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Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

o really how can u say that terrorists are here in pakistan,and how can u prove that they are muslims or pakistanis
o really how can u say that terrorists are here in pakistan,and how can u prove that they are muslims or pakistanis
Then what are they??? Jews , Christians, Hindus???

95% of worlds terrorists are Muslims.... Top10 most wanted terrorists are Muslims..... Top most wanted lists on FBI are Muslims....

Then what are they??? Jews , Christians, Hindus???

95% of worlds terrorists are Muslims.... Top10 most wanted terrorists are Muslims..... Top most wanted lists on FBI are Muslims....


No these are flawed facts and i wasn't referring to you i was referring to the general responses of Indians in this particular thread they played the blame game over and over again and nowhere does any of them except a few maybe have touched upon the topic. Thats why i said the attitude of the people who resort to name calling here while still claiming themselves to be peace loving reveals their own hypocrisy.
We can be by people to people contact but the powers that be do not wish to see us become closer, divide and conquer is a tool still used and we idiots still falling for it even today.
Indians are terrorists and rapists. Ask the Kashmiris.

No friendship with them.
First want to clarify to the Indians here that the myth about more muslims in India has changed. Now Pakistan is the second most populated muslim cointry after Indonesia and by 2050 it is projected to be number one.

Second, we can be friends with Indians if we are in regular contact with them. Its only the Pakistanis and Indians living in their countries who think like that. But I have lived in UAE, USA and now am living in New Zealand and have made many indian friends. Now there are good and bad indians I have met along the way, just as I have met good and bad Pakistanis along the way.
Our perspectives change and we are more open minded living abroad.
That does not mean we will betray our countries. I am always proud of being a Pakistani and they are of being Indians. And we enjoy teasing each other some of the time over cricket. But other times we have good times.
But this is my example. I dont know how other Pakistanis living abroad have it. So I dont want to generalize that everyone does it.
Pakistan and india can never be good freinds - period and the prime issue between the two nations are

1. pakistanies in genral have hate and complex against indians cause all there life they are taught indians(hindus) are children of there easterwhile servents and no matter how much they get educated or proporous they will remain what they were and that thought was inculcated into there sayckee to moralise the feudal regime by the feudal elite

2. bogey of kashmir was created delibratelli by sending afridi raiders in 1948 as soon as pakistan got independence and over time they became very good with"pange lene me" with indians then USSR and now the world they creat problem where ever they live in clusters/ghetos be it US, UK ,Eourope or any other host country and dont follow rules of the land and want them to change their rules for them

3.pakistanies as a nattion even dont know why they became a nation in the first place and even today there are millions in pakistan who ask "pakistan ka matlab kya"

4.Pakistanies are obssesed that they are true & pure muslims of arab and central asian blood and a better race than lowli short dark & cunning evil hindus and consider all hindus and non sunnies as "wajib ul qatl"

5. most pakistanies dream of one day a massiah will come and lead them for a "gazwa e hind" and they will settle all scores with hindus and indians and thats the main reason that they never want to be real freinds on equal level with indians as they think hindus as prey and fair game and call themselfs as "zinda quam" but dont mind begging from the world to teach hindu india a lesson

6.when ever there is a terror attack on muslim pakistanies by there own super muslim pakistanies they are opologetick "that no muslim will/can ever kill another muslims" by which they mean "if a muslim kills a non beleaver he is right but if he kills his ummah brother or a muslim that is wrong"

so my pakistani "freinds" tell me with that kind of collective national hate towards hindus and indian how can you think atht indians/hindus will ever trust you and withowt trust there can be no freindship
Nobody is Waajib ul Qatl if a scholar says such a things its his lack of knowledge the life of any human being isn't that cheap if a scholar doesn't know even the basics of Islam and declares others as waajib ul Qatl then he is to be blamed. Yes people get offended because they don't write books on Christianity or Hinduism or other religions to get a nod from the West and if they do its equally wrong.
If that scholar have no knowledge why the majority remains silent ? Why dont they oppose those scholars ? And I have mentioned that you are offended, so do I when somebody sacrifice a cow on Eid. I have seen people mock Hinduism, by saying its a false religion, idol worshipers are false etc. I have seen people like Zakir Naik while, encouraging to break an Idol of Lord Ganesh and he is alive and still preaching. Tell me how long a person will survive in any of the country in the world if he does something like that to your holy figures. I am yet to see a a scholar who believes in equality and claim that every religion is same. But I know that you know many of your scholars according to whom except Islam, all other religions are false. This has to be changed for peace.

Sorry mate, no offence after watching some shows of zakir Naik, Dr Ahmed of your country, I am forced to believe that there can not be equality. Sorry again.
If that scholar have no knowledge why the majority remains silent ? Why dont they oppose those scholars ? And I have mentioned that you are offended, so do I when somebody sacrifice a cow on Eid. I have seen people mock Hinduism, by saying its a false religion, idol worshipers are false etc. I have seen people like Zakir Naik while, encouraging to break an Idol of Lord Ganesh and he is alive and still preaching. Tell me how long a person will survive in any of the country in the world if he does something like that to your holy figures. I am yet to see a a scholar who believes in equality and claim that every religion is same. But I know that you know many of your scholars according to whom except Islam, all other religions are false. This has to be changed for peace.

Sorry mate, no offence after watching some shows of zakir Naik, Dr Ahmed of your country, I am forced to believe that there can not be equality. Sorry again.

