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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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I believe these Iranian drones have been violating our boundaries for many years, but our establishment was avoiding any conflict with Iran. However, on this occasion, our establishments had to shoot down Iranian drone and give clear message to actually United States (and offcourse Iran) that we will not tolerate any violation of its borders and befitting response will be given in case of any violation.
Why from Iran?
PAF can handle this issue. Shooting down the UAV make the mind to think what the UAV was doing there?
The fact that the Us has to send more troops points clearly to which side is loosing,
atleast talk sense man if ur gonna engage adults.
Sending more troops shows US will to fight and its commitment towards Afghan govt.
Nations - even most friendly, often spy on each other. At this instant, both Iran and Pakistan should play this down and maintain friendly terms. Indians and even Saudi-Americans would be looking for cleavages to poison. Iran ought to pull up its drone force commander to exercise caution not to cross the frontier. I am sure this crossing has been going on un-abetted for some time in spite of warnings by Pakistan.
No Sir they haven't spoken to me. But for what I understand Pakistan Foreign Ministry is mum about this and for a good reason perhaps. About me, I do represent my country and thus my point of view is my country's point of view as well, however small a fraction that it may be, Isn't that so?

I would recommend you to first read the foreign ministry statements before you go into apologetic mode. The website is frequently refreshed and you would avoid the subjective headlines by media groups who represent a typical agenda.
Basel bhai,

PAF can do that, but after that US will send F/A-18s and support aircrafts with them and making things very bad for Pakistan.

Good thinking. Discretion is the better part of valour.

Basel bhai,

PAF can do that, but after that US will send F/A-18s and support aircrafts with them and making things very bad for Pakistan.

Good thinking. Discretion is the better part of valour.


Just read the statement coming out of Pakistan's foreign ministry today regarding drones.
What is the official stance of Iran on this? @haman10 @Cthulhu

There is no official stance even from PAF, ISPR or Pakistan Foreign Office. BBC website says, PAF replied "No Comments" upon calling.

It seems there had been multiple violation of Pakistani territory by Iranian UCAVs. Finally showed a response they deserved and Pakistan decided to keep lips tight to avoid any escalation. Neighbors got the message. Hopefully they would not repeat their mistake.
Just a "soft reminder" no need to reply back ....
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BTW I was not aware about any permission to operate our drone at the other side of LOC to paint the target & to bomb your soldiers
Its clear from the video of fuel barrel fire that footage was not from a drone but from a fixed camera on a post as Pakistan posts occupy the higher ground in poonch sector or at best from a quadcopter like DJI as the camera is stationary and it is not possible for a drone to hover.
This is no drone fire or video made by a drone, its a video / pictures captured from one of our positions which directly overlooks the Indian side and the level of explosions give an expression of being mortar fire. 60 / 81mm mortar systems may be in use or RR fire.
Well Take this Drone Incident as a Warning we need Long Range SAMS ASAP yes we have money issues but still we need them to be deployed before Iran Send their 6th Generation Qaher-313

No SAM can reach 6th Generation Qaher-313 .... as Qaher prefer staying on ground ;)
There is no official stance even from PAF, ISPR or Pakistan Foreign Office. BBC website says, PAF replied "No Comments" upon calling.

It seems there had been multiple violation of Pakistani territory by Iranian UCAVs. Finally showed a response they deserved and Pakistan decided to keep lips tight to avoid any escalation. Neighbors got the message. Hopefully they would not repeat their mistake.

The Chinese know well that even one of their Sub making a port call on Karachi is enough to rattle Indian nerves. :)
Exactly what @HRK was trying to explain, so let me help you with a video.

The stationary camera makes it clear it was not a drone.
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