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Pak Army ready to launch targeted operation in NWA

Now you are being sarcastic :angel:

No Sir.

Senior military leaders in Pakistan have a clear and important choice to make with regards to their approach to the NWA operation. A token operation to avoid being seen as not doing anything may seem attractive as a choice to get the USA pressure to ease off temporarily, but it may not work this time as it did previously. That is why I said there is no pussyfooting this time around. A full-on effective operation will have its own consequences too, but they have to be weighed very carefully against the consequences of not launching one.

I hope they choose wisely, taking into account all aspects - from their point of view, of course.
Given the historically porous nature of the border over difficult terrain and with the same tribes across both sides, the cleanup must be concurrently on both sides to be effective.

I don't think US will bother to stop ANTI-PAK terrorists getting shelter in Afghanistan. They will escape to Afghanistan during operation and will comeback more organized. I think PA should do full fledged operation cleanup and must chase them even they have to cross border and clear them once for all.
This is interesting.

One reason PA kept telling was that a significant force deployment in the eastern border made it difficult for any NW operation. Could it be that some sort of agreement has been arrived at between our governments? Something like Pak seriously assures that they will do all they can to stop anti-India elements from doing anything adventurous in India and India says that even if something still happens the saber-rattling will be lower.

Nothing remotely of the scale of Mumbai attacks should happen. Given the high unpopularity of our Manmohan Singh led UPA govt, should something significant happen, India will be under tremendous local pressure to act. This will take everything back to square one.

Although it remains to be seen what kind of operation it is and whether it is expanded over the coming months.

ISLAMABAD: After the beheading of 13 Pakistani soldiers by the Taliban in Miranshah, Pakistan Army has decided to initiate a targeted offensive in North Waziristan.

The US has repeatedly demanded that Pakistan launch an offensive in North Waziristan, especially against the so-called Haqqani network. Pakistan has promised to address the US concern on Haqqani network but was reluctant to launch a full fledge operation in restive North Waziristan.

However, after this latest incident against Pakistani soldiers, sources told Online, Pakistan Army has decided to launch a targeted operation in North Waziristan in next few days, which would be completely different from the operation launched in Swat.

Sources said that Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani in this regard has consulted Pakistan Supreme Commander Asif Ali Zardari in this regard and taken him into confidence.

Sources confirmed that currently three brigades of Pakistan Army are currently in North Waziristan who are fighting against militancy. However, the sources, was reluctant to give the final date of the operation but said it could be any time in next few days and likely before the NATO heads summit meeting in Chicago, which is to be attended by Asif Ali Zardari.

After the military offensive in South Waziristan nearly 3000 militants went into hiding in NWA.

According to sources, as the weather is becoming warmer the militants are coming down from mountains and are attacking the army soldiers.

ONLINE - International News Network

Instead of using force they should negotiate with taliban... You can use them in afghanistan later.:).
i dont think PA is in a mood to negotiate after they beheaded their 13 soldiers

The geography of North Waziristan is a night mare for any 'cleaning' offensive. The enemy is small, mobile and highly adapted to the region. Pakistan army cannot move in with Tanks and heavy armor.

PAF can be used, the JF-17s from Peshawar, but you can only use LGBs and rockets when you know where the enemy is. That's hard, as we don't have spy satellites. So either we have to get intelligence on the 'targets' from ground based human assets (which we may or may not be able to trust), or by flying Reconnaissance flights over the area, like using FLIR equipped Mirages. That takes time, money (jet fuel) and alerts the enemy of an incoming aircraft.

Tough spot. We can spend 100 years doing a 'targeted operation' in North Waziristan and it will still be back to square one. We kill them, they kill our troops, they run away, they re group across the border and keep thriving.

What we need is, cut off all routes in and out of North Waziristan and go all in. Heavy bombing. Carpet bombing.
but carpet bombing will be an expensive affair plus it can cause collateral damage the best thing IMO is to get drones to the work its cost effective less human force required and a drone can linger up in the air for hours straight
Plans already made will be put in operation, an ultimatum will be given to the "deadenders" in NWA, leave Pakistani territory within a specified time, or receive hell, the tribes will support the operation as they are as sick of the takfiri as anyone else.
use more and more air force with LGBs. army guys should be keep at safe distance . we already lost many many lives
Imo the PA is a tactically competent organization and doesn't need such advice from anyone here. The strategic outlook is of more interest - that's usually where the PA leadership messes up. Does anyone see any indication in the article what the PA intends to accomplish by such an operation? Why the omission?
Imo the PA is a tactically competent organization and doesn't need such advice from anyone here. The strategic outlook is of more interest - that's usually where the PA leadership messes up. Does anyone see any indication in the article what the PA intends to accomplish by such an operation? Why the omission?

looks who's talking hahahahah a:woot:

a person who always critisize Pak army
.......... Does anyone see any indication in the article what the PA intends to accomplish by such an operation? ...............

Clearly they are playing for time to reduce the US pressure. The chances are that a limited operation will be launched to claim that they are doing "all they can" so the heat is turned down a little which, of late, is getting to be more than a bit uncomfortable to take. Smart strategy, if it works.
The operation will be designed to hammer the takfiri towards the border, where the ANA, and ISAF can act as the anvil - there will need to be co-ordination between the two, there are signs this taking place, cannot be discussed on an open forum.
The operation will be designed to hammer the takfiri towards the border, where the ANA, and ISAF can act as the anvil -
To do that the PA has to progressively occupy territory. That's not a limited operation but one that requires lots of manpower and (given the terrain) helicopter transport and gunships. Either you are mistaken or the un-named "sources" are lying.
So in other words idiocy will continue and would be restarted with a new zeal and enthusiasm.

It will be a targeted operation against the elements who are attacking the PA troops, as such attacks have increased in recent months and lots of casualties suffered. And i believe local help from the so called good guys would be used to make such targeted operations successful.

We can't take on the whole of NWA, we don't have the resources nor the capability to do such a feat. its a huge task and a very very big backlash would be expected. Such an operation in the short run will cost us hundreds of lives and in the long run, meaning in 1 year to 2 year time period, thousands of soldiers dead. You have no idea how these guys fight and they are very very effective and efficient fighters and our guys will be in a very bad position against them. Plus, you need atleast 100K troops minimum to take on everyone in NWA.

So, this is going to be an operation against the militants who have run from SW, Orakzai & Kurram Agencies and taking refuge there.
We can't take on the whole of NWA, we don't have the resources nor the capability to do such a feat. its a huge task and a very very big backlash would be expected. Such an operation in the short run will cost us hundreds of lives and in the long run, meaning in 1 year to 2 year time period, thousands of soldiers dead.
I note it has taken five years for the PA to prepare even limited operations in NWA: link Doesn't that sound like foot-dragging to you, TaimiKhan?

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