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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

Good after noon anman ji

now agreed with your point that different scholars are free to raise there voices about the view they follow but thing is your freedom stops where my(gireban) collar starts= means we dont have any problem what pakistani scholars say in pakistan but when its directed towards Indians and hindus to harm them or bulli them that is when the mistrust and mutual hate starts but the funni thing is that in pakistan general publick as a whole endorses makes a hero of any one with such extrimist idals and propogates hate towrds hindus and india and most pakistanies are OK with killing and conversion of hindus into islam then why do pakistanies think indians will ever trust them and be freinds with such obsessed people /nation

You are seeing it the wrong way . All the hatered among us is connected to Kashmir issue. As i told you before, ur news is full of anti pakistan propoganda every day . But on our side u will see a news may be in a month. Pakistan has notthng against hindus or indians. even if athgetis was invaders in kashmir we would have hated them
If that scholar have no knowledge why the majority remains silent ? Why dont they oppose those scholars ? And I have mentioned that you are offended, so do I when somebody sacrifice a cow on Eid. I have seen people mock Hinduism, by saying its a false religion, idol worshipers are false etc. I have seen people like Zakir Naik while, encouraging to break an Idol of Lord Ganesh and he is alive and still preaching. Tell me how long a person will survive in any of the country in the world if he does something like that to your holy figures. I am yet to see a a scholar who believes in equality and claim that every religion is same. But I know that you know many of your scholars according to whom except Islam, all other religions are false. This has to be changed for peace.

Sorry mate, no offence after watching some shows of zakir Naik, Dr Ahmed of your country, I am forced to believe that there can not be equality. Sorry again.

Listen, you won't ever come across any scholar you may agree with 100% neither would i. Its not about majority being silent or not, its about the fact that there are different scholars who give their opinions and their opinions as long as they reconcile with authentic sources are to be followed if not they have no more worth than an average person like me or anybody else giving an opinion on the subject.You can't force people into saying that every religion is right or they would want to follow it but yes there would be scholars who appreciate the good in ever religion same as ordinary people. You have your land and your religion tells you to respect the cow then you should follow it but its impractical to ask others not to eat an animal anywhere across the world. Yes if you say that you're scripture should be respected and there should be no name calling i agree with you on that but you are being as unfair by categorising everybody as the same and are unwillingly to accept that its not the case.
Good after noon anman ji

now agreed with your point that different scholars are free to raise there voices about the view they follow but thing is your freedom stops where my(gireban) collar starts= means we dont have any problem what pakistani scholars say in pakistan but when its directed towards Indians and hindus to harm them or bulli them that is when the mistrust and mutual hate starts but the funni thing is that in pakistan general publick as a whole endorses makes a hero of any one with such extrimist idals and propogates hate towrds hindus and india and most pakistanies are OK with killing and conversion of hindus into islam then why do pakistanies think indians will ever trust them and be freinds with such obsessed people /nation

I can't make you see things if you choose to believe it then you can but you're "most Pakistanis" statement is incorrect and i guess any Pakistani who has lived in the country would be a better judge of that fact than others. I can say the same things about Indians as well because there is certainly no shortage of events when anti Pakistan rants are shouted but that does not mean i can give a verdict on what "most Indians" feel like. No Pakistani is ok with killing a Hindu i can assure you that don't trust those who you come across on the internet where such nonsense is uttered by both sides for point scoring. In real life people have other priorities and they aren't as barbaric as you make them out to be.
Religious laws can be enforced only personally. rest, if some one wants to eat Pork or Beef, you have no rights to prevent them from having their choice of food. whatever, your religions teaches you. you have to be logical to understand that, you are brainwashed by the religion to think that Pork or Beef eating deserves death. but, that is YOU who is wrong here. -- Not others.
Pakistan and india can never be good freinds - period and the prime issue between the two nations are

3.pakistanies as a nattion even dont know why they became a nation in the first place and even today there are millions in pakistan who ask "pakistan ka matlab kya"
Seriously Dutt saab ? how do u come up with such facts .Were are the millions you are talking about. Its a salogon Pakistan ka matlab kya, La ilaha Illa allah. u are just twisting words .
You are seeing it the wrong way . All the hatered among us is connected to Kashmir issue. As i told you before, ur news is full of anti pakistan propoganda every day . But on our side u will see a news may be in a month. Pakistan has notthng against hindus or indians. even if athgetis was invaders in kashmir we would have hated them

Then you have no knowledge of history. Pakistan's dislike towards since day 1 of Pakistan's existence when Pakistan tried to grab Hindu majority princely states and tried to stop as many princely states from joining India. Kashmir came later on.
Again . You did not get my point. I am trying to say is when we are in minority, why can not you respect our sentiment by not sacrificing a cow on Eid ? You can sacrifice a goat and can show that you respect minority sentiments. its not forcing . Also tell me if you are in minority, if we disrespect some of your holy figures, your practices, how you will feel. We are in majority here, still we are tolerating these things. The day I see this change that muslims are respecting other religions and holy figures, I will be the happiest person.

