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Pakistan conducts a successful test flight of indigenously developed Fatah-1, Guided Multi Launch Rocket System

Now try stopping that with an s400.
This is great news

This is nothing for india. india invented UFOs and the Internet 9,000 years ago:

Are they guided?
Yes they are... but the name is more interesting Fatah- 1 range is 140km this means there is Fatah-2 already in development with double the range from 200km to 300km if 300 is achieved within next 5 years which I expect then s400 will be deployed 300km away from our borders such a huge development...... also their armour formations are exposed to guided rockets now nowhere to run nowhere to hide ......
Now try stopping that with an s400.
This is great news
Now Indians will claim their sams can also intercept MLRs... also what happened to the indian Pinaka MLRs lol the mk3 which is underdevelopment will have a range of 120km and is still useless against Fatah- 1 with 140+km range ........ I'll wait for Fatah-2 with even more range already Indian butts are hurting alot after their years of work on pinaka is wasted... produce them in large numbers and Indian strike formations are dead...
The way the world is moving towards drones and UAVs which are much smaller versions of traditional flying aircraft yet they are potent in a new way, I expect such an evolution is due in the domain of missiles... and Fatah-1 is just on point; a small, inexpensive and precise rocket that you can launch in scores.

Now you can launch a surprise attack on your enemy and destroy their airports, ammunition depots, grid-stations, fuel-storage locations and mechanised caravans while they were 100s kilometres deep inside the border without giving missile defence systems a chance.

I've tried to calculate the speed of the rocket (in a crude way) and looks like it is between Mach 3-5. Is that a fair estimation?
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These systems shud be made available en mass
With all Indian forward bases in target will the Indians be forced back or will they risk annihilation of all forward assets?
Now Indians will claim their sams can also intercept MLRs... also what happened to the indian Pinaka MLRs lol the mk3 which is underdevelopment will have a range of 120km and is still useless against Fatah- 1 with 140+km range ........ I'll wait for Fatah-2 with even more range already Indian butts are hurting alot after their years of work on pinaka is wasted... produce them in large numbers and Indian strike formations are dead...
Lots of armed drones with recon and accurate artillary will balance any conventional advantage India has
Indian members rejoicing on size of explosion at impact please note that explosive warhead is not included in test and impact doesn't have to be right on top of flag... A 5m2 CEP is extremely accurate and extremely deadly when u put exploding warhead on top
Indian members rejoicing on size of explosion at impact please note that explosive warhead is not included in test and impact doesn't have to be right on top of flag... A 5m2 CEP is extremely accurate and extremely deadly when u put exploding warhead on top
On top of that it could be armed with many types of warheads like anti Armour, Air burst, ant bunker etc...

Test always happen without live warhead, let the Indians enjoy their own jahalat.
Lots of armed drones with recon and accurate artillary will balance any conventional advantage India has
Artillery is taken care of now ... drone program is also under development in project Azm won't take long to induct it ..... supersonic cruise missile and anti ship ballistic missile is also under development Pakistan has come a long way in developing missiles from NASAR to Fatah ... I wonder where are Indians probably looking for something they can compare with Fatah 1 but they don't have anything yet ......
Pakistan needs a precision ballistic missile system similar to the Israeli Lora or Russian Sikander... Ie capable of strike upto 400km in Indian territory.

This is still a good weapon tho. Longer range than Nasr.
If the distance between S400 & MLRS < 140 km , which I doubt will be the case as S400 batteries probably be placed a bit deep in land from the border.

Firstly Congrats & secondly your input is appreciated brother (of course while remaining in unclassified domain ) :-)
No way S-400 would be placed near the border, it would be used to protect delhi and other important cities and some military installations.
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