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Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

Imagine these with 4x atgms, CIRIT laser guided rockets with pods, MAML type munitions. Centerline for a glide bomb or a SOW.

Flies at the speed of an AH-64 at full pace. Built tough with duraliminium. Easiest and cheapest to overhaul. Insanely low CPFH, beyond anything even a Tucano can offer. Cost of aquisition - probably 100K per bird.
Pakistan is about to go to war with India which has a hundred attack helos and squadrons of Sepecat Jaguars, armed with precision cluster munition to devastate entire divisions.

What is the calculus here that something that can do 80% of the job is being ignored while the preferred option is not even practically available? I personally don't know but I'm no military man and I understand that I have little inside information as to the reasons for this kind of decision making.
could be worse could have your mentality which is sit and wait for next 30 years begging US
Loool that's your comeback after saying we should have taken the not up to standards Chinese choppers.
My dear I am very much against your chacha Sam. They have done nothing but weaken Pakistan through aid and military hardware. I am the one who is advocating moving on and project azm all the way. Forget anything from your chacha
Pakistan should have taken Chinese Z-10

apparently it was rubbish but better than nothing
Sir my question is are you one of the test pilot those Z-10 or is there any other option for Pakistan in urgent bases...
[Preamble: Babur Han, armed with cannons, matchlocks, Turkic sharp shooters and cavalry etc., was being repeatedly unable to conquer Hindustan - his ultimate objective since his childhood, spent in sleeping under the tress in the Fargana Valley! Then, he broke all of his wine jars and offered two Ra'kat of Namaz for the success of his 6K troops in the up coming battle against Sultan Lodhi's 100K+ forces - now known as the First Battle of Panipat. The rest is history....]

As for ATAK engines, it’s not only a Pak problem, but also a Turkish problem. No, Turkey under Reis Erdo'an hasn't sold out Pak in the streets of Lahore/Karachi/Peshevar etc.!!! This unique opportunity was availed by Pak's very own politicians, civil/military bureaucrats, businessmen, journalists, clerics etc.!!! Hence, no stones are kept unturned to have indigenous engines. Having indigenous engines of all sorts - tank/armored, UAVs, choppers, jets, ships, subs, cruise missiles, rockets etc. - is her top most priority now...

According to the European analysts, as shown in the video below (9:03 onward, 1st video), KALE group, a Turkish company producing engine parts for F-35s, has succeeded in producing the most critical heat resistant engine materials to operate at 2,000C use conditions. A state-of-the-art engine stress test environment to accommodate high temperature and emulate real-life flight conditions has been specifically established to further R&D activities. KALE is working with Rolls-Royce for the indigenous jet engine. Now, these technologies have been transferred to TAI/TUSAS-TEI etc. for producing turbo-prop and turbo-shaft engines. Turbo-props are already under serial production, and are integrated into UAVs like ANKA, AKSUNGUR etc. ANKAs for Tunisia will have indigenous engines. As for turbo-shaft engines (Prototype of TS1400 core is ready, see the slides below) for GOKBEY and ATAK choppers, the projected time-line for serial production is 2021-22...

KALE has already produced KTJ3200 for SOM cruise missiles...

TEI has produced the single-crystal blade for turbojets. And, it has perfected Ni/Ti deposition and casting techniques. At least the half of all the commercial aircrafts, currently flying in the world, has some of the rotating parts from TEI in their engines ...

A journey of a thousand miles start with a single step...

[Only for the Ehl-i Iman]A single act of Hosh Amal, done with Iman, Ihlas, Uhuvvet etc., has a thousand Bereket in it...

The Chinese invented gun powder, and the Turkic folks established three Empires - Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal - using that...


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Turkey is brother country like China and will fulfill the supply of these helicopters, the enemies of Islamic brotherhood may have delayed the projected but not stopped it. InshAllah Turkey will develop an indigenous engine and will be even more sanctions proof.
too much chest bumping and this makes us look stupid

most of you are living in a fanboy dream, its not easy like your lego toys to build military machines

do you know what is a turboshaft engine?> do you know how it works? even what is a helicopter ?

oh yeah lets build our own lets do it and make complete fools of ourselves

this is not how to works in the real world

even the next iteration the larger and bigger ATAK II will use imported engine get with the times
Shell we go for Mi-28N from Russia....
Hi why not Z10 at least Pakistan will get credit or deferred payment to get these I think Russian
Only go for the hard cash or until they been given the contract of building oil pipeline in Pakistan ASAP
Your input please
Thank you
too much chest bumping and this makes us look stupid

most of you are living in a fanboy dream, its not easy like your lego toys to build military machines

do you know what is a turboshaft engine?> do you know how it works? even what is a helicopter ?

oh yeah lets build our own lets do it and make complete fools of ourselves

this is not how to works in the real world

even the next iteration the larger and bigger ATAK II will use imported engine get with the times

There has been no discussion on where Turkey will source the engines of the ATAK II. All we know is that it requires 2x3,000shp and that development of that type of engine has not started.

As for the TS1400 that will power T625 and T629, it is progressing on schedule and there is enough headway to up the power to 1600shp on the core.

If you think Turkey is into some sort of fantasy world developing engines, you are seriously misguided.
TS1400 with its accessory drive
How can we divert our funds for attack helicopters somewhere else when we have necessary requirement for them?

Actually, requirement for a particular piece of equipment stems out of the role or task or a requirement which is to be completed.

For example , task could be that you want to counter Indian army's armored division in the desert. Now, everything flows out of this. This task can be completed by jets, attack helis, APC mounted ATGMs, ballistic missiles etc.... In short a number of options. And for each option, we have different equipment of different brands .

So, even if one piece of equipment within an option has been nullified, there may be other brands, or entirely different options to fullfil the original requirement.
Pakistan should have taken Chinese Z-10

apparently it was rubbish but better than nothing


There were supposedly some massive kickbacks in the T129 deal---.

Turkey is brother country like China and will fulfill the supply of these helicopters, the enemies of Islamic brotherhood may have delayed the projected but not stopped it. InshAllah Turkey will develop an indigenous engine and will be even more sanctions proof.


A delayed project is a stopped project---.

If your mother was dying of corona today you would NOT be waiting for the Turkish medicine coming after 5 years---. I bet you would get the chinese medicine that is available today---.

Better to scrape T-129 atak helicopter deal and consider the


This only works against lightly armed afghan taliban---.
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