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Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

Yes, since those from the 131st Air Brigade have low visibility markings already:

View attachment 694584
Ironically, one can still make out the low viz markings in your above image but not in any of the images from todays arrivals......I also understand there are twin seaters in the package.
The senior Paf officers in the video AVM Sulehri and AVM Gumman are both F.16 pilots who have flown the vipers for majority of their career. Gumman is actually wearing the 11 squadron AMRAAM patch.
Damn didn't recognise AVM Waqas Sulehri for a minute, he was once OC of a PAF Viper unit and i would often chat with him when he was posted in Washington.
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So No marking on J-10 are pointing to something or is it just me jumping with excitement 😁😁
Ironically, one can still make out the low viz markings in your above image but not in any of the images from todays arrivals......I also understand there are twin seaters in the package.

Damn didn't recognise AVM Waqas Sulehri for a minute, he was once OC of a PAF Viper unit and i would often chat with him when he was posted in Washington.

That might just be low image quality.
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J-10C arrives without any registration or national markings.

View attachment 694575

PLAAF top notch or one call it, a special unit like our top guns or CAP wala guys. Therefore, such Unit doesn't sports visible marking. The second idea to speculate is, actually these are the front line top of the line fighters. One can guess the level of exercise/aggressiveness and practice.
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How about PAF getting small numbers of Chinese or Russian flankers and include them in CCS. Then we can pitch them against F-16s. As both planes will be flown by equally well trained pilots, such a contest in training regime will give us more netural outcome about performance of platforms against each other. OR that's also been denied by Yankis, I hope not but not certain about it.
yup thats what I proposed and wondered if that can be allowed by US since all jets involved will belong to PAF but in order to do such a thing PAF must consider SU 30 as a major and significant threat to train its airforce against
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I think it would be better to make this a featured thread to prevent other threads from popping up
I still believe that PAF is secretly using F-16s against Chinese jets in the Shaheen exercises.
I think picture quality is the main culprit here. If we can zoom, flair dispenser is also not visible in PAF Clip which otherwise are there just below the low visible marking of PLAAF.
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