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The only thing Indian pressure can do is act on their Kegel muscle and would last only as long as they can hold their pee, rest NO ONE gives a ****, money talks.
exactly money talks,
as soon as russia throw us something india would offer a bigger deal. and they will troll russia, they have a very very long shopping list even if they dont buy anything in the end
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exactly money talks,
as soon as russia through us something india would offer a bigger deal. and they will troll russia, they have a very very long shopping list even if they dont buy anything in the end
Once relations pick up and we can be assured of a better supply line of spares The Red bear can sell to both countries irrespective of how big a list one has as against the other. The US is doing it and France is doing it. So why should they not. It makes perfect monetory sense to supply arms to whosoever wants it as long as they have money to pay.
It's a myth created by indian trolls, no country has limitless resources to keep throwing big arms purchase deals jus to create problems for Pak.

exactly money talks,
as soon as russia throw us something india would offer a bigger deal. and they will troll russia, they have a very very long shopping list even if they dont buy anything in the end
"It's been four decades, not a day goes by that I don't miss him" Mother of Rashid Minhas
#TributeToRashidMinhas https://t.co/23Mn1yUbZ6
I am personally wary of PAF trying to branch out into too many directions. Mr MastanKhan posted a video about the Luftwaffe's folly of trying to be everything at once. I think that is a good lesson to learn. There should be a high level planning body at the top to coordinate the efforts of air warfare with jets, commercial/civil aviation, helis, drones, and space, but both tactical and strategic execution should be performed by separate entities with cross-pollination in the form of research seminars, focus groups, and even secondment. But trying to be everywhere at once is not going to be feasible.
CSAR assets. PAF has been operating helis since the sixties, even before Army Aviation iirc.
CSAR assets. PAF has been operating helis since the sixties, even before Army Aviation iirc.

Sir, the potential manufacture of TAI-129 is also supposed to be under Kamra. That is what I mean by branching off into too many directions.
This is how our forces make us proud.

I still thank PAF for not allowing Kargil misadventure to escalate into full-fledged war. It was smart of them to do so. Those were the darkest times with sanctions and all. Today's PAF is different and more capable.

Battles are won and lost in the planning. The man who chooses his battles wisely, wins every battle.
This is how our forces make us proud.

I still thank PAF for not allowing Kargil misadventure to escalate into full-fledged war. It was smart of them to do so. Those were the darkest times with sanctions and all. Today's PAF is different and more capable.


Get out of your deceits and lies----Paf had no aircraft to fight a war---. It was incapable to make a fight---.

So---stop lying blatantly and shamelessly.

A good read. Didn't know where to post it.

Taking Airpower for Granted: A Smart Bomb Story


@MastanKhan @Oscar @Dazzler


If the general stated that it was easier---then indeed it is easier---. The writer just wanted to bullsh-it his way into writing an article---.

Get out of your deceits and lies----Paf had no aircraft to fight a war---. It was incapable to make a fight---.

So---stop lying blatantly and shamelessly.


If the general stated that it was easier---then indeed it is easier---. The writer just wanted to bullsh-it his way into writing an article---.
The GBU-10 had a narrow drop zone due to "bang bang" guidance- essentially its control surfaces just went either full left or full right.

The GBU-12 improved upon that by having controlled deflection but still had specific speeds and heights although in the gulf war there were weapons deployed at supersonic speeds as well.

Deploying a weapon outside of its parameters not only reduces accuracy and precision but can also be dangerous to an aircraft (so when ACdre Tufail talks about going to 60k+ in a F-16 when the stated safe height is 55k, he isnt being a badass pilot but is openly violating stated operating safety limits imposed for a reason by the designers and engieers of the airplane- not very smart regardless of how experienced you are)

Each successive weapon has gotten easier to employ , the JDAM of today only requires marking a coordinate either preflight or via the ground mapping mode on a radar.

But as sophistication has grown, so has different operating procedures and restrictions. Sure, most (USA systems anyway) have much higher tolerances than stated as safe so weapons will still work ok outside of those limits, but that is why training is imperitive to ensure thay procedure is followed that can be adapted in wartime situations rather than being left to improvise on the ground.

That is not to say that the USAF isn't prone to hotdogs or pilots making mistakes, they lost track of nukes for christ's sake! But the size versus the institutionalization of safety and procedure is more indoctrinated compared to the PAF. A more closer analogy is the Israelis with their open procedures but they go through a rather tough selection process that has their pilots being groomed from high school.
The GBU-10 had a narrow drop zone due to "bang bang" guidance- essentially its control surfaces just went either full left or full right.

The GBU-12 improved upon that by having controlled deflection but still had specific speeds and heights although in the gulf war there were weapons deployed at supersonic speeds as well.

Deploying a weapon outside of its parameters not only reduces accuracy and precision but can also be dangerous to an aircraft (so when ACdre Tufail talks about going to 60k+ in a F-16 when the stated safe height is 55k, he isnt being a badass pilot but is openly violating stated operating safety limits imposed for a reason by the designers and engieers of the airplane- not very smart regardless of how experienced you are)

Each successive weapon has gotten easier to employ , the JDAM of today only requires marking a coordinate either preflight or via the ground mapping mode on a radar.

But as sophistication has grown, so has different operating procedures and restrictions. Sure, most (USA systems anyway) have much higher tolerances than stated as safe so weapons will still work ok outside of those limits, but that is why training is imperitive to ensure thay procedure is followed that can be adapted in wartime situations rather than being left to improvise on the ground.

That is not to say that the USAF isn't prone to hotdogs or pilots making mistakes, they lost track of nukes for christ's sake! But the size versus the institutionalization of safety and procedure is more indoctrinated compared to the PAF. A more closer analogy is the Israelis with their open procedures but they go through a rather tough selection process that has their pilots being groomed from high school.


Fighter pilots are like cowboys---. Everyone wants to show off his " quick Draw ".

So---when he flew to 60K---he was checking his endurance and that of the aircraft's as well---and also showing off that " I did it ".

One should also keep in mind the 10-12% margin---.
The single most important and battle proven weapon in Pakistan is the F16 .

with relations at an all time low with USA And relations between india & USA at a high I am surprised to see no talk or debate about how to

1. Avoid/overcome spares embargoes in a future war or escalation of tension
2. REALISTIC PLAN that is actually feasible financially and diplomatically to replace the F16

I FOR ONE would never wish to have IAF premiere fighter come from nation that did not offer guaranteed support during a conflict . AND in indian case Russian French & Israeli support is almost certainly guaranteed

IMO the F16 will PAF achillies heal .............

YET not a word in this forum ........ its like IT WONT HAPPEN
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