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Pakistan and Israel

If your religion is not perfect.. its not Islam's faualt .. so stop talking about Islam coz u r not a professor of islam. Dont blame the action few muslim over whole islam... If u dont like it go to hell but stop talking about islam... dont try justify ur cause by bashing islam... I love islam and I find it Perfect so I dont care what u think about it respect all religion and I will respect ur religion...:sniper::sniper:

hello, i did not say my religion is perfect or not perfect.
read again, what i said. i used the word "if".

exactly, that is one of biggest misconception. sorry, if it offend you.

but don't you think Muslims think too much about their religion, saying that their religion is perfect.
i am not blaming Islam, but i do blame some Muslims, who says their religion is perfect.
just like you said.
making religion perfect is not just in your hands or mine.
if my, or your ancestors did something bad, neither u can change it nor me.
Though having ties with Israel could be benificial but i fail to understand what Israelis have through which Pakistan could bennifit ...a lobby in US?
This facination with Israel ??????????????

Is it something to do with the fact that they have KICK *** military

Awesome weapons and training

And happen to be INDIA,s biggest Arms supplier after Russia !!!!!!

If Israel had no military power no arms and where a weak nations would pakistanis STILL HAVE THIS THREAD OPEN ???????

Are pakistanis AFRAID of the indo/israeli military nexus ????

No alliances, including India's are born without national interest. Don't pretend like you were born yesterday.

And just to add to this sighted post, As far as being 'Afraid of the indo/isralei military nexus' goes, 'the indo/isralei military nexus' has got way too much to lose than us.
The 3 different threads open on this forum about Israel or Israel and india.

There seems to be an underlying admiration of Israeli power both in technology and their huge influence in USA..

I,m surprised about the level of debate and atitude towards Israel and its certainy centered around a REAL CONCERN re Israel/india military/political relationship...

I think it was a very SMART MOVE by INDIA in 1990s
Thats doesn't make someone a muslim !
Although it is one of the minor characteristics but it doesn't differentiate it to a non-muslim.
Keep your ideas to yourself UchihaCG

Exactly my point. It doesn't make someone a muslim..... i was complimenting his post about today's generation of Muslims.

Keep my ideas to myself? Is this forum only to praise the developmental failures of India and boast Islam?

ok my friend in the previous post some pakistani friends called india poor and full of *** eating people. So can you explain me that pakistani people proclaimed that they are full of "dignity" and "proud" then why they always look here and there for the financial help? why they always wondering about free weapon from china or on easy installments? when pakistan ask for these kind of helps where there dignity hide? or they close there eyes and consider themselve as beggers for few minutes. i think pakistan is a great nation and they have to behave like what they think not like beggers.

please explain me your nature or stop calling other nations poor and hungry :pakistan:

I see you are new to Pakistan , back in 70's we had a industrial revolution in Pakistan sorta speak and there was a huge drive to move the industrial sector of pakistan , and as such we were on our way to becoming independent of the financial burden.

Unfortuately for us, thru no fault of our own, a war started to brew up in Afgaistan -

This crippled our nation

a) Our main democratically ellected leader was hanged and a leader was brougt in Mr Zia , and so our civil institues suffered tremedously , banking sector , financing and forige investment started to dwindle

We got 5-10 millio plus refugees who became dependent on Pakistan

b) Implosion of Guns culture and drug trade, made our streets
dangerous. This gave rise to various social evils.
Our Natioal Debt started to increase during this time...tremedously

So , The thru reforms done durig 90's and 00 specially under 10 years with Musarif , we managed to reduce our national debts to
60 billion dollars.

Now for past 10 years , again just when investment was on the high in Pakistan then another war started , which made secodary migration of Afghans to Pakistan and this time around , we also got Militants crossig into Pakista

So its international community's responsibility - becasue , we are focused on our nation

If anyone wants to wage a war they should pay for the cost

a) Cost associated with losses in Trade
b) Cost associated with life/ military loses

Pakistan is still doing quite well ...

If Pakistan recieved weapos from China its strategic partership , and also we have solid strategic partership with US ....

Truth of fact is that Pakistan has always enjoyed great cooperation with most nations yet due to some radical elemets from Afghan war we have to suffer losses - so its interational commuity's responsibility to help rebuild , institutes and trade in our economy

Hope that explain , we are not begging we just need a compensation for loses to our economy due to action of other nations
I see you are new to Pakistan , back in 70's we had a industrial revolution in Pakistan sorta speak and there was a huge drive to move the industrial sector of pakistan , and as such we were on our way to becoming independent of the financial burden.

Unfortuately for us, thru no fault of our own, a war started to brew up in Afgaistan -

This crippled our nation

a) Our main democratically ellected leader was hanged and a leader was brougt in Mr Zia , and so our civil institues suffered tremedously , banking sector , financing and forige investment started to dwindle

We got 5-10 millio plus refugees who became dependent on Pakistan

b) Implosion of Guns culture and drug trade, made our streets
dangerous. This gave rise to various social evils.
Our Natioal Debt started to increase during this time...tremedously

So , The thru reforms done durig 90's and 00 specially under 10 years with Musarif , we managed to reduce our national debts to
60 billion dollars.

Now for past 10 years , again just when investment was on the high in Pakistan then another war started , which made secodary migration of Afghans to Pakistan and this time around , we also got Militants crossig into Pakista

So its international community's responsibility - becasue , we are focused on our nation

If anyone wants to wage a war they should pay for the cost

a) Cost associated with losses in Trade
b) Cost associated with life/ military loses

Pakistan is still doing quite well ...

