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PAF is So Cool that Even Getting Shot Down by it Makes You a Hero in India

who said im not respecting my own pilots and if you fail to see my point then there is no point in explainnig it, and pls dont preach to me about respecting my own uniform. I know more about our own uniform than you will ever!

Q bhai app chief of army staff lagay howay hoon?

I am not preaching you anything I have just said my pint of view and feel free to disagree
Hero's welcome for shooting down a forth generation plane with a second generation plane and returning to nation with pride from enemy territory within 2 days.
He never shot $hit. All his missiles were found with the plane. He was returned because Pakistan wanted him to return and get some immediate propaganda mileage which it did. Remember the long slow walk at Wagah shown live all over the world. You can believe anything because you are a nobody without the ability for rational thought and your beliefs or the belief of the other 1 billion Indians who are ready to vote for the person who put their live in danger to win an election does not matter. What matters is that your senior political leaders, your military leadership and your intelligence services as well the leaders and militaries of other main countries. They know exactly what happened on the 26 and 27th of Feb. your leadership in order to get short-term political gains have made themselves vulnerable to blackmail and your military leadership has been totally compromised. Just wait and see.
He never shot $hit. All his missiles were found with the plane. He was returned because Pakistan wanted him to return and get some immediate propaganda mileage which it did. Remember the long slow walk at Wagah shown live all over the world. You can believe anything because you are a nobody without the ability for rational thought and your beliefs or the belief of the other 1 billion Indians who are ready to vote for the person who put their live in danger to win an election does not matter. What matters is that your senior political leaders, your military leadership and your intelligence services as well the leaders and militaries of other main countries. They know exactly what happened on the 26 and 27th of Feb. your leadership in order to get short-term political gains have made themselves vulnerable to blackmail and your military leadership has been totally compromised. Just wait and see.
He was returned because modi threatened IK .

How come modi doesn’t threaten to release the RAW agent in jail?

Modi is as careful and delicate in employing threats, as is a highly skilled barber in using his razor (Ustra).
He was returned because modi threatened IK .

Ok let admit it. But hey we shotdown several Indians jets, so why modi jee didn’t send Supa dupa mighty Su 30 MKI to avenge ?

Oh yes because Imran Khan offered Modi with more fantastic tea or because you lost MKI too so MKI lost its Supa Dupa Mighty qualifications ?
Haha... you guys think that getting one mig in exchange for f16 is a great deal. What can i do. You guys became toast for supporting terror and you come out and talk. Anymore terror from Pak and we all risk becoming toast

So thats the answer fir previous question

Yadav was a civilian kidnapped by Pak army as some weird way to falsely accuse india . There are 100s of fisherman in Pak jails. He could threaten but then this kind of thing will keep happen with civilians and not feasible.

A delusional chowkidar could be a hazard for the person who hires one. It was a chowkidar like you that shot down their own Mi-17. :rofl:

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