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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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A single mobster who had dual Iranian citizenship who fled Pakistan, and a single Indian supposed spy whom
Pakistan claims was cooperating with Iran simply because he was in Iran. And not a single actual action resulting from their supposed spying.

By your logic I can say Pakistan supports terrorism because anti-Iranian terrorists based in Pakistan conduct cross border attacks.

China support their own national interests just like any other country. Get real, there is no such thing as friendship in geopolitics.

Man you have some nerve, the only Iranians who didn't have the legs to pull through were those who got them blown off by Saddam's mines for 8 damned years, that's the longest war in the 20th century, against a dictator using chemical weapons liberally, backed by both superpowers, the entire European continent and almost the entire Arab world. Your entire military history is a series of minor skirmishes compared to that war. We sacrificed everything for our national security then and now, so don't talk of these regional "games" you have no clue about, or I should act like every other guy on here who knows nothing about mideast regional geopolitics and refer to the Pakistani-Indian conflict as "games" as well.

May I also suggest you not tell a country to focus on our population when your country has twice the population and half the GDP, it's called hypocrisy.
ah 10 year war with nothing for show for it even when u had gained air superiority with those fresh f-14's ,u could'nt occupy single iraqi territory ,u r solution send 100,000 men in waves to hit against athe iraqi lead wall ,both came out of the war thumping as champions of the region even though iraqis did at the end manage to get hands on new military inventory still were beaten in months by america ,in ur case it will probably be weeks so dont go arnd thumping ur chest on some stalemate war initially u had airsuperiorty u had pushed back iraqis then u r plans turned to annexing iraq and it got u a slaughter house and a world of pain
Arkadashim, Mevlana's works are in Persian, but his Dergah is in Konya, Turkey!!!!

I guess that's why there once was an RCD. I went to school studying how the Pakistan-Turkey-Iran connection was untouchable by any of the evil forces. Sad to see evil forces spread the negativity around so much. The good thing is we all know that Evil can never surpass the Good.
@AmirPatriot point of fact is that Pakistan has shown remarkable patience and understanding when dealing with Iran. Your troops have shelled Pakistani villages and killed Pakistanis. Undertaken cross-border raids. Supported terrorists. Made offensive statements against us. No one, not Indians, not Afghanis and not even the Americans get away with such things. Each one has faced retaliation, either direct or indirect. Iran has faced sweet **** all.

Our patience is nearing its end. And there is one truth in the matter. Pakistan can hurt Iran a hell of a lot more than Iran can hurt Pakistan. Even ignoring the nuclear dimension. Your major economic and infrastructure targets are right there ripe for air and missile attack. You sea and many air links can be closed off easily vide Gawadr based assets. Your largest oil terminal at Kharg is within range of air and missiles from the coast. Not to mention easily neutralized by sea assets.

I don't want there to be any conflict and frankly, on some issues I have great sympathy for Iran. But facts are facts.s
@Windjammer hey bro. I think you were a Pakistani pilot or worked in PAF, right?

If you did you'd know that 4km crossing is nothing and does happen a lot during course of years

This is indeed the start of a very dangerous road

We will see more of these incidents in future

So unfortunate
Hi I'm not arguing about your logic of 4 km but isn't it possible if you give little doubt that this thing might have happend more then once before may be more then 4 km in past
My thoughts are Pakistani must have refrain before this incident hence this one happened due to second or may be third time of intrusion of airspace
Now here I'm not justifying American drone strikes but I hope you understand as a brother nation
That if we let go this every time it will be next time somebody else and then keep on going you know what I mean
Right but your F-16 modernisation done by Turkey and our F-16s can angage
Lets say with our help you solved this IFF problem which missile you will use?
They can easily take out fired missile which is their own missile and developed by themselves.
That's why we work on our own A2A missiles. For my opinion your best choice is working with us on these projects.
Also you are at better position than us because you have JF-17S which can engage Western jets.

Turkey get permission to install locally built IFF but PAF ones have US built which are not allowed to be modified or tempered.
Nop, Pl 5 was used to shot it down. Since it has a very low IR the pilot couldn't lock it and had to get really close to it. The rest can't say it here it's confidential.
As per your info if they had to get really close then why not cannon I think Pl5 is a waste for drone specially the one they showing on TV looks not so lethal I mean unarmed
Well Take this Drone Incident as a Warning we need Long Range SAMS ASAP yes we have money issues but still we need them to be deployed before Iran Send their 6th Generation Qaher-313
@mods please lock down the thread already too much nasty posts or please delete irrelevant posts
Saudi Arabia is red line for us bcoz its Harmain just like Syria Iraq due to holy places was for shias fully understanding their concerns but Iran should refrain from destabilizing it Bcz it's red line for Pakistanis can't hold it back

dear drone is not important it's survilence data is specially for eyes and ears of Pakistan
Now we know who was watching what from skies in Pakistan and why from iran they are really scared
Well Take this Drone Incident as a Warning we need Long Range SAMS ASAP yes we have money issues but still we need them to be deployed before Iran Send their 6th Generation Qaher-313

we need more LR-and MR-Radars for better coverage , more HQ-16's batteries will do the Job for now ... Iranian border is not at boiling point as some members pretend from both Sides, Iran will be pissed but wont resort to fight in case, they know doing that will again Unite GCC to counter Iran and Arabs will back Pakistan, with all the Oil and Wealth they have, and not to mention the Americano and Israel which are looking for a opportunity to settle scores with Iran on Syrian case, Iran will be alone in this fight but Pakistan wont ..
and for Qahar 313 i hope that (6th Gen) comment was sarcasm or joke ... or else i have no other option but :suicide:
Saudi Arabia is red line for us bcoz its Harmain just like Syria Iraq due to holy places was for shias fully understanding their concerns but Iran should refrain from destabilizing it Bcz it's red line for Pakistanis can't hold it back

dear drone is not important it's survilence data is specially for eyes and ears of Pakistan
Kabba is sacred for all Muslim , not just for one sect.
One should atleast look at the statistics from a Pakistanis POV.

ISIS took nangahar some days ago.

Loc is as hot as it ever was.

Iran trying its luck.

And our idiotic youths apologetic behavior needs addressing.
One should atleast look at the statistics from a Pakistanis POV.

ISIS took nangahar some days ago.

Loc is as hot as it ever was.

Iran trying its luck.

And our idiotic youths apologetic behavior needs addressing.
Yes , we have bunch of interest groups. Its time to dissolve the 80 strategic asset to save the country. Otherwise there will be no outcome of Raddul fasad. These strategic assets now beyond the control of master. Watch Jigrah with Saleem Safi last week, you will know alot and you hear some interview of those asset sitting and stirring extremism inside from Pak border. Sad but true.
Pakistan is Great Wall between Harman sharefain and Iran they know they can't do this with Pakistan last frontier :)
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