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PAF is So Cool that Even Getting Shot Down by it Makes You a Hero in India

Just more words of wisdom and professionalism from colonel mian ahmed rattay :enjoy:
Thanks for clarifying once again that you are not an officer of pakistan army because your attitude and low intelligence suggests otherwise.On top of that my personal observations are more than enough to tell that you are not a military officer because i was born in military officer house and spent my life in a military environment.That is not how military officers behave.Get a job you loser.
Grounded just like Nachiketa....
He was not grounded but was assigned to transports for the remainder of the time he was in service
He was not grounded but was assigned to transports for the remainder of the time he was in service
Same thing Bro, He is no more fighter pilot and I believe Abinondon will met the same fate....but personally I want another tea for him from officers mess.....for sure in exchange of a fighter jet :enjoy:
We hover to stop being soft on people who’s mission was to kill our jets/pilots,,, our enemies. Of course he is going to play nice once caught. You think If a PK pilot was caught they would have given him cup of tea ?
Look at his name. The irony LOL He calls himself War Thunder LOL

You got no answers buddy. You are only good at Indian *** licking.

Go ahead and lick it good, but don’t force me to lick RSS boots. You wanna be an Indian slave be my guest. I choose to live in freedom and with dignity. I don’t bow down to the enemy that is tasked to kill and harm my nation.

Let me give you a suggestion. Work for the Indian media and present your sentiments there. They will appreciate it.

He is an officer who carried himself in a dignified manner and let's respect him for that instead of mocking him.
I totally agree with that.
My criticism is not directed towards him but the clown @$$ nation of India, the whole of a nation turned into a god damn circus act of epic proportions.
We do not tell any nation anything which has a history of genocide of millions of people.

I am happy that you now accept that Bison has forth generation missiles and electronics. Actually we were thinking to retire it but now we shall have to continue with it.

bison wreckage was spread in large field.tail section was found kms away from fuselage.he was hit badly.kindly don't forget your state terrorism in kashmir.every day you pay a price for your terrorism in kashmir.
Abhinandan is quite old for a front line fighter pilot. Given the injury and recovery time associated with a fast jet ejection, his career as a fast jet jockey will be coming to a close. IAF may do a "vanity" tour, or series of flights, but the IAF has one less fast jet to play with as this old jocket lost his mount and putting him in a different jet will deprive a younger fighter pilot at the start of his career, a seat in a fast jet. I cannot see how, from a resource planning perspective, this makes sense for anyone..
He is an officer who carried himself in a dignified manner and let's respect him for that instead of mocking him.
He lost dignity the day he decided to wear those funny mustaches. He has some deep routed psychological issues. He would haves failed PAF’s psychological evaluations. In fact there is pattern here. The sort of comments IAF chief made before and after the event including personal attack’s on PAF chief showed a person with deep rooted insecurities. IAF needs to revamp its selection process. Its problem is not the hardware but the people.
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