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PAF: Why a few "advance and expensive" aircrafts make sense

What is the fly away cost of one su35 directly from Russia. And thanks for the visionary aerial combat info but can you explain me are you going to put all su35 for the deep strike mission or leave them for the naval defensive/offensive role to counter Indian navy.

Go ahead for India i think they have to manage in Barak2, Barak8, spyder, Barak NG and akash, Poor Indians

Stop crying about cost of those jets because its not your issue how Pakistan will purchase those jets (if deal finalized) Pakistanis are very good in arranging money for their deals which they finalizes. :D

Ever heard of small detachments? PAF is master of using jets like those.
Stop crying about cost of those jets because its not your issue how Pakistan will purchase those jets (if deal finalized) Pakistanis are very good in arranging money for their deals which they finalizes. :D
Sir when did I ask about how pakistan will arrange the money SANNU KEE but just asking for the fly away cost of acquisition of that platform for my general knowledge.
Sir when did I ask about how pakistan will arrange the money SANNU KEE but just asking for the fly away cost of acquisition of that platform for my general knowledge.

It will depend what Russia is offering and what Pakistan wants, because PAF may want customization in case deal got finalized.
It will depend what Russia is offering and what Pakistan wants, because PAF may want customization in case deal got finalized.
Possibly anywhere between 65 to 100 million a pop depending on the nature of deal and numbers.
I would say between 50-70 million per plane.....and it won't be as advance as SU-30MKI


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My guess, taking into account the Su30MKI's price would be between $90m ~ $120m per aircraft
So what assumed losses are there with these few advance and expensive aircrafts? After all, we dont have money hanging on trees so the numbers will be greatly reduced. And since modern missiles with their high probability of a hit mean that even these advanced aircraft will take every third missile and be shot down, has the OP or any of the proponents of these theory done a numbers game or is it a usual "Hawai Fire" without actually going into the technicalities?
So what assumed losses are there with these few advance and expensive aircrafts? After all, we dont have money hanging on trees so the numbers will be greatly reduced. And since modern missiles with their high probability of a hit mean that even these advanced aircraft will take every third missile and be shot down, has the OP or any of the proponents of these theory done a numbers game or is it a usual "Hawai Fire" without actually going into the technicalities?

Perhaps poster should read: makes sense to me but seeing many experts here, perhaps they can shed better light.

Source: PAF: Why a few "advance and expensive" aircrafts make sense
Perhaps poster should read: makes sense to me but seeing many experts here, perhaps they can shed better light.

Source: PAF: Why a few "advance and expensive" aircrafts make sense

To answer your question.

When you refer to 200 JF-17s from 400. You must also realize that every system brings with it costs. These include the cost of buying it, maintaining it, training on it(pilots + engineering staff) and then diplomatic ownership costs. Even the JF-17s are still expensive to maintain when compared to our F-7s.
Which is why until the recent economic improvement, we were struggling to even make 150 Jf-17s by 2018; for a total force of 150 Jf-17s, 80 F-16s and 50 PGs. Against this, we are well aware of what our adversary brings. If you see my thread on the JF-17, it explains the very reason the JF-17 is a valuable asset.

I would refer you to this thread first
JF-17 Thunder: Made for the PAF

And then my answer to this ridiculous thread.
PAF's Defensive Doctrine---Out of Ignorance---Out of Incompetence Or What? | Page 2
PAF's Defensive Doctrine---Out of Ignorance---Out of Incompetence Or What? | Page 15

Now, as to why I lament these threads.. I ask the question:
Why the expert?
See, my whole message to these few threads is not that I would not love to contribute and create discussion, but that recent posts by supposed experts and the rest have all only watered our general Pakistani mentality of talking or saying or coming with ideas without doing a little more than basic research.
I would have appreciated you much further had you gone out, read a lot more, researched a lot more..and then come back with something that regardless of whether it is right or wrong; has substance to it.

Like this, I have no idea about civil engineering. However, I will strive my best to do some research.. read about highways. Go to google, go all the way to the fifth tab in searching out links on highways and road construction. It will take me around 2 hours to do it. But when I finally ask the question as to why we dont build a straight CPEC instead of the route undertaken now, Ill not only feel better at that I am asking the right question; but also be much more satisfied with a good answer.

Unfortunately, we have some senior(in every sense of the word) posters here making threads on whatever nincompoop ideas that pop into their heads and people following them because that is the ignorance they are brining and teaching. They ruined Pakistan with their belief in half baked ideas and are only teaching the future generation the same.

Its like people gobbling up ideas of politicians saying they will finish corruption in 90 days. They will give a simplistic answer and those who are not inclined to look at their basic issues with even a minor amount of research will be screaming Tabdeeli and believing some miracle is about to happen when in retrospect it may or may not be.

