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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

It is not just about the Missile(s) but the SPECTRA suite on Rafale which sets the French jets apart from most competition. With SPECTRA, the Jets virtually become stealth and do not appear on enemy sensors.
No they do not. That is pure overhype and blatant lie regarding the capabilities of that system. It is an excellent integrated EW system but every PAF radar will pick up the Rafale Spectra or not. In some case turning the Spectra on will actually put the Rafale on some really nead ELINT systems that sit on the ground as part of PAF ADGE.

It'll be interesting to see how much distance the PAF will put between the J-10CEs and the public, journalists, etc. Though an export variant, the J-10C is both a sensitive piece of tech and one of China's workhorse fighters. Sure, we might catch the engine type and some other details, but I suspect the PAF will keep a shroud over this fighter for most of its service tenure.

It would also be hilarious if the PAF gets the F-16V because the US would ask that it too be kept under a shroud. So, imagine, two sensitive fighters from two opposing powers kept under a shroud in one country. Only one party (PAF) truly knows "what's up" when comparing both. @SQ8
Don’t think that is ever coming to pass but the result would be the same as with the block-52s today. High security, passes cleared through the US military attaché and so on.
No they do not. That is pure overhype and blatant lie regarding the capabilities of that system. It is an excellent integrated EW system but every PAF radar will pick up the Rafale Spectra or not. In some case turning the Spectra on will actually put the Rafale on some really nead ELINT systems that sit on the ground as part of PAF ADGE.

SPECTRA is integrated with the physical shape of Rafale. And the Rafale comes with software capable of planning the optimal path to avoid threats while maximizing its abilities. What I am concerned about is if there is a networked mode for SPECTRA wherein a formation reinforces the active cancellation between elements. That is some super scary stuff.
ARAZ---Pakistan don't have funds for type 054

Araz---Pakistan does not have money for the submarine---

araz---Pakistan does not have money to pay for J10's---it bring nothing new to the table---.

Pakistan is planning to make an IMF employee a virtual viceroy by handing over the central bank. What use will be the type 054, the submarine, and J10 if Mr. Viceroy refuses to pay the salaries of officers and he cannot be challenged in Supreme Court or ousted by the Prime Minister?
No they do not. That is pure overhype and blatant lie regarding the capabilities of that system. It is an excellent integrated EW system but every PAF radar will pick up the Rafale Spectra or not. In some case turning the Spectra on will actually put the Rafale on some really nead ELINT systems that sit on the ground as part of PAF ADGE.

Don’t think that is ever coming to pass but the result would be the same as with the block-52s today. High security, passes cleared through the US military attaché and so on.

Since I am not going to be able to reply for a while, just adding this.

One of those Indian idiots on PDF said India has paid for an enhanced SPECTRA that works in VHF/UHF range, i.e., with radio waves. For a long time I thought the French have ripped them off, until it hit me that a formation of Rafales can certainly act as receiver and can certainly use active cancellation against radar waves. This means even those anti-stealth radars would not be effective. I mean, this IS SUPER SCARY stuff. I hope PAF top brass aren't sleeping on the job.
It is not just about the Missile(s) but the SPECTRA suite on Rafale which sets the French jets apart from most competition. With SPECTRA, the Jets virtually become stealth and do not appear on enemy sensors.
If it was in the realm of possibility to achieve limited stealth by means of some electronic and or electromagnetic means why would nations spend hundreds of billions in developing actual stealth airframes, ram coatings and passive sensors, French are master of creating hype and up selling their mid-tier tech.
Since I am not going to be able to reply for a while, just adding this.

One of those Indian idiots on PDF said India has paid for an enhanced SPECTRA that works in VHF/UHF range, i.e., with radio waves. For a long time I thought the French have ripped them off, until it hit me that a formation of Rafales can certainly act as receiver and can certainly use active cancellation against radar waves. This means even those anti-stealth radars would not be effective. I mean, this IS SUPER SCARY stuff. I hope PAF top brass aren't sleeping on the job.
Active cancellation can be effective in cases where carefully planned mission has to deal with a single radar site, any current active cancelation system will fail miserably (as stealth) in dense environment where multiple ground based and airborne radars are in operation. So it has its value in knocking out Sam site, and this is about it. It is not stealth and do not give stealth advantage to a fighter, it is just a fancy way of jamming enemy radar.
Are the jets coming with Chinese ejection seats? Don't think Martin-Baker would have been in the loop for this deal.

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