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'Pak Parliament taking important decision on Kashmir, India will receive tough message within days'

Pakistan should setup ISIS camps for kasmir jehad. enough is enough, modi should be taught a lesson.
Message should be given to world that either they solve this issue in next 4 years peacefully or war will be only option left and if it becomes a nuclear war than world will be responsible
You will be first to run like a wussie

you pakistani think nuke is like childs play and you got everything covered. india need a missile shield.

and you will get your desire to see a nuke reply back in action. Till then cry like a baby for nuke war

you will get melted in nuke by india oryour own ttp or some shyt.

I WISH TGEDAY NEVER COME FOR YOUAND YOUR FAMILY. I really think civilians are same on both side bindedand dumb. They can dance to any ttrumpet played by govt or media.
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Its funny to know government of pak and pak's people in pdf have same language, 700000 soldiers... Who is stopping you guys to place your army on borders or loc if you can afford? Its like requesting UN to compel India to remove.its forces so that Pak can attack India.
plz plz make india remove its forces, pakistani awaam wants that.
Pakistan has a parliament ? :cheesy:
I thought laws and bills were passed while sitting on city streets or by panelists on TV Shows.
Lol at advisor of Pak PM .......no wonder why Pak PM is in trouble in Pakistan itself ........his advisors are funny ...xD
All Pakistanis just have a wet dream of nuking India as a last resort..they think India will remain quiet...all their nukes can do is take out one or two population centers max..and not the leadership or top military brass who will be well entrenched in their nuclear proof command centers...and God forbids this day would be seen...Pakistanis should brace themselves up to see the day of judgement..all i can say in our local slang...Halwa hain kya...
:rofl::rofl: So you want to blackmail the world? This will surely do wonders to your reputation, goodwill and standing in the international community
Well yes we give a dam this issue will be solved or every one would perish
All Pakistanis just have a wet dream of nuking India as a last resort..they think India will remain quiet...all their nukes can do is take out one or two population centers max..and not the leadership or top military brass who will be well entrenched in their nuclear proof command centers...and God forbids this day would be seen...Pakistanis should brace themselves up to see the day of judgement..all i can say in our local slang...Halwa hain kya...
If we strike first we would target whole off India nothing in India will survive to hit back
Well yes we give a dam this issue will be solved or every one would perish

Your approach will make you look like a loose canon and make everybody gang up against you. Worst case scenario would be India gets destroyed 1/7th where as it will be end of Pakistan

If we strike first we would target whole off India nothing in India will survive to hit back

Well we can anyday scrap our no first use doctrine, strike first and leave no Pakistan to hit back :partay::partay:
If we strike first we would target whole off India nothing in India will survive to hit back

Well we can anyday scrap our no first use doctrine, strike first and leave no Pakistan to hit back :partay::partay:

Now, now children. Neither of your countries have the b@lls to launch a nuke at anything less than some remote uninhabited island somewhere in some unimportant corner of some sea. Stop being too optimistic now and stick to nuking countries or people or things on your Playstation or Xbox thingies. Until then, like two women bitching and spitting at each other about who saw the item first, all that Pakistan and India can do is whip off a few sporadic fires at their borders, pass lengthy feel good speeches in the parliaments and media and make rabble rousing feel good statements on the internet about Kashmir/Afghanistan/water/Siachen/.terrorism/mangoes/gulab jamuns/Baluchistan/1048/1965/1971/1989. Even the discussions being raised at international platforms are not being taken seriously by the world.
He further added that Pakistan will no longer accept 'India's superiority' and ........

:lol::lol:. Little wonder Pakistan gets laughed at. That statement indicated a change in Pakistan's position from accepting Indian superior to one that might not.....forget about India getting a tough message, have some one proof read what it is exactly your guys are saying.....
If we strike first we would target whole off India nothing in India will survive to hit back
Do you even have the resouces to strike the whole of India.All of your missiles do not have the range to strike the whole of India and we all know Papa America is not going to give you permission to use F-16 for nuclear delivery.So how are you gonna strike the whole of India.
P.S. Before speaking,it is advisable to consult your brain.This reduces the chances of 'foot in the mouth' situation.
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