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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

Dont know the benefit of this
Indian intellgence knew of this induction & jf17 before anyone here
The reason why they hurried to get rafale and s400
I doubt it has to do anything with their intelligence. They expedite Rafales after seeing aftermath of 27th Feb, They witness their MKIs are good for nothing against F-16s + AMRAAMS combo. PAF was out ranging the IAF jets. So with or without J-10s they had to expedite Rafales.
Would have to disagree brother!.. On the contrary, It is Pakistan's every intention to keep the door open. US with world's largest economy can easily afford to move away from us, it will 0.003 percent effect its economy. Geo-strategically, it does not need Pakistan as much as it needed a year ago, It has left Afghanistan. It is enjoying great relations with our arch rival india. For us, for our exports, the USA is everything! it's our largest buyer of our exports. Not just cotton, but our emerging IT industry thrives on US based clients.

Pakistan's military establishment is very keen to have great relations with both China & US. We know, we still need US for our exports, for its influence on Europe, for US being the leader / important player of many intl organisations.

US is still very relevant and key player in defense / technology / infrastructure. Not just in keeping the PAF F-16 fleet operational but in much broader spectrum that we overlook. For instance, the GPS which we use in almost every commercial app and even low level military gadgets use it.. It is the product of DoD of USA. Anyways, topic will slide somewhere else. Would be happy to discuss the enormous US influence on Pakistan in any other thread.

However, the positive thing is J-10C is another series of breaking the dependence on US on high tech military equipment. First major step was laid by JF-17. For us as a nation, we should be looking for our own home grown capabilities in next 1 to 2 decades. So neither side can influence us for their vested interests.


Undoubtedly, Pakistan US relations have no warmth like past but as I said, based on give and take ----- as the need be basis.
Same reason why people including me were against J-10 in PAF. Same era fighter with pretty much the same capability and hence little need to add another type to fleet.
Look, this isn't about being for or against a particular equipment. I'm pretty sure the PAF must have exhausted their minds over what to go for, long before placing the order a few years back.

When it comes to Pakistan, we all gotta accept the fact that any & every move me make/take - seems to always come and haunt us, be it our Politicians, IMF, FATF, US, India, Taliban etc.

In the past, we here on PDF have had so many debates about the J-10 vs. JF-17.

I personally think the J-10 to be superior to the JF-17 by a mile.

Do you really consider it to be a 4th Gen Aircraft? I'd give it a 4,5 just like Rafale & the up coming F-16 Block 70/72.
Indian intellgence knew of this induction & jf17 before anyone here
Yes, and apparently they knew of the Big Bang too
The S-400 is probably for keeping the PAF away from India's heartland. They won't station it too close to the border due to the risk of ELINT picking it up and, in turn, the Pak Army using GLCMs, G-MLRS, etc on it. Shahpar-II-type UAVs also add to the risk of deploying the S-400 too close to Pakistan.

I reckon India will use the S-400 to cut the PAF's offensive reach to northwest India. This way, the IAF can safely mobilize its long-range assets from deep within India and, in turn, preserve its own offensive edge. Basically, the point is to nullify any future Swift Retort-type gains.

For India, the real question is how many J-10CE and Block-3 units the PAF will field through the 2020s. Will the PAF reach its optimal strength numbers -- e.g., 90+ J-10CE plus 150+ Block-3 and AESA-equipped Block-1/2/B?
Its logical to get 72+/4 squardons once we decide to get it since f16s are dead
This is probably going to be around 50m a piece
Or 4b$ or around 100 jf17
The S-400 is probably for keeping the PAF away from India's heartland. They won't station it too close to the border due to the risk of ELINT picking it up and, in turn, the Pak Army using GLCMs, G-MLRS, etc on it. Shahpar-II-type UAVs also add to the risk of deploying the S-400 too close to Pakistan.

I reckon India will use the S-400 to cut the PAF's offensive reach to northwest India. This way, the IAF can safely mobilize its long-range assets from deep within India and, in turn, preserve its own offensive edge. Basically, the point is to nullify any future Swift Retort-type gains.

