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Pakistan evaluating Serbian APC and SPA System


May 21, 2006
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Though he highlights there are other acquisition programs that also include the US, and that evaluation efforts are ongoing.

"On the other hand the sale of 15 AH-1Z has been approved and the deal will be paid by Pakistani funds via Foreign Military Financing. Pakistan is still looking for surplus or even new F-16.Serbia has sent one of its APC and SPA systems for evaluation along with China supplying three of its most advance attack-helicopter WZ-10 for real time evaluation," he said.

Pakistan Boosts Defense Budget

News published on June 5th. So, the both item in PA possession for testing in Pakistani terrain.


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That is by far one of the most ill thought statements ever.
No offence. Our maximum ability to deal with the M-109 variants is simply repair and maintenance.

Though there are a couple of people in Gunjrawala who successfully replicated certain components. During 2008.


Can we not reverse engineer M109? BTW any news on AK2?
That is by far one of the most ill thought statements ever.
No offence. Our maximum ability to deal with the M-109 variants is simply repair and maintenance.

Though there are a couple of people in Gunjrawala who successfully replicated certain components. During 2008.
I was a simple question, not a statement.

Gun, being the main component is not impossible. Already producing 125 mm for AK and 155 mm (not sure) for Panter.

SERBIA?? Great you two are a Nice Couple! ,
Don't forget to pass on bomb*(cough)* Technology though.
Looks like someone is high on hormones lol! :lol:
Bhai how many time u reverse engineer old stuff use ur mind pak should get something like btr class apc and now money in the bank replace all G 3A3 and MP 5 once in 5 dacade need to buy new assault rifle for license production
Allocate more Budget for Science & Technology and open specialized Research Institutes apart from from entering exchange of scientific cooperation with foreign countries including collaborating between Pakistani and foreign universities. Create a scientific viable base in Pakistan to support all endeavors in Health, Agricultural, Industrial & Defense sectors which was missed in early decades. Good Luck.
Bhai how many time u reverse engineer old stuff use ur mind pak should get something like btr class apc and now money in the bank replace all G 3A3 and MP 5 once in 5 dacade need to buy new assault rifle for license production
G3 will stay with us as long as we got our asses kicked for faulty gun........ then we will say Oh our gun is too old. As long as their is no live proof of it's failure in war, we will keep producing them or developing their new variants. By the way it's not so easy to replace standard small arms......... And why u want btr? Its already part of army though u will never see or find a picture of it
I was a simple question, not a statement.

Gun, being the main component is not impossible. Already producing 125 mm for AK and 155 mm (not sure) for Panter.

Looks like someone is high on hormones lol! :lol:
Who said I was referring the gun. The guys I'm talking about replicated the entire chassis. But they made a better replica then chinese

My team was responsible for it's disposal.Reason official necessity.

Similary the rubber pads on the tracks of M 109. Pakistanis as a whole have much potential , but everyone wants kickbacks though that is a seperate issue.
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No need to reverse engineer... Complete production line to handed over with the deal...
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Posted before...

P.S: Sindh police bought Lazar II... And it's under investigation --- alleged kickbacks involved.
That is why Army chose 4 x 4 Ejer from Turkey as for Artillery Gun I hope we get them.
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