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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

This will not be max but a starting point. What will be your response if we turn off the tap?
Do you know where your rivers start from?? Just imagine all of them being stopped in response.
Never will I ever support the Govt. of my motherland in committing an actual human rights violation such as stopping water to Pakistan.
Even the thought of it is despicable. Our enemy is the Pakistani state...not the people! By even contemplating such a move, we not only become inhuman, we risk losing support from every nation that has backed us! (including many within the Indian nation)
That isolation thing can be self inflicted...
In the case of Pakistan, continued use of terror and nuclear blackmail..
In the case of India, it will be water blackmail..

Hope the Modi govt. has better sense than to chase a policy thats akin to digging its own grave.

Abrogating Indus Water Treaty doesn't necessarily mean stopping water to Pakistan. It would just help in building hydel projects in Jammu & Kashmir, for power generation and flood management, on time and without any cost over runs. Pakistan has a habit of dragging India to the court only for the court to rule in India's favour. Its a pointless exercise with India losing precious time and hard earned money.

Why should we let Pakistan, a non cooperative adversary state, have such leverage over our future?

Do you know where your rivers start from?? Just imagine all of them being stopped in response.

We ll still have the waters of Shyok and Nubra. What will you have?
Sorry ain't gonna happen. World Bank not only brokered but he is guarantor of this treaty. The treaty was not thrust upon India and Pakistan. They both accepted it. Now this treaty is binding and no single party can revoke it without serious repercussions.
World Bank is not a guarantor of the treaty.
Abrogating Indus Water Treaty doesn't necessarily mean stop water to Pakistan. It would just help in building in hydel projects on time and without any cost over runs. Pakistan has a habit of dragging India to the court only for the court to rule in India's favour. Its a pointless exercise with India losing precious time and hard earned money.

Why should we let Pakistan, a non cooperative adversary state, have such leverage over our future?

While Pakistan needs an attitude change in general, I believe water is one of those issues that is a very sensitive subject.
Also note that by winning the arbitration on water dispute, we as Indians come out looking good and Pakistan looking like its cried "wolf" one too many times.

Yes, we can request to renegotiate the treaty if we think that the water sharing agreement is hurting us or our people in maintaining water security. But using it as a tool to blackmail Pakistan, that I'm against!

Again, water is the lifeblood of the people. India should not make any moves that would hurt the Pakistani civilian population. All state targets, whether diplomatic, economic or military are fair game...Water is not!
Sorry ain't gonna happen. World Bank not only brokered but he is guarantor of this treaty. The treaty was not thrust upon India and Pakistan. They both accepted it. Now this treaty is binding and no single party can revoke it without serious repercussions.
WB is just a middle man here.... nothing beyond that. As I said there's no such law exist which defines water sharing....Its purely bilateral in nature anywhere in the world. Besides, WB, UN etc are helpless against countries now a days ( we saw that with south China sea hearing) let alone non binding treaties like this.

Do you know where your rivers start from?? Just imagine all of them being stopped in response.
Why don't you tell their origination? Last I checked 4 out of 6 rivers originates within India.
they frequently BS, no evidence that they actually changed anything on ground

How can the Pakistanis change anything on the ground? The point being made is that even Pakistanis have suggested having a relook at the treaty, no harm if India voices something similar.

There is no blockage of water being proposed. Other than the fact that we simply have no created means to do that in the near future, no one would go down that route of completely refusing water. Is it necessarily the best idea? Probably not, though one cannot but see merit in throwing it into the mix, if only to muddy waters a bit. Being all predictable & right is not always a good thing.

New Delhi: India on Thursday hinted at question marks over the Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan.
"There are differences on the treaty. For any such treaty to work, it is important there must be mutual trust and cooperation. It can't be a one-sided affair," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup said.
The remarks came days after a terror attack on an army base in Jammu and Kashmir killed 18 soldiers. India has held Pakistan responsible for the killings.
According to the agreement, India has control over three eastern rivers - Beas, Ravi and Sutlej - all flowing from Punjab.
Pakistan, as per the treaty, controls the western rivers of Indus, Chenab and Jhelum that flow from Jammu and Kashmir.
Jammu and Kashmir has been demanding a review of the treaty as it robs the state of its rights to use the water of the rivers.
That's what I'm talking about....hit em where it hurts the most!!!
I'm sure china will provide water to there all weather friend!
India always talking talking talking -
We will do this that and then that All talk -
Full of bullcra a c shitz-
While Pakistan needs an attitude change in general, I believe water is one of those issues that is a very sensitive subject.
Also note that by winning the arbitration on water dispute, we as Indians come out looking good and Pakistan looking like its cried "wolf" one too many times.

Yes, we can request to renegotiate the treaty if we think that the water sharing agreement is hurting us or our people in maintaining water security. But using it as a tool to blackmail Pakistan, that I'm against!

Again, water is the lifeblood of the people. India should not make any moves that would hurt the Pakistani civilian population. All state targets, whether diplomatic, economic or military are fair game...Water is not!

Why are we so sensitive when it comes to Pakistan's water, an adversary, but not as sensitive when it comes to Bangladesh a friendly country?

Why has Pakistan done to deserve this special treatment?
Yes, we can request to renegotiate the treaty if we think that the water sharing agreement is hurting us or our people in maintaining water security. But using it as a tool to blackmail Pakistan, that I'm against!

Again, water is the lifeblood of the people. India should not make any moves that would hurt the Pakistani civilian population. All state targets, whether diplomatic, economic or military are fair game...Water is not!

We get no credit whatsoever from anyone in Pakistan for abiding with this very generous treaty, getting them into a fit & leaving something to think about may not hurt.
Thing is we can make Pakistan suffer only by cutting of 3 rivers where we have complete rights. I know it affects the livelihood of poor farmers on the other side.
But what does we need to make Pakistan understand that their policy of killing and training people will be futile. I am all for scrapping it.

dude, we need to maintain stable water relations for the next 100 years. Trying to put that on the block is just stupidity. Hit them in other ways.
Never will I ever support the Govt. of my motherland in committing an actual human rights violation such as stopping water to Pakistan.
Even the thought of it is despicable. Our enemy is the Pakistani state...not the people! By even contemplating such a move, we not only become inhuman, we risk losing support from every nation that has backed us! (including many within the Indian nation)
That isolation thing can be self inflicted...
In the case of Pakistan, continued use of terror and nuclear blackmail..
In the case of India, it will be water blackmail..

Hope the Modi govt. has better sense than to chase a policy thats akin to digging its own grave.
in chess sometimes you have to sacrifice a queen to get a checkmate. Even if temporarily we lose the respect of the world I say it is worth it. I know we may not have a problem with ordinary Pakistanis but sometimes it is required to be bad for the greater good

And if Pakistanis are like what we see in PDF I wont mind hurting them
We get no credit whatsoever from anyone in Pakistan for abiding with this very generous treaty, getting them into a fit & leaving something to think about may not hurt.

It is not Pakistanis we need credit from. It's the international community that needs to look at India as a moral upstanding country that does not renege on its treaties.
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