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28 March, 2022: The Graduation Ceremony of 127th Combat Support, 43rd BLPC Course, 7th Log (A), 3rd AD (SSC) and 2nd Grooming Courses was held at PAF Academy, Asghar Khan today. Air Marshal Zulfiquar Ahmad Qureshi, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Training) was the Chief Guest at the occasion. On his arrival at the Academy, he was received by Air Vice Marshal Qaiser Janjua, Air Officer Commanding, PAF Academy Asghar Khan.

A total of 63 cadets graduated at the occasion. The Chief Guest awarded branch insignias to the graduating cadets and trophies to the distinction holders. Air Marshal Asghar Khan Trophy for the overall best performance in 127th Combat Support Course was awarded to Aviation Cadet Muhammad Talha.

While addressing the graduating cadets, the Chief Guest said, “You have become part of Pakistan Air Force that has a legacy of finest traditions of valour, heroism and patriotism of air warriors”. He further added that they must remain abreast of the latest developments and modern concepts in respective fields for performing their duties with utmost commitment and responsibilities. At the end, the Chief Guest congratulated the graduating cadets on successful accomplishment of an important milestone in their lives.

The Ceremony was witnessed by high-ranking Military, Civil Officials and a large number of guests of graduating cadets....



Now with new world Order ( will be clearly visible after the Prime Minister Imran Khans survival or Fall) if Imran Khan success, Russia shouldn’t have any obligations or objectives against any Chinese Flankers in the spheres of Pakistan Air Force, India is clearly running away from the Russians.
Came across a post for jobs at the aerospace park at PAF Kamra.

Apart from the usual FPGA and DSP, mechanical, aerospace engineers, there were vacancies for photonics engineers, nanotech engineers and scientists, computer vision, and also biotech engineers (this took me the most by surprise).

Pretty interesting to see. What kind of role would there be for a biotech engineer in such a setup within Pakistan? @SQ8 ?

A couple of years ago, these guys were hiring the top of the line talent from the likes of NUST and GIK etc, but at a paltry salary and a fair few of them left the jobs, citing the low salary and also the fauji culture.
Came across a post for jobs at the aerospace park at PAF Kamra.

Apart from the usual FPGA and DSP, mechanical, aerospace engineers, there were vacancies for photonics engineers, nanotech engineers and scientists, computer vision, and also biotech engineers (this took me the most by surprise).

Pretty interesting to see. What kind of role would there be for a biotech engineer in such a setup within Pakistan? @SQ8 ?

A couple of years ago, these guys were hiring the top of the line talent from the likes of NUST and GIK etc, but at a paltry salary and a fair few of them left the jobs, citing the low salary and also the fauji culture.
Commercial ventures for making Medical devices?
So long as the low salary and Fauji culture remains static, these will remain starter springboard jobs for moving elsewhere or abroad.
Commercial ventures for making Medical devices?
So long as the low salary and Fauji culture remains static, these will remain starter springboard jobs for moving elsewhere or abroad.

Funny you say that, because at least 5 people I know did indeed leave for greener pastures abroad after putting in a year or so over there.
Funny you say that, because at least 5 people I know did indeed leave for greener pastures abroad after putting in a year or so over there.
A very common story for the reasons that you stated. I think I know around or more than that number too that left.

On the flip side I know a couple of US educated people that moved back to work there. But that's literally 2 people.

Dawn of a New Era​

In a quickly changing geostrategic environment and hastened military acquisitions by India, especially after post-Pulwama embarrassment, PAF’s acquisition of J-10C rebalances conventional warfare capabilities. This report dives into the technicalities and opportunities J-10C provides for the country’s defense.

