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Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

Thanks for reply, I see" Dingxin Test and Training Base truly sits at the heart of China's air combat capabilities "

so its SU-30 MKK and not a J-11, is the SU version equivalent to the Indian SU-30MKI one ?

Both J-11BS and Su-30 (not pictured) participated. The one shown is J-11BS. MKI is more advanced than the MKK and MK2.
Now the Marwaris, Jains etc, the financiers and benefactors of the BJP/Hindutva/RSS etc. are at the Line of Sight along with their wealth! It’s the same Somnath scenario!!! They garnered all the wealth inside Somnath to be taken away as Ganimat by Sultan Mahmut....
Now the Marwaris, Jains etc, the financiers and benefactors of the BJP/Hindutva/RSS etc. are at the Line of Sight along with their wealth! It’s the same Somnath scenario!!! They garnered all the wealth inside Somnath to be taken away as Ganimat by Sultan Mahmut....
Folks, please pay attention to this picture. All of the aircraft taking part in this exercise are clearly depicted here. Just need to pay some attention. :)

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looks like J-15 and J-11 are there too perhaps, OH and the 1 J-10 has no markings
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