That is what I hope to inculcate in .I dont want you to listen to my existing or not "expertise". I would rather have you make the effort and learn something(not everything, but something) on your own. I would rather have you disagree with me with good factual knowledge or at least doubt and fact check what I say from different sources. That does not mean you should spend massive time being an expect, but know enough that no one can fool you in an instant.
Otherwise, we will be misled in this country by every other supposed revolutionary who can hodgepodge ideas and make some statements.

That to me is worth all my time in this forum.
To answer your question.

When you refer to 200 JF-17s from 400. You must also realize that every system brings with it costs. These include the cost of buying it, maintaining it, training on it(pilots + engineering staff) and then diplomatic ownership costs. Even the JF-17s are still expensive to maintain when compared to our F-7s.
Which is why until the recent economic improvement, we were struggling to even make 150 Jf-17s by 2018; for a total force of 150 Jf-17s, 80 F-16s and 50 PGs. Against this, we are well aware of what our adversary brings. If you see my thread on the JF-17, it explains the very reason the JF-17 is a valuable asset.

I would refer you to this thread first
JF-17 Thunder: Made for the PAF

And then my answer to this ridiculous thread.
PAF's Defensive Doctrine---Out of Ignorance---Out of Incompetence Or What? | Page 2
PAF's Defensive Doctrine---Out of Ignorance---Out of Incompetence Or What? | Page 15

Now, as to why I lament these threads.. I ask the question:
Why the expert?
See, my whole message to these few threads is not that I would not love to contribute and create discussion, but that recent posts by supposed experts and the rest have all only watered our general Pakistani mentality of talking or saying or coming with ideas without doing a little more than basic research.
I would have appreciated you much further had you gone out, read a lot more, researched a lot more..and then come back with something that regardless of whether it is right or wrong; has substance to it.

Like this, I have no idea about civil engineering. However, I will strive my best to do some research.. read about highways. Go to google, go all the way to the fifth tab in searching out links on highways and road construction. It will take me around 2 hours to do it. But when I finally ask the question as to why we dont build a straight CPEC instead of the route undertaken now, Ill not only feel better at that I am asking the right question; but also be much more satisfied with a good answer.

Unfortunately, we have some senior(in every sense of the word) posters here making threads on whatever nincompoop ideas that pop into their heads and people following them because that is the ignorance they are brining and teaching. They ruined Pakistan with their belief in half baked ideas and are only teaching the future generation the same.

Its like people gobbling up ideas of politicians saying they will finish corruption in 90 days. They will give a simplistic answer and those who are not inclined to look at their basic issues with even a minor amount of research will be screaming Tabdeeli and believing some miracle is about to happen when in retrospect it may or may not be.

That is what I hope to inculcate in .I dont want you to listen to my existing or not "expertise". I would rather have you make the effort and learn something(not everything, but something) on your own. I would rather have you disagree with me with good factual knowledge or at least doubt and fact check what I say from different sources. That does not mean you should spend massive time being an expect, but know enough that no one can fool you in an instant.
Otherwise, we will be misled in this country by every other supposed revolutionary who can hodgepodge ideas and make some statements.

That to me is worth all my time in this forum.
Hey I make like one thread a month. Maybe two.

This is my second PAF thread since I joined.
Id rather have you make ten good ones. On any topic. That is my wish for this forum.
Sorry I'm not very smart.

What I am good at, I could make on those and have in the past ;)

But yea I agree with you.
It makes sense to me but seeing many experts here, perhaps they can shed better light.

If we opt for say F15 stealth eagles, SU-35 and whatnot in few numbers, say 30, it can provide great cover for our JF17s in large numbers.

For example, the expensive jets with better radar range, able to see target and shoot before JF17, it can soften the target and also guide the smaller jets.

We can't afford 100 expensive jets, but it doesn't make sense either to get say 400 JF17 who are destroyed before they can see enemy jets. Something like 30 F15s + 200 JF17 is better than say 300 JF17 by itself.

What do you guys think?

By F15s or SU-35 I don't mean they're the best out there. My emphasize is on them being more capable of having better radar, range and weapons system. If tomorrow China and US fights, US will utilize its 200 F22 first before sending say 1000 F16 (or whatever lower tier air superiority aircraft they have).

Agree with you.But F-15 is a weak aircraft as compared to SU-35.

F-15 Silent Eagle

Su-35 Super Flanker

US F-15 faces dangerous competition with Russia's Sukhoi Su-35 - English pravda.ru
I really don't know. But I think so that PAF can easily reach out to Chinese & Ukrainian SU-27s with upgrades to Airframe, Engine and Avionics (Similar to SU-35s only avionics). SU-35s might have some issues with money.
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