Right if you are a minority in any Muslim country or any country for that matter and you are not allowed to drink alcohol because it isn't allowed in Islam would you live without all those things that is a compulsion for Muslims to not have, in order to show your respect? Even you are not getting my point nobody is forcing people to do something they don't like to if you live in a western country would you say the same that Christians have double standards because they slaughter cow as well?
Religious laws can be enforced only personally. rest, if some one wants to eat Pork or Beef, you have no rights to prevent them from having their choice of food. whatever, your religions teaches you. you have to be logical to understand that, you are brainwashed by the religion to think that Pork or Beef eating deserves death. but, that is YOU who is wrong here. -- Not others.
Of course and should be applicable to everyone, not selective religion. Either everybody should respect everyone, or everybody should be free. Selective freedom for one religion and complete freedom for others is dangerous.
Then you have no knowledge of history. Pakistan's dislike towards since day 1 of Pakistan's existence when Pakistan tried to grab Hindu majority princely states and tried to stop as many princely states from joining India. Kashmir came later on.
This is a new one .which hindu majority state Pakistan tried to grab? do u know how haiderabad joined indian?
You are seeing it the wrong way . All the hatered among us is connected to Kashmir issue. As i told you before, ur news is full of anti pakistan propoganda every day . But on our side u will see a news may be in a month. Pakistan has notthng against hindus or indians. even if athgetis was invaders in kashmir we would have hated them
lolzzz pakistanies are so obssesed with kashmir that they are ready to kill anyone ...good

lolzzz it was your own millitarry which had send afridi raiders and spoilt your case forever on kashmir and the later work done after "operation gibralter" and the war that followed

later your prime minister when agreed on terms of shimla agreement killed your cause further and the death blow came when your crazy generals backstabbed us in 1999when ABV went to lahore in a bus but your army attacked owr nation when we were away deu to severe winters

the nail in the coffin of your so called kashmir cause came when you leased owt Gilgit and balistan to chinese to feul pakistani war machine and economy

so firget kashmir you are not getting it and we dont do freindship on basis of give and take kashmir is owr land and we wont give it to you freindship or no freindship ...period
Right if you are a minority in any Muslim country or any country for that matter and you are not allowed to drink alcohol because it isn't allowed in Islam would you live without all those things that is a compulsion for Muslims to not have, in order to show your respect? Even you are not getting my point nobody is forcing people to do something they don't like to if you live in a western country would you say the same that Christians have double standards because they slaughter cow as well?
We are living in that way in muslim countries. you dont know that ? Non of us are rulers, officially we cannot do those things which are forbidden in those muslim countries, we can not make our places of worships, and we have to follow all your rules designed by you. Is not in a kind of persecution ?Now if in a country where you are in minority and we frame such selective rules, how you will feel ?
We are living in that way in muslim countries. you dont know that ? Non of us are rulers, officially we cannot do those things which are forbidden in those muslim countries, we can not make our places of worships, and we have to follow all your rules designed by you. Now if in a country where you are in minority and we frame such selective rules, how you will feel ?

When you live in a country and i mean any country you have to follow its laws i might disagree with a lot of laws in the world sometimes even of Muslim countries i do but either i stay where i am or if i want to be there i have to respect their laws. That is how it works. There are many absurd laws across the world but people who choose to live in such places have to follow them if i go to a non Muslim country and there is a law that forbids me from doing something Islam tells me i better stay where i am instead of pointing fingers at them. Why do you start blaming everybody and always play the victim card when there are many other victims too that you deliberately overlook.
This thread in itself shows who is the one hauling accusations and who wants peace. Anybody who disagrees has to be necessarily unaware of history. Anyways biased people would remain just that biased.
When brothers break up, the split is not a superficial one. It goes so deep that just "being friends" is seldom if ever on the table.

You would give the example of German reunification. Well that was a split where the brothers had no say.
lolzzz pakistanies are so obssesed with kashmir that they are ready to kill anyone ...good

lolzzz it was your own millitarry which had send afridi raiders and spoilt your case forever on kashmir and the later work done after "operation gibralter" and the war that followed

later your prime minister when agreed on terms of shimla agreement killed your cause further and the death blow came when your crazy generals backstabbed us in 1999when ABV went to lahore in a bus but your army attacked owr nation when we were away deu to severe winters

the nail in the coffin of your so called kashmir cause came when you leased owt Gilgit and balistan to chinese to feul pakistani war machine and economy

so firget kashmir you are not getting it and we dont do freindship on basis of give and take kashmir is owr land and we wont give it to you freindship or no freindship ...period

Kashmir is issue is alive till kashmiris are there. They hate u from the core of their heart. still celebrate black day on 15 august. STill say jeevay jeevay Pakistan . so no matter how much ypur army oppress them and kill innocent women and childern they will still say javeey javeey pakistan ...

PS: dutt saab ajj kuch zada he serious laag rahay hain ..itnay lambay lambay post.
This is a new one .which hindu majority state Pakistan tried to grab? i knw states which u forced to join India.

Pakistan tried to grab Junagadh & Hyderabad. Hyderabad even received weapons from Pakistan to massacre Hindus. Pakistani leaders tried to discourage many princely states not to join India with an intention to get weaker India. Pakistan even tried to secure accession of three Hindu majority princely states in Rajasthan- Bikaner, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer which their rulers declined.

It was clear from the day of the creation of Pakistan, Pakistan could not mind her own business. The country created on the motto of Hindu-Muslims can't live together wanted to grab Hindu majority princely states without territorial contiguity with Pakistan.
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