For India, the real question is how many J-10CE and Block-3 units the PAF will field through the 2020s. Will the PAF reach its optimal strength numbers -- e.g., 90+ J-10CE plus 150+ Block-3 and AESA-equipped Block-1/2/B?
Its logical to get 72+/4 squardons once we decide to get it since f16s are dead
This is probably going to be around 50m a piece
Or 4b$ or around 100 jf17
Politicians need to tag mileage! Anyway, it's a good one, especially while being dombaredrd with the fake bravado from the Hindutas...

my friend I believe some khaki makhlooq must have told sheikh sahib to put this out. Sheikh sahib has never released secret information he is close to GHQ.

I believe there is a massive media war , the chief goes to massive exercises in Punjab and Sindh…..tons of equipment being prepared ….. something is brewing…… will start a new thread

Without going into the nitty gritty of it, with due respect I would disagree with you on this. I fully agree that the source needs to agree to share the photos on open forum. However the cat is out of the bag and it has been confirmed by Sheeda telli who is a Pindi boy anx close to establishment.
However, it is not my place to disregard forum rules and your enforcing them.
Kind regards
It is likely not about J10C - but about some other platforms that are as yet not disclosed. It is a matter of weeks - it will come out soon enough.
It is likely not about J10C - but about some other platforms that are as yet not disclosed. It is a matter of weeks - it will come out soon enough.
its J10...he did say "J" and "TEN", whether it's C or S remains to be seen.
its J10...he did say "J" and "TEN", whether it's C or S remains to be seen.
I was talking about the info that remains unshared given concerns and sensitivity. I think we know whatever there is to know about J10C. Question on that remains costs, numbers, specific PAF related upgrades etc. There are a few more smaller surprises to show up in 2022 (both for PAF and PA). I am presuming the member is referencing those rather than J10C, and is therefore being smart to not let those items out earlier than they should.

In all honesty I am super excited with what is in store for the Navy in the next 2-5 years. Navy is undergoing some major shifts and changes. It is so nice to see, that arm being given its due share. With new frigates, Hangor class subs, UCAVs, SLBMs and stronger coastal defence along-with a whole new ranges of radars and BMS, the Navy will have a completely different look in 5 to 10 years. If the rumors around the 52Ds is true then Navy will pack a strong punch in the coming years.
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I was talking about the info that remains unshared given concerns and sensitivity. I think we know whatever there is to know. There are a few more smaller surprises to show up in 2022. I am presuming the member is referencing those rather than J10C.
it's the secret, unshared info that is keeping the iaf runways empty and sewage lines clogged. 😆
Congratulations my fellow PDFers. What a great way to end the year eh?

I must say that to me getting more F-16s made more sense than J-10 purely from the logistical point of view. But I am no expert. And once HQ9P was acquired by the army rather than the airforce I had a strong suspicion that we may get J-10. The only logical use of the funds saved by airforce would be to acquire a new Jet. And J-10 just made sense. It mates very well with everything we have now, the backbone fighter JF-17, the SAM HQ9P, and the Chinese AWACS.

The squadron that J-10 is going into was a strike squadron. Which tells a lot about PAFs changing doctrine from mostly defensive to perhaps a touch of offensive. Definitely more offensive than before.

PAF was never a walkover, but now its going to be a pain in the rear for IAF.

Soon we might just hear: "Agar Eph Thirty Phyep Hota" :D
I have to disagree bhai..

Americans still have a LOT of influence on Pakistan. Countries are run by economy.

The USA is our largest trading partner in surplus. Means we Export way more goods to US then we import.

While China is our Largest trade deficit. That means, china buy very few items from us but sells us a lot. We are not self sufficient enough that a super power like USA will drop their pants. Infact, we will be financially crushed if US puts us on sanctions.

So, it is essential for us to keep good relations with uncle sam as well. At the same time, we need to fix our economy and resolve this massive trade deficit with China.

In the military front as well, the US will remain relevant as long as F-16s are in service. We need their support / maintenance / spares to keep them in good shape. So its not the end of US influence at all.
This is true re economy and spares. In terms of US regional foreign policy their influence is limited. Do more is no more. Afghanistan showed that we said yes but we did what we wanted and nukes are a great check. So America has to play carefully as well and it's not all one sided
j10 C already been in our airspace for months now . PAF prefer silence contrary to our adversary who beat drums on every acquisition .
few more surprises to come on 23 rd march but alot would be secured for day of action like swift retort :pakistan:


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