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PAF to acquire 36 5th generation combat aircraft from China: PAF Chief

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Gripen, equipped with the EJ230 TVC

Two dimension vectoring (pitch axis)

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor
McDonnell Douglas F-15S/MTD
McDonnell Douglas X-36
Sukhoi Su-30
Sukhoi Su-35
Sukhoi Su-37
Chengdu Super-10*
Me 163A use a rocket steering paddle for the yaw axis
(* When equipped with Russian AL-31FN engines)

Three dimension vectoring (pitch and yaw axes)

Lockheed F-16 MATV
McDonnell Douglas F-15 ACTIVE
McDonnell Douglas F-18 HARV
Mitsubishi ATD-X
Mikoyan Project 1.44
Mikoyan MiG-29OVT (MiG-35)
Rockwell-MBB X-31
Sukhoi Su-35BM
Sukhoi Su-47

Sorce is not relible sir
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TVC might introduce in later stage but not now. Plus it doesn't fall in 5th generation category. i would say somwhere around 4 gen.

wait what what what?
dont let WAFF get you.
TVC has been used on 4th generation desings and no its not for later stage. and get this in your head. FC-20 is 4.5 gen.
wait what what what?
dont let WAFF get you.
TVC has been used on 4th generation desings and no its not for later stage. and get this in your head. FC-20 is 4.5 gen.

I think that we should not overestimate F22. It is indeed top tech but not unbeatable or the best. They made a lot of shouting about pulling vertical after leaving the ground... Well, after you take another few hundred meters to gain speed then that should be nothing special... The J10 did something a lot more intresting... There is no real production 4 gen plane with TVC... It is all above 4.5 to be part of TVC. And f22 is still 2-d tvc and not 3-d! The first US 3-d will be F35 and that will be operational around 2018...

We should look up and see something... Not much time ago the PAF and the Chinese had Mig19 clones and moved from F7p to PG... Now we have in a relative short period JF17 which is pretty much a cheap block52 (if needed it can go as far as block52 if they are willing to pay the price. If you do not believe me then do remind what F16A was... A lot less then JF17 is now.) we have seen the early model of j10. You should know that J10 Beta is a lot more and you should know that J10E (kind of F18 Prowler) is around for 2 years. We can be sure that J13/14 are already in pre-production cause otherwise we would not see J10 on the market.

Which nation moved from 10-14 years from ancient Mig19 clones towards J11/J10/JF17/Jxx? In that exact same period the western nations produced Rafale/EF2000/F22... And we hear that these babies not only cost a fortune... They are not as good as you all are sugesting. If the Chinese can build Jxx then I think building F35 and F22 is already in their power.

I think we talk often about inferiority complexes about our neighbour but I can advise to look in the mirror so now and then. I trust asians to become worldleaders. They surely can not fail like people called Bush or Clinton... I mean they were seriously about Palin... Even a dog has more intellectual capacity. Sorry, even Bush has more intellectual capcity and we know how stupid that person behaved.

Well, it has been a good day for me... I achieved around 30 thanks in one day! Not bad. Thank you all!

People writing sarcastic comments about the flight of the Raptor F 22---are dis-illusioned----you need to look at it from an american perspective not like young schoolboy mentality----

USAF----will not show off the capability of the Raptor F 22 in the public displays at any cost----the fly bys and fly pasts will be underated and underperformed flt on purpose. People really believe the americans to be so dumb to show off the capability of the rapor in public----.

I lived close to Hill AFB in the early 80's. Once awhile I would drive to the base and park at the south side of the runway and occasionaly an F 16 would take off and then go vertical 90 deg right away-----till it disappeared from my eye sight going straight up-----let me repeat it one more time----going straight up----maybe 10 thousand feet---possibly 15 thousand feet or more----.

The F 22 is way beyond the ability and capability of any F 16 born yesterday.

With the USAF you have to understand and learn to accept their unpredictability---.

For the USAF, the red flag games are like a CAT and a MOUSE game----the cat can let the mouse get as far as it can to prolong the fun---in the end---!!!
Mastan sir, no doubt F-22 is too sweet after all those f-16 and f-15s gone thru in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN putting US into deep economic recession what makes you think just an F-22 CAN ALONE DO TO THE AIRFORCE??you think Americans will use all of their inventory of 180-200 F-22s?which are on the table should we build these many or not! Coming to the point almost everything in Canada and US i found is chinese....soon components in F-22 will be chinese lol jk..Not so far sir it will take a lil longer but 2016 is my time for JXX. Again Never under estimate you enemy i am not under estimating American so West shouldn't be lookin at chinese that low west is already in trouble cuz of chinese rapid economic and technological development..Rest assured if chinese can kill junk in space then be prepared they are capable of reaching close to final lap if not first behind the ameros and euros.not bad..
I don't think JSF comes in the stealth fighter category.
So guys where does ACM say about the 5th generation Jet:undecided:...Infact he used the word Hi-tech
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There is no real production 4 gen plane with TVC... It is all above 4.5 to be part of TVC. And f22 is still 2-d tvc and not 3-d! The first US 3-d will be F35 and that will be operational around 2018...

TVC was tested in F-16 and it worked but why would lockheed give additional feature when customers are already buying F-16s? locheed probibly wants to make more money off new platform which will offer TVC.
MIG-35 is using 4th generation platform.

at the end of the day. FC-20 will carry TVC engine.
I was very happy when i heard and read the news. finally we are buying military stuff from china and thats how it should be. NO to :guns:USA and her dogs.
I have a question is the J10 coming with the transfer of technology can pakistan make them in pakistan?
I was very happy when i heard and read the news. finally we are buying military stuff from china and thats how it should be. NO to :guns:USA and her dogs.
I have a question is the J10 coming with the transfer of technology can pakistan make them in pakistan?

welcome on defence pk bro

please dont abuse usa or any one its against rule of forum

abut your qes J-10 we are now acquire just 36 and may be letter more 36 so there is no need to transfer of tecnology bro .it will happens in case we get these birds more then 200 .remember transfer of tec is not a easy and cheap its cost much much money and other requirments

The first US 3-d will be F35
Factual error:
The F-35 JSF ain't a Vectored Thrust aircraft. The swivel nozzel to be used in the F-35B can be deployed only during take-off and landing, not for inflight manoeuvres.

I don't think JSF comes in the stealth fighter category.
F-35 has an RCS less than that of even the F-117

After all the efforts they have put in LM guys would be real upset when they would read you post saying that the F-35 ain't a stealth aircraft.
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