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PAK Army captain martyred, soldier wounded in LoC firing from India

The way you are spurting **** from left and right without knowing anything, is it a crime if we are sharing things we are getting from our sources ?

OK. We believe in your maamu. Mazay karo. :)
That stand will put a stop of 50% of the posts from a lot of Pakistani members who claim to have an inside track with the armed forces and ISI :)

Humm. True. Both Indians and Pakistanis come up with such maamu bhanja stories.
@karan.1970 now I think what you said was right.
PS: 'if true'!!

Media these days is much more advanced in Pakistan than it was in 1999. ISPR can't do a repeat of a smoke screen that was done at the time of Kargil. Hence they have to resort to the tricks of spreading the casualties over days.

Humm. True. Both Indians and Pakistanis come up with such maamu bhanja stories.

You are right.. Actually from both sides.. My bad that I just mentioned Pakistani members...

You would have been with me if I would have talked about Indian casualties..Whatever I said is true and I cannot change it just to make you happy..

This is actually in line with what my friend in IA told me..
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All in all 16 soldiers martyred in last 2 days..My mamu is with PA and we will never get the real figure in public domain..

all the parliamentarians and their sons of military age [15-45] should be conscripted and posted to hard areas--siachin and NW--for three years--it will sort their nonsense out......
Unfortunately, among our countries, frustration and anger looks like crying from the other side of the border...

maybe you perceive it that way; but how you perceive what we or I do doesnt matter because perceptions are mis-leading.

the crystal clear difference on reactions on both sides should be evident.....just compare the medias alone.

but anyways --- patience is a virture; as hard as it can be when provoked
maybe you perceive it that way; but how you perceive what we or I do doesnt matter because perceptions are mis-leading.

Perception is everything dude.. There is no reality.. What you think about yourself is also your perception only.. :)

the crystal clear difference on reactions on both sides should be evident.....just compare the medias alone.

All depends on the point of reference..

but anyways --- patience is a virture; as hard as it can be when provoked
True that...

Hang on, in a day or two your friend will tell you abt the causalities on your side.Make a note of it, count it to 32..We promise you *****.

I have no doubt that there will be an escalating retaliation. And an equally brutal response from India after that..

What is 32?
Well, there is after all a concept called CONTEXT.. Looks like you are totally ignorant of that :)

anyway, an example of what you are trying to say would be nice...

On one side they are evil non muslim haters muslims(as Quran tells them to kill) on the other they they can be indian soldiers... another spin of of my post.. and diverting the topic at hand.

And yeah, shame is certainly not a virtue..and morality and honor are generally catch phrases used by a lot of Pakistani internet warriors when they have no other argument left to fall back on.. Most of them have no clue what either of those words really mean :)

Here comes the ****** troll... morality n honor... do you even have them in ur dictionary?

And this genius was telling me few posts ago that he never abuses the dead.

Did you read tht low life trolls posts aswell? and yes after reporting several of his low life posts.. and no action being taken i was compelled to reply him in the same coin.. unlike "look at me im rich",evil Pakistanis,kill em and whatnot typical hawkish pathetic troll...
On one side they are evil non muslim haters muslims(as Quran tells them to kill) on the other they they can be indian soldiers... another spin of of my post.. and diverting the topic at hand.

I fail to see the disconnect.. Who says Indians can't be evil ?

Here comes the ****** troll... morality n honor... do you even have them in ur dictionary?

Surely I do.. . :).. Read my signature ;)

Did you read tht low life trolls posts aswell? and yes after reporting several of his low life posts.. and no action being taken i was compelled to reply him in the same coin.. unlike "look at me im rich",evil Pakistanis,kill em and whatnot typical hawkish pathetic troll...
Dude... Show me one post where I have trolled or abused your soldiers and ridiculed their deaths.. Though cant say the same about your activities here ..
Perception is everything dude.. There is no reality.. What you think about yourself is also your perception only.. :)

it seems more to apply to you.....because its your side that, if i recall correctly, made noises about Cold Starts and all while we on the other hand made it clear what are our parameters and our limits. We're already fighting a full fledged war on another front. That isnt to say that we wont divert resources if/when necessary.

that's not perception, that's just fact.

Perception is indians firing on our positions and being the aggressor in the first place (kidnapping unarmed villagers and such) and then pretending to be the victim
I fail to see the disconnect.. Who says Indians can't be evil ?

No kid.. ur pathetic.

Surely I do.. . :).. Read my signature ;)

Should read my previous post... describes you perfectly..

Dude... Show me one post where I have trolled or abused your soldiers and ridiculed their deaths.. Though cant say the same about your activities here ..

Just like you didnt describe Islam ordering muslims to kill non muslims for no reason and whatnot... amnesia?
Yes this is what we said when 5 cowardly indian soldiers kidnapped unarmed villagers and killed them - something they are good at doing.

Then you cry when your soldiers get killed as a retaliation

Your innocents are armed with AKs...nothing we can do about it.

And i can call your soldiers cowardly too for murdering civilians in many occasions and clips being available on youtube...but i am not a think tank you know.
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