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Pak govt APPROVES 6% HIKE in Defense Budget

Pakistanis never minded in the past….but now they’re questioning it bcaz the military begs enemies for “peace” so why hike in budget when begging and doing what usa wants……i used to support it too in the past but seeing their behaviour these last few yrs under Bajwa we’re not so sure anymore…..trust has lost/eroded greatly……

Ordinary Pakistanis not getting anything while these elites get it all…..protocols, security, maids and gardeners, drivers, cars etc
While our poorly equipped soldiers die on frontlines everyday
Its the reason why we’re now suspicious about this hike……

The Islamabad police even has armored vehicles for Riot control while our soldiers in Balochistan get open air toyota trucks.
If Rupee falls from RS 111 to RS 200 in 5 years

- 6% is not that much it's just balancing the old budget.
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What is not realised is that in the subcontinent the bulk of expenditure is on wages and salaries, pension benefits and routine maintenance. Less than 20%- perhaps even lesser amounts are on actual weapons purchases. Cutting def ex means essentially laying off hundreds and thousands of militarily trained personnel. Where do these people go? Just ask yourself.

The GDP growth going forward is about 3% I understand- add to it about 13% inflation- that gives a nominal GDP growth of 16%. A 6% hike in defence budget actually means a reduction in def ex as % of GDP by about 6-7%.

What do the learned Maulanas here say?

@Joe Shearer @Indus Pakistan @niaz @Jango @Wood @Vapnope @waz

Too deep a subject for a post, wouldn't you say?

I should like to see drastic changes in the Indian defence set up; where does one get to say it in detail?

The thread is about Pakistan Defence.

50% comments are from Indians.
Is their maths off?

Gas, oil, electricity prices up and defense budget is also up.

There should be a massive protest here. The defense budget should be reduced by 20% minimum.
How will military pay for the increase in price or fuel, rations and ammo without increased budget ?

Pakistani defence being 100% about India, 50% Indian participation is woefully underweight
Armed forces need some "fat " cutting
Lot of 'fat' needs slicing particularly from one lard store.

What do the learned Maulanas here say?
Been called many things but 'maulana' is new one to my collection. As regards defence expenditure my view now is it needs to be frozen and slowly reduced as we move forward.

It needs a strategic review. Declaration of no war with India. Go into defensive posture. This does not mean giving up on Kashmir etc. No. Exact same position is retained but to be brought about by negotiation. This war thing with India has to stop. It would be great if both countries could sign a no war pact and leave any issues to be resolved by negotiation even if they take 100 years.

By all means use economic, political and geo-economics as pressure tactics. but NO MORE WAR please !
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Sirilanka kay peche konsi wardi thi??
srilanka kahan say agaya bhai?

hum toh Jivini sey GB ki baat kar rahay huur jagah chooki huur jaga qabza huur jagah 2 number rishwat ya wardi wallay kar rahay hain!
srilanka kahan say agaya bhai?

hum toh Jivini sey GB ki baat kar rahay huur jagah chooki huur jaga qabza huur jagah 2 number rishwat ya wardi wallay kar rahay hain!
Man looks like you lost a few brain-cells during the VONC season. You'll take a massive Uturn when beloved is back on the steering wheel.

As far as budget austerity goes benefits of all departments should be slashed starting with judges, civil services and army. However defence is scared.
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