Listen, you won't ever come across any scholar you may agree with 100% neither would i. Its not about majority being silent or not, its about the fact that there are different scholars who give their opinions and their opinions as long as they reconcile with authentic sources are to be followed if not they have no more worth than an average person like me or anybody else giving an opinion on the subject.You can't force people into saying that every religion is right or they would want to follow it but yes there would be scholars who appreciate the good in ever religion same as ordinary people. You have your land and your religion tells you to respect the cow then you should follow it but its impractical to ask others not to eat an animal anywhere across the world. Yes if you say that you're scripture should be respected and there should be no name calling i agree with you on that but you are being as unfair by categorising everybody as the same and are unwillingly to accept that its not the case. You are talking about lack of equality yet you yourself prefer a biased opinion than a logical one on the basis of a few people.
Speaking of riots do you only show your concern for Hindus in riots who lose their lives if thats the case then its a pity and shameful. And speaking of East Pakistan should actually make you ashamed though i still have more dignity to not resort to your level of playing the blame game otherwise i can ask you about a lot of other incidents instigated by Hindus in which many lives were lost but that would bring me on your level (hateful remarks to earn a few brownie points) and i have no interest in that. I disagreed with your stance and i still do painting half the picture the way you like and calling it truth serves you right but not everybody.
Amna. lets start it from the beginning. Tell me one thing. This land was belong to Hindus long long before, then come Arab invaders, who are actually Heroes in Pakistan now a days. Now tell me, through out the history, when did a Hindu king has invaded a muslim land ? Now lets come to Present day. You said two nation theory originated because of the fear of persecution of Muslims by Hindus. You also agree that through out the history, hindus have never ruled you. Now tell me from where this fear comes ? why muslims fear that if a hindu becomes a ruler , he will persecute muslims where as you guys are happy to rule non muslims ? Why can not a Hindu be a ruler in any of the Islamic country including yours too ? Why this attitude ?
Listen, you won't ever come across any scholar you may agree with 100% neither would i. Its not about majority being silent or not, its about the fact that there are different scholars who give their opinions and their opinions as long as they reconcile with authentic sources are to be followed if not they have no more worth than an average person like me or anybody else giving an opinion on the subject.You can't force people into saying that every religion is right or they would want to follow it but yes there would be scholars who appreciate the good in ever religion same as ordinary people. You have your land and your religion tells you to respect the cow then you should follow it but its impractical to ask others not to eat an animal anywhere across the world. Yes if you say that you're scripture should be respected and there should be no name calling i agree with you on that but you are being as unfair by categorising everybody as the same and are unwillingly to accept that its not the case.
Good after noon anman ji

now agreed with your point that different scholars are free to raise there voices about the view they follow but thing is your freedom stops where my(gireban) collar starts= means we dont have any problem what pakistani scholars say in pakistan but when its directed towards Indians and hindus to harm them or bulli them that is when the mistrust and mutual hate starts but the funni thing is that in pakistan general publick as a whole endorses makes a hero of any one with such extrimist idals and propogates hate towrds hindus and india and most pakistanies are OK with killing and conversion of hindus into islam then why do pakistanies think indians will ever trust them and be freinds with such obsessed people /nation
Listen, you won't ever come across any scholar you may agree with 100% neither would i. Its not about majority being silent or not, its about the fact that there are different scholars who give their opinions and their opinions as long as they reconcile with authentic sources are to be followed if not they have no more worth than an average person like me or anybody else giving an opinion on the subject.You can't force people into saying that every religion is right or they would want to follow it but yes there would be scholars who appreciate the good in ever religion same as ordinary people. You have your land and your religion tells you to respect the cow then you should follow it but its impractical to ask others not to eat an animal anywhere across the world. Yes if you say that you're scripture should be respected and there should be no name calling i agree with you on that but you are being as unfair by categorising everybody as the same and are unwillingly to accept that its not the case. You are talking about lack of equality yet you yourself prefer a biased opinion than a logical one on the basis of a few people.
You have a very nice name. :) You are a rare one in PDF. You speak sense. Continue to keep a safe distance from emotional attachment in any online forum and you will remain sane.
Listen, you won't ever come across any scholar you may agree with 100% neither would i. Its not about majority being silent or not, its about the fact that there are different scholars who give their opinions and their opinions as long as they reconcile with authentic sources are to be followed if not they have no more worth than an average person like me or anybody else giving an opinion on the subject.You can't force people into saying that every religion is right or they would want to follow it but yes there would be scholars who appreciate the good in ever religion same as ordinary people. You have your land and your religion tells you to respect the cow then you should follow it but its impractical to ask others not to eat an animal anywhere across the world. Yes if you say that you're scripture should be respected and there should be no name calling i agree with you on that but you are being as unfair by categorising everybody as the same and are unwillingly to accept that its not the case. You are talking about lack of equality yet you yourself prefer a biased opinion than a logical one on the basis of a few people.
Again . You did not get my point. I am trying to say is when we are in minority, why can not you respect our sentiment by not sacrificing a cow on Eid ? You can sacrifice a goat and can show that you respect minority sentiments. its not forcing . Also tell me if you are in minority, if we disrespect some of your holy figures, your practices, how you will feel. We are in majority here, still we are tolerating these things. The day I see this change that muslims are respecting other religions and holy figures, I will be the happiest person.
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