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PAK Army captain martyred, soldier wounded in LoC firing from India

No kid.. ur pathetic.

Personal attacks are the last refuge of the incompetent ;) ... Salavor Hardin

Should read my previous post... describes you perfectly..
Whatever :)

Just like you didnt describe Islam ordering muslims to kill non muslims for no reason and whatnot... amnesia?
No Amnesia...how does my views on today's interpretation of Islam translate to ridiculing Pakistani soldiers' deaths. Dude, you really need to understand what you read before reacting to it.

it seems more to apply to you.....because its your side that, if i recall correctly, made noises about Cold Starts and all while we on the other hand made it clear what are our parameters and our limits. We're already fighting a full fledged war on another front. That isnt to say that we wont divert resources if/when necessary.

that's not perception, that's just fact.

Perception is indians firing on our positions and being the aggressor in the first place (kidnapping unarmed villagers and such) and then pretending to be the victim

See.. the bold part IS really the perception from Pakistani side (which to them appear as facts). From our side, the fact is that to scuttle the peace overtures of your new govt, your military colluded with terrorists and attacked and killed Indian soldiers earlier this ear and again this month. And now trying to put up a front of an aggrieved party once our Army has started hitting back
lol..i am from jammu and kasmir...shot many times..escaped death 3 times in 1999 in lal chowk srinagar and 2 times in jammu city..what about you mr expert?

Well if what you say is true - well I can relate to it. Except in my case I've been shot at, have a bullet in me right now and have seen friends get killed (once in non combat)

I never claim to be "expert" wiseass, you just spoke with a conviction i had to question - considering a lot of trolls come on here to spew out lines of nonsense

And let me be frank here - what was posted was not merely an Internet link but it's a factual event that is posted on the news. Kashmiris aren't irrational for waging insurrections and we aren't every time we shoot back
Shot at whom Sir?

I mean was shot at many times in 99,2001 and 2002.but the bullets escaped me.

I have not shot at someone except target boards using.303,INSAS and Steyn etc.

Well if what you say is true - well I can relate to it. Except in my case I've been **** at, have a bullet in me right now and have seen friends get killed (once in non combat)

I never claim to be "expert" wiseass, you just spoke with a conviction i had to question - considering a lot of trolls come on here to spew out lines of nonsense

And let me be frank here - what was posted was not merely an Internet link but it's a factual event that is posted on the news. Kashmiris aren't irrational for waging insurrections and we aren't every time we shoot back

No one knows the Kashmir situation better than the residents of the state.Rest all incuding all think tanks here rely on newspaper which is always not reliable and not always neutral.

I loost my friend in Raghunath temple attack by terrorists,lost few others in a daring attack by the terrorists on an army area in which my school was located...many of my classmates got killed..i survided coz i was late.

In 99 terrorists started firing in Lal Chowk in front of me...the sound of bullets flying by is not something you like to hear.

Rest i belong to a Army background and i am the only civilian in my family counting the male members.
PA may lose some soldiers, but other than that its all win win for them. Indian govt is weak too and has nothing to lose, so they will go for trading blows.

All in all some people die and there is ZERO gain on external front but 100 pct internal gain for PA and chances of internal gain for GOI.

A sorry state of affairs.
lol..i am from jammu and kasmir...shot at many times..escaped death 3 times in 1999 in lal chowk srinagar and 2 times in jammu city..what about you mr expert?

who shot you? the CPR or the Indian army? cant imagine any fire reaching from Pakistani positions into the city and that too on random people

in neelum valley we had to setup an MG position to fire back at Indian bunker that used to fire that the villagers on our side whenever they got out of their homes and went for their cornfields. Indians would fire tracers and burn the fields and once that position was setup and we started firing back. the Indians also stopped shooting at the homes dotted along the mountains.
there are victims on either side and anyone who has lived and living in the area knows very well what I am talking about.
who shot you? the CPR or the Indian army? cant imagine any fire reaching from Pakistani positions into the city and that too on random people

in neelum valley we had to setup an MG position to fire back at Indian bunker that used to fire that the villagers on our side whenever they got out of their homes and went for their cornfields. Indians would fire tracers and burn the fields and once that position was setup and we started firing back. the Indians also stopped shooting at the homes dotted along the mountains.
there are victims on either side and anyone who has lived and living in the area knows very well what I am talking about.

Such incidents happen all the time.
PA may lose some soldiers, but other than that its all win win for them. Indian govt is weak too and has nothing to lose, so they will go for trading blows.

All in all some people die and there is ZERO gain on external front but 100 pct internal gain for PA and chances of internal gain for GOI.

A sorry state of affairs.

why there is no perceived gain for Indian army? is it headed by the lambs and hawks only exist in Pakistan army?

I can understand that Indian congress is desperate to get the Indian patriotism high enough to get the attention off its failure but cant say the same about Pakistan army because it doesnt have any appetite to open a new front when it is already occupied with fighting the fight for survival against TTP , Pakistani media, Judiciary and LeJ.

the PMLn is leading the opposition and criticism against the army and remember it has won the elections and has big majority in the house. its success reflect s the public mood so one can rule out that PA can succeed in getting people on its side by opening a new front.
see its been a month already and no one has even batted an eye over the deaths of Pakistani soldiers on the Loc or the initial alleged raid on the Indian fighting patrol

what we do see is the likes of Najam shaiti and Hamid Mir either mocking the "generals" or alleging their role in bombing and killing of people.
who shot you? the CPR or the Indian army? cant imagine any fire reaching from Pakistani positions into the city and that too on random people

in neelum valley we had to setup an MG position to fire back at Indian bunker that used to fire that the villagers on our side whenever they got out of their homes and went for their cornfields. Indians would fire tracers and burn the fields and once that position was setup and we started firing back. the Indians also stopped shooting at the homes dotted along the mountains.
there are victims on either side and anyone who has lived and living in the area knows very well what I am talking about.

Freedom fighters...who else.In a fidayeen attack or whatever it is called.Was a suicide attack.Many IA army personnel familes and children died in one such attack..other one was at a temple and 3rd one was in lal chowk...a busy street in Srinagar city just opposite to Army cantt.
Freedom fighters...who else.In a fidayeen attack or whatever it is called.Was a suicide attack.Many IA army personnel familes and children died in one such attack..other one was at a temple and 3rd one was in lal chowk...a busy street in Srinagar city just opposite to Army cantt.

I regret the loss of life of innocent civilians young and old. this cant be justified anyway. so i share your grief and mean it because we have same situation in Pakistan both at personal level and generally as well.
PA may lose some soldiers, but other than that its all win win for them. Indian govt is weak too and has nothing to lose, so they will go for trading blows.

All in all some people die and there is ZERO gain on external front but 100 pct internal gain for PA and chances of internal gain for GOI.

A sorry state of affairs.

Especially when the govt is delusional about it

Freedom fighters...who else.In a fidayeen attack or whatever it is called.Was a suicide attack.Many IA army personnel familes and children died in one such attack..other one was at a temple and 3rd one was in lal chowk...a busy street in Srinagar city just opposite to Army cantt.

PA aren't perceived as the occupiers. You guys are, and you sure as hell act like one
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