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Fighter pilots are like cowboys---. Everyone wants to show off his " quick Draw ".

So---when he flew to 60K---he was checking his endurance and that of the aircraft's as well---and also showing off that " I did it ".

One should also keep in mind the 10-12% margin---.
There is arrogance and cowboy attitudes, and there is risking safety- at 50k feet your blood will boil off in case you lose pressurization.
To top it off,you have a young trainee in the backseat with you, an extremely precious asset that is barely kept flying due to sanctions- and neither of you are wearing pressure suits which means that in case something happens you are both dead along with the multi million dollar aircraft.

Sure, common sense eventually kicked in but its these hot dog moments that get you killed









Couple of points

1 looks like no 7, 25 and 27 are only flying refueling probe version of mirages

2 LIFT k8

3 paf transport Sqns

4 self explanatory

5 ISR c-130 which can also laze gbu so carrier aircraft does not need a ld pod

Lastly 15 sqn flying most of the oldest mirages so it may be the first sqn to convert to jf after f7s/PGS
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Couple of points

1 looks like no 7, 25 and 27 are only flying refueling probe version of mirages

2 LIFT k8

3 paf transport Sana

4 self explanatory

5 ISR c-130 which can also laze gbu so carrier aircraft does not need a ld pod

Lastly 15 sqn flying most of the oldest mirages so it may be the first sqn to convert to jf after f7s/PGS

Thunder max speed Mach 1.6 confirmed. And they ACTUALLY fly it at that speed :D
And it seems they land it at that speed too....

I am simply over the moon that Alhamdulillah in Pakistan we are making things that can simply tolerate the stresses involved at those speeds and keep working. I *WISH* they would release a video of Thunder breaking the sound barrier. It would be *AWESOME*

Get out of your deceits and lies----Paf had no aircraft to fight a war---. It was incapable to make a fight---.

So---stop lying blatantly and shamelessly.

Mastan, tell me where have I lied and what deceit I am in. I would also like to know what makes you think I am being blatant and shameless.

You have an agenda and you spread lies, yes lies because its all hearsay that you bring up. You are obsessed with an idea that a lone weapon system can bring a ten-times more powerful enemy to his knees. You have been challenged many many times, and yet you continue to spread BS. So, for the nth time, please tell us how to defeat an enemy that has an economy 10 times the size of Pakistan's?....... Oh OK, you do not have an answer. Just as I guessed.

You demand that our airforce officers be perfect and not make mistakes. Great... are you perfect? Do you not make mistakes? What makes you think that IAF, that has every conceivable aircraft type and myriad supply chain issues, does not make mistakes? Chiding others is easy. If you were so perfect, you would not spend all your waking hours ranting on various forums. Get a life and get well.

I have far more trust in an institution that works for Pakistan than a lunatic raving and ranting in California....

The single most important and battle proven weapon in Pakistan is the F16 .

with relations at an all time low with USA And relations between india & USA at a high I am surprised to see no talk or debate about how to

1. Avoid/overcome spares embargoes in a future war or escalation of tension
2. REALISTIC PLAN that is actually feasible financially and diplomatically to replace the F16

I FOR ONE would never wish to have IAF premiere fighter come from nation that did not offer guaranteed support during a conflict . AND in indian case Russian French & Israeli support is almost certainly guaranteed

IMO the F16 will PAF achillies heal .............

YET not a word in this forum ........ its like IT WONT HAPPEN
We know how to manage the 'Achilles's heel'. We did that in the past, we can do that going forward. There is no embargo as of yet and your glee is a bit premature to say the least.
There is option to ignore post from members, use it to enjoy only relevant posts ;)
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Program on PAF Base Minhas
14 and 16 squadron based along with 3 AWACS squadron
87 SAR Squadron
Mix of JF17 Block l and ll. Serial numbers sighted
150, 214, 217 and 231 so far.
Program on PAF Base Minhas
14 and 16 squadron based along with 3 AWACS squadron
87 SAR Squadron
Mix of JF17 Block l and ll. Serial numbers sighted
150, 214, 217 and 231 so far.
Mastan, tell me where have I lied and what deceit I am in. I would also like to know what makes you think I am being blatant and shameless.

You have an agenda and you spread lies, yes lies because its all hearsay that you bring up. You are obsessed with an idea that a lone weapon system can bring a ten-times more powerful enemy to his knees. You have been challenged many many times, and yet you continue to spread BS. So, for the nth time, please tell us how to defeat an enemy that has an economy 10 times the size of Pakistan's?....... Oh OK, you do not have an answer. Just as I guessed.

You demand that our airforce officers be perfect and not make mistakes. Great... are you perfect? Do you not make mistakes? What makes you think that IAF, that has every conceivable aircraft type and myriad supply chain issues, does not make mistakes? Chiding others is easy. If you were so perfect, you would not spend all your waking hours ranting on various forums. Get a life and get well.

I have far more trust in an institution that works for Pakistan than a lunatic raving and ranting in California....

We know how to manage the 'Achilles's heel'. We did that in the past, we can do that going forward. There is no embargo as of yet and your glee is a bit premature to say the least.


If the indians worshipped their air force next to their Bhagwans---they would expect the same.

Mistakes are acceptable---but continuous deceptions are an act of treason.

Like---pakistanis hate the U S for sanctions on the F16---why because the Paf lied to the pakistanis---did not tell them the truth---

That the U S already told them that the sanctions were coming and DO NOT INVEST anymore into the F16---that was the late 80's---yet they did---same story again and again---.

Why did the Paf lie to the public and not tell them the truth---why was this hatred against the U S caused by the Paf---.

All the APOLOGISTS of the Paf are in the same category of deceivers---because they justify the Paf's agenda.
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