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Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

Mr Malik,

You know that you are stirring up emotions in some who would hate for us to get the J10's because we have 'no money'.

And again, it's not the money, its the fact that China does not give you all for free only whenever you wish, that's not hate, ... that's common sense! But if someone like you does not want to listen, does not want to - or maybe even cannot - read properly, this is something beyond your understandings.


Indeed---I would for once like to get a reference---an email---or something that pakistan cannot get freebees from china.

Oh well, yes for sure I forgot ... since there is not an academic report available from the German ministry of education or an e-mail that proves that I cannot run the 100m in a time less than 11 seconds, it directly proves that I can?!! I must be one of the fastest-running teachers in Germany at an age beyond 50, Yes it must be, since there is no such proof that I cannot.

What a twisted logic. :omghaha:
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I am just trying to imagine a dog fight at 30000 ft with a JF-17 in hot pursuit of a J-10 with low-vis markings. The Thunder has managed to get onto the tail of the Dragon at a distance of 1-2 km. The Dragon banks hard. Assuming a clean engine exhaust, the dragon would be near invisible to the eye. And this has a psychological effect. Even if the radar paints it on the screen, to get a radar lock you need to position the nose relative to an invisible jet.

Do note that this is speculation on may part.
is the sun in the front or behind relative to the two jets? it also plays a part.
Starting a dogfight at 30000 ft is not a good idea in the first place, baqi baaten baad me

You can try to influence where the battle happens, but you can never control it fully. Most of SR took place in the 15000 ft - 30000 ft space.
CCS is a thing of the past now..there are more advanced courses and schools in PAF

Are you allowed to share the names and nature of these advanced courses and schools?
Mr Malik,

You know that you are stirring up emotions in some who would hate for us to get the J10's because we have 'no money'.


Indeed---I would for once like to get a reference---an email---or something that pakistan cannot get freebees from china.

Yes indeed Sir, again and again history of Pakistan's procurement has shown that money is not a problem for Pakistan Military. Thanks to being son of a military man, I know 100% that the Military has huge businesses and is "Self Sufficient" when it comes to food, material, and lots of other stuff including 'Capital'/CAPEX and OPEX.
Well said DEINO "" Oh well ... the best saying came from this forum not so long ago (unfortunately I don't remember who it was): Never invite a German to a party unless he pays for the beer."""
I respect Deino because he is a senior, realistic, defence news analyst, encyclopedia of defence knowledge, comprehensive analysis on arms, jet fighters, missiles etc etc ,all over the world. He is popular in multiple forums like defence.pk, Sino defence forum.
Yes indeed Sir, again and again history of Pakistan's procurement has shown that money is not a problem for Pakistan Military. Thanks to being son of a military man, I know 100% that the Military has huge businesses and is "Self Sufficient" when it comes to food, material, and lots of other stuff including 'Capital'/CAPEX and OPEX.
Thanks for confirming what I have projected to myself all along!!! No wonder they can produce so many “surprises” so fluently....
This statement is irresponsible to start with, and inaccurate.

Please refrain from making comments in matters that you may not be fully versed with.

Yes indeed Sir, again and again history of Pakistan's procurement has shown that money is not a problem for Pakistan Military. Thanks to being son of a military man, I know 100% that the Military has huge businesses and is "Self Sufficient" when it comes to food, material, and lots of other stuff including 'Capital'/CAPEX and OPEX.
Yes indeed Sir, again and again history of Pakistan's procurement has shown that money is not a problem for Pakistan Military. Thanks to being son of a military man, I know 100% that the Military has huge businesses and is "Self Sufficient" when it comes to food, material, and lots of other stuff including 'Capital'/CAPEX and OPEX.

Can we please try not to cause trouble whether stating inaccurately or unintentionally? Such matters are different & not that easy task.

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