If Pakistan recieved weapos from China its strategic partership , and also we have solid strategic partership with US ....

Truth of fact is that Pakistan has always enjoyed great cooperation with most nations yet due to some radical elemets from Afghan war we have to suffer losses - so its interational commuity's responsibility to help rebuild , institutes and trade in our economy

Hope that explain , we are not begging we just need a compensation for loses to our economy due to action of other nations

Compensation from losses?????
This is the biggest joke in my life.

a) Cost associated with losses in Trade
b) Cost associated with life/ military loses
No one told you to accept the US's proposal for aid. You needed it, you wanted it, you took it.

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
The Strangely Parallel Careers of Israel and Pakistan
by P. R. Kumaraswamy
Middle East Quarterly
June 1997
Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state. Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse.
-- Zia ul-Haq, Pakistan's ruler, December 1981

Pakistan and Israel share the unique heritage of having been created in the aftermath of World War II as religiously defined states. In each case, the new state emerged as the result of a twentieth-century ideological movement, came into existence accompanied by violence, and attracted a large immigrant population. Both met with initial rejection from religious elements who more recently, on second thought, aspired to gain political power. Despite these and many other similarities, the two states have hardly ever been compared...

With the single and marginal exception of the medieval Khazar kingdom, Jews were never sovereign after a.d. 70. In contrast, Muslims in India had a grand tradition of rule that began in the eleventh century and lasted until 1858 when India came under direct British rule. While Jews learned how to adapt to rule by others, Muslims always expected to be in charge. "The Muslims were, or had been, the ruling race. How could the former master now allow themselves to be ruled by ... slaves?"3 Statehood in the 1940s thus had very dissimilar meaning for the two: to the Zionists, it appeared as the only solution to two millennia of discrimination, destruction, and death; for the Muslim League, it offered a return to exclusive political power. This difference lives on, for while Israel actively seeks to be the homeland for its diaspora, Pakistan is even unwilling to absorb its own people stranded in Bangladesh following the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971...

Israelis spend little time publicly discussing Pakistan but are favorably disposed toward the country. The first known Zionist contacts with the Indian sub-continent were with Muslim League rather than Congress leaders: Chaim Weizman met Shaukat Ali in London in January 1931. Israel sees Pakistan as an important Islamic state, a key player in the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and a country with nuclear capability. In the public sphere however, relations are not so good...

Pakistani leaders long placed themselves at the forefront of the "anti-Zionist" struggle and saw their commitment to the Palestinian cause as a way to display their Islamic credentials.
In 1947, Pakistan led Islamic opposition to the partition plan, and the passage of time only intensified this zeal...Conspiracy theories are often used in Pakistani public life to discredit political opponents as Zionist agents and spies; during the 1997 election campaign, some have charged that "Jewish money and power" is trying to influence and control Pakistan's domestic and foreign policies...
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Israel being Pakistan's enemy is a pseudo-fantasy that Pakistanis engage in to make themselves feel more Arab.

Pakistan should be like Turkey who has relations with Israel but pushes Israel to make peace with the Palestinians.

It was Pakistan who send Pilots against Israel in 1967 and 1973.

How many Arab pilots came to Pakistan to fight its wars with India in 1965 and 1971? NONE....

Time to get Pakistan's priority in high gear.
Israel being Pakistan's enemy is a pseudo-fantasy that Pakistanis engage in to make themselves feel more Arab.

Pakistan should be like Turkey who has relations with Israel but pushes Israel to make peace with the Palestinians.

It was Pakistan who send Pilots against Israel in 1967 and 1973.

How many Arab pilots came to Pakistan to fight its wars with India in 1965 and 1971? NONE....

Time to get Pakistan's priority in high gear.

And how many did Pakistan shoot down? 19? And we didnt lose a single one of Syria's planes or any of our men.

Syria on the other hand lost 400 of the same planes to the Israeli's without even shooting down one...:rolleyes:
Israel being Pakistan's enemy is a pseudo-fantasy that Pakistanis engage in to make themselves feel more Arab.

Pakistan should be like Turkey who has relations with Israel but pushes Israel to make peace with the Palestinians.

It was Pakistan who send Pilots against Israel in 1967 and 1973.

How many Arab pilots came to Pakistan to fight its wars with India in 1965 and 1971? NONE....

Time to get Pakistan's priority in high gear.

Well said. I think this should be the concluding remark for this thread.
And how many did Pakistan shoot down? 19? And we didnt lose a single one of Syria's planes or any of our men.

Syria on the other hand lost 400 of the same planes to the Israeli's without even shooting down one...:rolleyes:

You missed the point.

Its irrelevant how many aircraft we shot down. We made Israel our enemy out of solidarity with Arabs yet Arabs have never send troops to fight our wars with India and also have strengthened relations with India out of purely economic terms.

So why can't Pakistan act like a non-Arab Islamic State and have relations with Israel and yet pressure them to make peace much like Turkey.

Heck, even Egypt and Jordan have relations with Israel.

Why is Pakistan acting more Arab than the Arabs?
You missed the point.

Its irrelevant how many aircraft we shot down. We made Israel our enemy out of solidarity with Arabs yet Arabs have never send troops to fight our wars with India and also have strengthened relations with India out of purely economic terms.

So why can't Pakistan act like a non-Arab Islamic State and have relations with Israel and yet pressure them to make peace much like Turkey.

Heck, even Egypt and Jordan have relations with Israel.

Why is Pakistan acting more Arab than the Arabs?

I know, i know, i just love to brag about that. xD
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