Contemporary geostrategic environment is in a state of flux due to the intervening of geopolitics and geoeconomics, mainly enabled by transforming global order and growing regional interdependencies. South Asian region, home to two nuclear powers having antagonist postures with a history of conflicts and confrontations, has been particularly affected by these changes. Recent developments in Afghanistan and Asia Pacific region along with growing Indian military-strategic partnerships with various countries, have further accentuated the instability of the region. The emerging regional environment also leverages our adversary an opportunity to further its regional ambitions to become a net security provider and regional power. Under such impression, India’s unilateral desire of an arms race coupled by enormous military spending, especially in non-contact warfare, ballistic missile defense, hypersonic technology, artificial intelligence, drones and acquisition of modern jets is a recipe for critical security dilemma in the region. Particularly, post-Pulwama embarrassment suffered during Operation Swift Retort has hastened Indian military acquisitions including Rafale jets and S-400 systems.


Pakistan has always believed in peaceful coexistence and cooperation with all its neighbors for mutual progress and friendship. However, the instability of the region and Pakistan-specific aggressive designs of our eastern neighbor are serious concerns for the national security. With current capabilities, Pakistan Armed Forces are fully capable of ensuring the defense of the country against any aggression. Without embroiling into any arms race, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has always believed in its modernization along with the maintenance of highest standards of values, leadership and training to meet any challenges. Pakistan is also fully aware of the need of air defense of the country in the backdrop of Indian large-scale military acquisitions, especially by Indian Air Force. Despite the economic challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic, government of Pakistan believed in the primacy of air power and decided to equip PAF with cutting edge, modern, state-of-the-art capability in the shape of J-10C aircraft to counterbalance the growing asymmetry and ensure air defense of Pakistan.


J-10C is a 4.5+ generation, ultra-modern, omni-role fighter aircraft enabled with long-range first-shot Beyond Visual Range (BVR) capability which would offset any fighter capability possessed by our adversary. Equipped with the latest avionics such as modern AESA radar, integrated EW suite, informationized fused sensor systems as well as the capability to carry a variety of modern weapons, the aircraft is capable to deny enemy advantage in the domains of air, land and sea warfare. Owing to its excellent performance in all combat regimes and altitudes, matchless maneuverability and advanced integrated electronic warfare suite; the aircraft can take on any contemporary aerial and ground threats with a high degree of precision.

Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, PAF, after assuming command on March 21, 2021, embarked on the journey of modernizing PAF at a fast pace. Visualizing smart acquisitions as a way forward, he immediately sought approval of Government of Pakistan and Prime Minister for the acquisition of a 4.5+ generation fighter aircraft with state-of-the-art avionics and weapons. The J-10C aircraft, owing to its exclusive capabilities, was selected to act as a front line fighter for PAF and thus, it became the first air force to induct this modern fighter in its fleet after The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). Government of Pakistan, realizing the emerging geostrategic environment, ensured the availability of this capability through tremendous cooperation of our time-tested and all-weather friend, China.

Owing to vigorous engagement by the leadership of PAF, a strategic framework was signed on April 21, 2021 which was followed by an immediate visit of PAF’s team to China. The contract for the acquisition of the J-10C weapons system was signed with Chinese Original Equipment Market (OEM) on June 25, 2021, which included the provision of jets and associated weaponry along with initial training of the air and ground crew. Owing to the visionary leadership, an energetic team, immense cooperation, coordination and collaboration from China, availability of the aircraft was made possible within a record time of eight months, which is truly unprecedented. Immense and earnest support of the Chinese government played a pivotal role in the timely production of aircraft and training of PAF air and ground crew. No doubt that the contract and subsequent delivery of aircraft in March 2022 could not have been achieved without the support and patronage of Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan. The acquisition of J-10C aircraft is a strategic milestone for PAF and will go a long way in enhancing PAF’s capability to ensure impregnable defense of the aerial frontiers of Pakistan.


