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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

Never will I ever support the Govt. of my motherland in committing an actual human rights violation such as stopping water to Pakistan.
Even the thought of it is despicable. Our enemy is the Pakistani state...not the people! By even contemplating such a move, we not only become inhuman, we risk losing support from every nation that has backed us! (including many within the Indian nation)
That isolation thing can be self inflicted...
In the case of Pakistan, continued use of terror and nuclear blackmail..
In the case of India, it will be water blackmail..

Hope the Modi govt. has better sense than to chase a policy thats akin to digging its own grave.
Even if India did block Pakistan's water no human rights organisation would say anything.
Nothing like that will happen. If it is a legal contract, it will not be violated. Remember the Vodafone case where Indian government's arbitrary tax demands on a foreign company were scraped by the Court. Unless there is an all out war, this will not happen, IMHO.
Technically we can as treaty is bilateral in nature and WB only brokered it. There no such rule under UN which defines water sharing and its purely upto negotiations of the two parties.

Thing is we can make Pakistan suffer only by cutting of 3 rivers where we have complete rights. I know it affects the livelihood of poor farmers on the other side.
But what does we need to make Pakistan understand that their policy of killing and training people will be futile. I am all for scrapping it.
Its an open act of war on par with a nuclear strike

Indians are darpok and dont have the balls but if they ever made the mistake of screwing with the waters that flow to the indus then strikes against any dam, infrastructure in indian occupied Kashmir is guaranteed
Do what you want , Kashmir will be freed






Now you can , talk about Most friendly nation title or Indust treaty or Windus bum juice

The issue is right there people want OUT OF INDIA , seperation


Beating the bush is useless the issue is very simple Kashmir want OUT
Why India want to live in a dream world? Why not China just block river from your side? how would you find that as a response? But main thing most of the glaciers are on Pakistani side. Even if india cut the supply it won't make that much difference cause china will cut from their side. Lets just do it and see the result ;)
Lovely views from Srinagar

Not sure who the Indian politicians are lying too , you have control of region that from day one demanded their vote of exit



Kashmir will be free , and we will worry about Indus Treaty later
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Technically we can as treaty is bilateral in nature and WB only brokered it. There no such rule under UN which defines water sharing and its purely upto negotiations of the two parties.

Sorry ain't gonna happen. World Bank not only brokered but he is guarantor of this treaty. The treaty was not thrust upon India and Pakistan. They both accepted it. Now this treaty is binding and no single party can revoke it without serious repercussions.
lol at Indians.

This treaty is backed by World Bank and you cannot just unilaterally revoke it. This is just pressure tactic that we will do this we will do that. Nothing happened to this treaty during last 66 years and nothing will happen it in future.
India have higher voting rights due to money given in world bank. Don't think they even bother to ur cries. But even if IWT screwd it takes atleast 1 year to completely stop water. Don't worry u can ask afghanistan for water from salama dam
No. Indus WAter should be off the charts even if we're going for outright war. Being STUPID cannot be justified even if there is a terrorist attack.
Interesting! May i ask what makes you such a supporter of this treaty from an Indian perspective when everybody else seems to in the mood of teaching us a lesson?
Thing is we can make Pakistan suffer only by cutting of 3 rivers where we have complete rights. I know it affects the livelihood of poor farmers on the other side.
But what does we need to make Pakistan understand that their policy of killing and training people will be futile. I am all for scrapping it.
Thats right. Moreover you can do what you want even without announcing abrogation of the treaty. Its totally upto India's wish. Though for that to happen, we first need series of canals and reservoirs connecting it through other parts of the country.
India have higher voting rights due to money given in world bank. Don't think they even bother to ur cries. But even if IWT screwd it takes atleast 1 year to completely stop water. Don't worry u can ask afghanistan for water from salama dam

Take screenshot of what I said above then take print out and then hang it in a frame on wall. Then check back again after 50 years.
Nothing like that will happen. If it is a legal contract, it will not be violated. Remember the Vodafone case where Indian government's arbitrary tax demands on a foreign company were scraped by the Court. Unless there is an all out war, this will not happen, IMHO.
You can do it illegally. Best way to checkmate them. But we are too soft to use it
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