs to learn from New Delhi how to fight poverty.

The World Bank report — “Poverty and Shared Prosperity” — places Pakistan among the countries where incomes of the poorest are growing faster than average. The poorest in Pakistan are slightly ahead of the four per cent national growth rate while China tops the list with a more than 8pc growth rate. Sri Lanka is also in this category.

India is placed among the countries where incomes of the poorest are growing slower than average, although it has one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

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Overall, the statistics show that while in some fields India is doing better than Pakistan, in others Pakistan is ahead.

The data shows that as many as 21.25pc Indians live at or below the World Bank’s poverty line of $1.90 a day compared to 8.3pc in Pakistan.

And 58pc Indians make $3.10 a day, compared to 45pc in Pakistan.

Although the bank hopes that Bangladesh can overcome its poverty by 2030 if it continued its robust economic reforms, the statistics show that 43.7pc Bangladeshis continue to live at or below $1.90 while 77.6pc live at $3.10 a day.

Life expectancy
India fares marginally better than Pakistan in life expectancy, which was 68 years in India and 66.1 years in Pakistan in 2014. India has an edge in life expectancy for women too, 69.49 years versus 67.15 years for Pakistan.

India, however, has a clear edge in adult female literacy with 59.2pc in 2011, while for Pakistan it was 41.9pc.

Infant mortality in India declined from 46.3 per 1000 live births in 2010 to 37.9 in 2015, while for Pakistan the comparable figures are 73.5 in 2010 and 65.8 in 2015. This gives a clear advantage to India.

India is better in dealing with undernourishment as well, with 15.2pc of its population undernourished in 2015, compared to 22 per cent in Pakistan.

The World Bank report shows that during 2007 and 2013, Pakistan’s annualised growth in mean consumption for the bottom 40pc was 2.81pc, compared to 2.53pc for the total population.

The mean consumption or income per capita, (US dollar per person) for the bottom 40pc was 2.07pc as compared to 3.81pc for the total population.

The data for most recent year shows the annualised growth rate for the bottom 40pc at 2.44pc while it was 4.42pc for the total population.

The data also shows that increased schooling has led to more productive nonfarm activities in Pakistan.

Similarly, conditioning cash support to low income families to children’s regular school attendance at school, led to large increases in enrolment (between 11 to 13pc) in Pakistan.

Pakistan is also among the countries where the World Bank study noticed a shift toward declining inequality between 2008 and 2013. In Pakistan, the Gini index, which measures inequality, fell by −2.4 points.

Published in Dawn, October 4th, 2016

Pakistan has less poverty than India does.
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