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@GriffinsRule @Thunder.Storm
I gather PAF is to stick with RD93. This i a twitter Q&A session with some insider source.

You are aware these turbines are twin spool eg RD-series 3 , WS13/e/j with 2 X L-H compressor-turbines.
This is pretty much standard for this range. Most chinese effort is based on russian designs and this goes for WS engines aswell eg. the fan-Lp compressor-turbine assembly for WS series 10, 13 incld. bypass duct has been tested on russian RD engines with russian assistance. Technically they are modified russian turbines. Power to thrust ratio is a nonlinear relationship but my estimate is 105kn.

You can quote me.

Here is a pdf member @messiach she mentioned somewhere that engine thrust 105 kn for bl3.

PAF women pilot Rabia
@GriffinsRule @Thunder.Storm
I gather PAF is to stick with RD93. This i a twitter Q&A session with some insider source.

You are aware these turbines are twin spool eg RD-series 3 , WS13/e/j with 2 X L-H compressor-turbines.
This is pretty much standard for this range. Most chinese effort is based on russian designs and this goes for WS engines aswell eg. the fan-Lp compressor-turbine assembly for WS series 10, 13 incld. bypass duct has been tested on russian RD engines with russian assistance. Technically they are modified russian turbines. Power to thrust ratio is a nonlinear relationship but my estimate is 105kn.

You can quote me.

Are you saying Block 3 will have WS-13 which is really just a modified RD-93?
F16 pilots flying a helicopter...savage.

I am personally wary of PAF trying to branch out into too many directions. Mr MastanKhan posted a video about the Luftwaffe's folly of trying to be everything at once. I think that is a good lesson to learn. There should be a high level planning body at the top to coordinate the efforts of air warfare with jets, commercial/civil aviation, helis, drones, and space, but both tactical and strategic execution should be performed by separate entities with cross-pollination in the form of research seminars, focus groups, and even secondment. But trying to be everywhere at once is not going to be feasible.
I am personally wary of PAF trying to branch out into too many directions. Mr MastanKhan posted a video about the Luftwaffe's folly of trying to be everything at once. I think that is a good lesson to learn. There should be a high level planning body at the top to coordinate the efforts of air warfare with jets, commercial/civil aviation, helis, drones, and space, but both tactical and strategic execution should be performed by separate entities with cross-pollination in the form of research seminars, focus groups, and even secondment. But trying to be everywhere at once is not going to be feasible.
Rotation is a normal thing in AF...no need to worry.
This is extreme over-simplification.
However your Q has a serious background. Not undermining china, it was the Russian help that was crucially critical. We have therefore shown sense and extended an olive branch to russian in-terms of using RD engines therefore providing business to russians and keeping them engaged in the project & possible future projects. Russians have therefore supervised changes in their 70's RD turbofan. This move has diplomatic connotations. We definitely need russian assistance as the international diplomatic scene unfolds against us. I am away this week now.
Are you saying Block 3 will have WS-13 which is really just a modified RD-93?
This is extreme over-simplification.
However your Q has a serious background. Not undermining china, it was the Russian help that was crucially critical. We have therefore shown sense and extended an olive branch to russian in-terms of using RD engines therefore providing business to russians and keeping them engaged in the project & possible future projects. Russians have therefore supervised changes in their 70's RD turbofan. This move has diplomatic connotations. We definitely need russian assistance as the international diplomatic scene unfolds against us. I am away this week now.
It's worth noting that even the current PAF CAS, ACM Sohail Aman, explicitly identified Russia as an option for any third fighter platform (to complement the JF-17 and F-16) should the PAF embark on that route.

Pakistan definitely has to induct new aircraft. We have both Chinese and Russian options.


The blue uniform that you wore---the generals wearing that uniform---many of them were and are sellouts---sold pakistan to the highest bidder---.
Shit....I was actually thinking of and was advised to wear that uniform for a career......
The only thing Indian pressure can do is act on their Kegel muscle and would last only as long as they can hold their pee, rest NO ONE gives a ****, money talks.

both mig29 and su 30 will be available
question is sub systems availability and indian pressure
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