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As India ‘Rethinks’ S-400 Acquisition, Russia Puts ‘Everything On Table’ For Pakistan

We even paid our installments last year for the S400. We are getting them.
An Indian contingent is already in Russia under training on the system. India has already paid up a significant sum of money. Sanctions or no sanctions India is getting S-400.

Rather than wasting time in the hope of cancellation of the deal it is time for some people to start working on a strategy to save their assets.

I have bookmarked some of the expert’s comments here.

The day of the delivery of the first component I would be back.😜😜

PS- Unless thread is not closed for further comments after the delivery of the system.
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Every year there is some glimmer of hope that an under 2 Trillion GDP Russia will bounce on its relationship of earning a few billion from India consistently in place of favoring few millions in lifetime earnings from Pakistan because an article was written eluding to some shift or a Russian counterpart paid a visit to Pakistan.

That hope is further quantified as being true because of some perceived 'edict' we have passed on to India to chose us or else. We have not, and frankly, our sanctions on Russian weaponry are not about choosing sides. Regardless, if we had to issue a single sanction on India, we would have. We go out of our way to give them exclusive weaponry like armed drones, MH-60R, more P8I's, Apache 64-D, promise the entire F16/F18 ecosystem, QUAD relationship, and on and on.

I want nothing more than India, an ally, to come into our camp 100%. But frankly, they won't, and we should learn how to look at them as more of a security ally than how Putin sees them, ALA a source of substantial revenue and at best a non-aligned UN partner.

Also, let you into another secret, Putin does not want China assuming the mantle of superpower and is not particularly unhappy to have India challenge them in the Indo-Pacific theater with the help of the US

Folks, the facts are staring you in your face ...Putin is not about some blank cheque. He is about what he gets paid.
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Just more BS nothing else especially oh the new ad system will be delivered by the end of the year
Russia may put everything on the table but Pakistan does not have money to buy them.
There is a news that India is being pulled into FATF for interrogation over terror financing and money laundering charges. India will be dancing on American songs for the foreseeable future.
If you tell everyone that you are rich, and many will try to milk you. It's a common sense.
But wait just a minute, what did I say, sense?
Russia may put everything on the table but Pakistan does not have money to buy them.
Russia might be knowing that as well.
If you tell everyone that you are rich, and many will try to milk you. It's a common sense.
But wait just a minute, what did I say, sense?

Russia might be knowing that as well.

Military power and financial power grow together, one depending upon the growth of the other. At the time of Manmohan Singh, India had grown significantly but it failed to grow militarily. Now money-hungry sellers are twisting Indian arms and "poor India" cannot do much. "Yes sir I will... Yes sir I will..." is their new mantra.
Military power and financial power grow together, one depending upon the growth of the other. At the time of Manmohan Singh, India had grown significantly but it failed to grow militarily. Now money-hungry sellers are twisting Indian arms and "poor India" cannot do much. "Yes sir I will... Yes sir I will..." is their new mantra.
Military power, as we know it, the modern machinery and stuff, have relation with economy. But in real world, military power has 1000 dimensions. And 999 dimensions are not dependent on economy, rather will to do. Finances can be arranged. Just look at our atomic program.
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It's going to be very interesting if India will hold its nerve, it looks like sanctions are very much on the cards. If they go back on the Russians then it's the end of their relationship with them.
I've always thought India has had it spot on with its policy with other countries, however it seems they can't sit on fence anymore, especially with the US now insisting a side is picked.

Option 1: India will persuade US not to impose sanction. US in turn will push for bulk purchase/setting up manufacturing of fighter jets in India....
Option2: India will persuade Russia to buys any additional stuff/nuclear reactors etc from Russia and put money in R&D of joint development of 5th Gen fighter/other weapon etc....
If S400 breaks the alliance against China, so be it.

Lets see if India can hold its ground. India must understand that regional countries should stand together and not fight imperial wars of the USA. It will only be used and then discarded.
I want nothing more than India, an ally, to come into our camp 100%. But frankly, they won't, and we should learn how to look at them as more of a security ally than how Putin sees them, ALA a source of substantial revenue and at best a non-aligned UN partner.

I am American Indian, and deeply love America + India.

When article 370 is removed in kashmir (which is totally internal affair of India), the liberal leadership of USA screamed their heads-off as if India is doing some genocide (look at the statements of democrats during that time). Luckily, Trump is the president then. Can't imagine what the current dickhead would have done, had he been president then.

Question is - how can India trust US leadership when US (liberal) leaders can scream without understanding what they are screaming about (and possibly impose sanctions)??

I was worried that they will scream something on the farmer protests happening now. Luckily they had better sense.

The thing is - India is a complex country with lots and lots of vested interests. US leaders can't understand India. They don't have the time or the energy to spend.
I am American Indian, and deeply love America + India.

When article 370 is removed in kashmir (which is totally internal affair of India), the liberal leadership of USA screamed their heads-off as if India is doing some genocide (look at the statements of democrats during that time). Luckily, Trump is the president then. Can't imagine what the current dickhead would have done, had he been president then.

Question is - how can India trust US leadership when US (liberal) leaders can scream without understanding what they are screaming about (and possibly impose sanctions)??

I was worried that they will scream something on the farmer protests happening now. Luckily they had better sense.

The thing is - India is a complex country with lots and lots of vested interests. US leaders can't understand India. They don't have the time or the energy to spend.

For someone who lives in the US, you are pretty Naive to understand how the US sees India.

You need to find out how Americans ARE TAUGHT to see India. For starters you can look into the US Education system and how India is taught there.

You might want to look up Rajiv Malhotra's stellar work in this regard.
That alone is no reason. Turkish pilots were also in US training on F-35.

Btw, dont get me wrong I really hope India does get the S-400. Much easier to deal with than the F-35
Agree. I hope they get the S400.... way forward will be clear and easy for contingency plans. No F35s.
S400 is a challenge but has static large structures able to be targeted in multiple ways.
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