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'Pak Parliament taking important decision on Kashmir, India will receive tough message within days'


Sep 20, 2014
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Islamabad: Terming India's stand on Kashmir as unacceptable and stubborn, Special Advisor to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Sartaz Aziz, has said that Parliament is in the process of adopting an important decision on Kashmir and within few days India would receive tough message.

Dismissing India's stand terming Kashmir a 'non-issue', Aziz questioned the presence of close to 0.7 million troops along LoC.

In an interview to Pakistani media, Aziz questioned, "if Kashmir is not an issue then why 0.7 million soldiers have been deployed in Kashmir and holding guns on each other at LOC, Pakistan will not sit silent until Kashmir issue is resolved."

He further added that Pakistan will no longer accept 'India's superiority' and would continue to highlight the Kashmir issue worldwide.

He said that Pakistan cannot ignore Kashmir issue and would move forward for negotiation.

'Pak Parliament taking important decision on Kashmir, India will receive tough message within days' - daily.bhaskar.com
He said that Pakistan cannot ignore Kashmir issue and would move forward for negotiation.
Negotiations are always welcome. But,as Modi said, You cannot talk amidst the gun shots. Let that be crystal clear.
And coming to the point of tough response, pakistan went to war with India for the sake of kashmir and India didnot blink. Once pakistan realised it's futile waging wars,it resorted to asymetric warfare. That too has now failed. What more "tough" response are they talking about. Moreover, their tough response will be met with even more tougher response which is evident by the words of the leaership....both political and military.
meanwhile NIA and IB are all set to encircle pakistan
Tough is a relative word. For an ant even moving a ball of cotton may be the world's toughest job but for the wind it just a play. So Pakistan;s toughest message may not be something which makes India to change its doctrine under the current scenario and history i.e to stop terrorism.
Tough?? .I have doubt.
Our neighbour already did toughest measures in their complete arsenal.Both full fledged wars and decade old insurgency.
About Superiority ,that is the something we are developed because of our hardwork in past decades.It will remain and gap will be always widening.
if Kashmir is not an issue then why 0.7 million soldiers have been deployed in Kashmir and holding guns on each other at LOC, Pakistan will not sit silent until Kashmir issue is resolved
if this is the reason than let's talk about balochistan.
Time for us to stand beside our Baluchistani brothers and highlight their plight worldwide. :)
So this is the negotiated point between Pak army and PMLN. Army will not topple the Govt. through IK and in exchange Govt has to take tough stand on Kashmir issue and Mr Sharif has to back out from his friendly gesture. Probably defence budget increase also on the plate

Are they taking decision to give Independence to the occupied Kashmir/Gilgit/Baltistan?
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