March 11, 2022, was a momentous day for PAF as J-10C fighter aircraft was formally inducted in the fleet of PAF. To mark this historic event, a ceremony was held at an operational air base of PAF. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan, was the chief guest at the occasion. On his arrival, the chief guest was received by Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, PAF. The chief guest was presented guard of honor by a smartly turned out contingent of PAF.
Terming it a historical occasion, the Air Chief said, "The advancement in space, electronic warfare, cyber, niche technologies coupled with artificial intelligence had profoundly affected the traditional environment of national security. In order to provide safe and secure environment to a national mission against all threats, the armed forces of Pakistan continue to synergize their efforts by bridging the capability gaps through timely induction programs. Considering modern parameters of warfare, induction of J-10C aircraft into Pakistan’s arsenal was a result of one such combined effort which merits profound appreciation." The Air Chief acknowledged the outstanding support which the PAF received from the Government of Pakistan despite challenges and COVID-19 pandemic. He further said that the achievement of this important milestone could not have been possible without the kind patronage of Prime Minister of Pakistan, which enabled PAF to induct this state-of-the-art weapons system in a short span of eight months.

In his speech, the Air Chief also made a special mention of the all-out support of COAS and said that all ranks and pilots of PAF admire his vision and personal involvement to see the manifestation of the J-10C project. He further said that the ceremony was a testimony to the strong partnership between the two brotherly states, Pakistan and China. Our commitment to work together in multiple domains is undoubtedly significant to ensure peace and stability in the region. He commended the dedication and professionalism of the entire team for the successful induction of the weapons system in a record time despite several challenges. Talking of the capabilities of the newly inducted aircraft, the Air Chief said, "J-10C aircraft is equipped with modern state-of-the-art avionics suite and advanced cockpit layout. The capability to carry a number of air to air and air to ground/sea weapons makes it a formidable fighter jet. Integration of a potent BVR missile further makes it a versatile fighter aircraft in today’s air battle arena. Induction of J-10C aircraft in PAF is a major milestone which would boost operational capabilities of Pakistan Air Force."


While addressing the audience, the Prime Minister, Mr. Imran Khan, congratulated the whole nation and said, “Nearly forty years after the arrival of the F-16s, the induction of these aircraft is a major step. On behalf of the Pakistani nation, I would like to send a message to our Armed Forces that we are proud that our Armed Forces can defend us. We have fought a very difficult war against terrorism. Our Armed Forces and the people fought this war and showed the whole world that this is the country that can protect itself. After today's event, I have gained more confidence that no one can put any kind of pressure on us. We will do everything possible to strengthen our defence."

The ceremony was followed by a thrilling aerial display by JF-17s, F-16s, Mirages, J-10C and PAF Academy aerobatics team, Sherdil. The ceremony was witnessed by tri-services chiefs, diplomats, foreign dignitaries, ministers and a large number of high-ranking military and civil officials.

Pakistan Air Force continues to prove equal to the legacy of its forefathers and endeavors to remain Second to None, as envisioned by the Father of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Gentlemen - I've tried to do an analysis of Pakistan Air Force's Air to Ground Weapons & Capability. And the kind of threat and challenge it poses to India. Please do have a look and do share your feedback. Do point out errors, if any, in the comments section. Or, in case I've missed something significant.

I've attempted to do an objective, and factual analysis here. Request you to keep the replies/comments factual and to the point.

Many thanks.

Gentlemen - I've tried to do an analysis of Pakistan Air Force's Air to Ground Weapons & Capability. And the kind of threat and challenge it poses to India. Please do have a look and do share your feedback. Do point out errors, if any, in the comments section. Or, in case I've missed something significant.

I've attempted to do an objective, and factual analysis here. Request you to keep the replies/comments factual and to the point.

Many thanks.

Multiple threads. Please delete threads in multiple sections so it can be discussed properly
The biggest threat to IAF is not from PAF ground to air weapons but rather from Indian Air Defence, and you know better what type of weapons you have.

Gentlemen - I've tried to do an analysis of Pakistan Air Force's Air to Ground Weapons & Capability. And the kind of threat and challenge it poses to India. Please do have a look and do share your feedback. Do point out errors, if any, in the comments section. Or, in case I've missed something significant.

I've attempted to do an objective, and factual analysis here. Request you to keep the replies/comments factual and to the point.

Many thanks.

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