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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Our defence against any or all threats whether it's even US or Israel not just India centric. If your doctrine is based on single isolated aspect and approach of your defence is so much limited in imagination then you are doomed to fail. Defence doctrine should be thorough and multi spectrum at all levels.

To assume, that possibility has not been explored would be unfair.

To further assume that someone will fall for your bait, and spill the beans. Oh well, keep trying.
Our defence against any or all threats whether it's even US or Israel not just India centric. If your doctrine is based on single isolated aspect and approach of your defence is so much limited in imagination then you are doomed to fail. Defence doctrine should be thorough and multi spectrum at all levels.
In real world adversaries don't give strategic time out to prepare yourself against them if you already had not devise a doctrine to tackle them

Do I need to declare and accept or even say that I have a doctrine for invading and attacking other countries including their beloved friend so sell me this & that? Why would somebody say that like this and then, try to prove otherwise. Our defence means, for anyone whosoever try to cross the line and that is it. How hard is it to understand. In the real world, we have a doctrine in readiness of any possible threat and that keeps evolving and progressing based upon drastic geopolitics changes as well as updates.
To assume, that possibility has not been explored would unfair. To further assume that someone will fall for your bait, and spill the beans. Oh well, keep trying.
Well I am not here for fairytale beans as are yours. I am sorry to say but IMHO you are the one who is actually spreading fairytale kind of stories like the huge Chinese fleet moving aggressively to threaten India and PLAAF jets waiting eagerly to have a few hundred sorties across the border kind of things. If those are the beans you are talking about then they would be better with you.
Well I am not here for fairytale beans as are yours. I am sorry to say but IMHO you are the one who is actually spreading fairytale kind of stories like the huge Chinese fleet moving aggressively to threaten India and PLAAF jets waiting eagerly to have a few hundred sorties across the border kind of things. If those are the beans you are talking about then they would be better with you.

Actually there is more, but then people like you wont be able to digest it.

Some of what I have said has been confirmed by serving officers on this forum.

If you dont like what I say, do ask the mgmt to ban me.
Do I need to declare and accept or even say that I have a doctrine for invading and attacking other countries including their beloved friend so sell me this & that? Why would somebody say that like this and then, try to prove otherwise. Our defence means, for anyone whosoever try to cross the line and that is it. How hard is it to understand. In the real world, we have a doctrine in readiness of any possible threat and that keeps evolving and progressing based upon drastic geopolitics changes as well as updates.
Totally agree with you. I said the same as you did in this post. The doctrine for Defence and efficiency and firepower of military should never be compromised regardless of threat's identity whoever it may be. So you have to regularly Guage your readiness and effectiveness against every possible threats overtly or covertly as ever evolving geopolitical situation dictates.

What is your problem with Israel---? Why do we need to bring up that issue---?

We only have one prime enemy---and the F16 will work as designed---.
I cant help that you have such myopic view ...didn't Israel planned and half attempted an attack on KRL in mid 80's?
Didn't Israel destroyed Iraq's reactors.
Did Ehud Barak or Netanyahu gave you some personal iron clad guarantee that it wont attack Pakistan nuclear storage. Dont want to say more....things go far!!
you're reading too much into it my friend, nothing really indicate that Pakistan is going get new F-16s (Block-whatever) under subsidy of U.S Military Aid program. Even if it does, this doesn't change the fact that Pakistan is further tied into and is vulnerable to american sanctions. The correct strategic approach is to buy more Block-42s, put them through SLEP/MLU and start stockpiling spares parts and engines for PAF's Viper fleet. Because unless I missed my guess, Pakistan wouldn't be as lucky with it's Vipers, as it has been with it's Mirages. Pakistan Government really ought to fund documentaries about how much Pakistan suffered due to U.S sanctions in 1965, 1971, 1983, 1998 and etc. Because the young generation tend always veer off tangent when it comes to military hardware and America. Either they are not aware of the historical records or just not been made aware of it. Otherwise it is just plain idiotic to be wishfully thinking about F-16s even after suffering for the last three decades.

It seems that we lose sight of our objectives whenever talk of "american freebees" is mentioned. I mean to say man, haven't people been paying attention? The Prime Minister of Pakistan was setting an example and sending a message to the world and Pakistanis alike when he travelled as a common passenger in a commercial airline for a state visit to the most powerful country on earth. Imran Khan declared that he went their to set the relations between Pakistan and America that is based on mutual respect and treated as equals. There wasn't any mention of asking for aid, not even the CSF which is owed to Pakistan. Imran Khan showed the dignity a REAL MUSLIM exhibits. That is the sort of "mental strength and resolve" that Pakistanis should have, not begging for freebees from America. Frankly speaking, that sort of behavior is just disgusting, low selfesteemed and unbecoming of a Pakistani, a Muslim and more importantly a HUMAN. We are better than this, we are stronger than this ... you have a leader now that is showing "Iron Resolve" so I would suggest to fellow Pakistanis to grow a backbone and stand as strong, powerfully willed, Muslims. Because without it, we may just as well be indians.
the report states Paksitani F-16s so upgrade is on already existing fleet. we cant buy new Vipers for 125 Million
Local weapons! turkish weapons! Chinese Weapons! even russian weapons are better janab!

zaroorat k waqt istemal tou kar saktay hain!

Maybe not a bad idea. If Pak provides services, let them pay in hard cash. Then we can use that cash to buy whatever we want. But problem is PAF only wants F-16s above all else, even the J-20 I suspect.
Washington greenlights military sales to Pakistan & India, months after air skirmish
Published time: 27 Jul, 2019 07:56Edited time: 27 Jul, 2019 12:56
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A PAF F-16. ©AAMIR QURESHI / AFP / An IAF C-17 and two Su-30MKI fighter jets. ©PRAKASH SINGH / AFP
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The US has approved $125 million worth of support for Pakistan’s F-16 warplanes as well as $670 million of support for India’s C-17 transport planes. The two regional rivals had their first direct air combat in decades this year.
The sale to Pakistan will require the deployment of some 60 contractor representatives, who will “provide 24/7 end-use monitoring” for the country’s US-made fleet of fighter jets, the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a statement on Friday. The package will service the Lockheed Martin F-16s delivered to Pakistan as part of the “Peace Drive” program, which includes 12 F-16C jets and 6 F-16D jets.

Political-Military Affairs, US Dept of State



.@StateDept authorizes a proposed Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to #Pakistan for Technical Security Team (TST) Continued Support of the F-16 Program worth $125 million @StateDeptPM @State_SCA #FMSUpdate-https://go.usa.gov/xysdn


5:54 PM - Jul 26, 2019
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Pakistan’s fleet of F-16s came into the spotlight in February during a security crisis, in which Indian and Pakistani warplanes engaged in direct combat for the first time in decades. New Delhi alleged that Pakistan had used the US-made jets during its retaliatory attack inside an Indian-controlled part of the disputed Kashmir region, losing one of them in an interception by the Indian Air Force. If true, it may have violated US arms export terms. Pakistan denied deploying F-16s for the mission and said it didn’t lose any aircraft.

ALSO ON RT.COM‘You’ll get a bloodier nose next time’: India issues warning to Pakistan on Kashmir war anniversary
Also on Friday, Washington announced its plans to sell spare parts and equipment for the Indian fleet of Boeing C-17 military transport planes. The contract would require 23 contractor representatives, the agency said.

Political-Military Affairs, US Dept of State



.@StateDept authorizes a proposed Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to #India for C-17 Sustainment Follow-On support worth $670 million @StateDeptPM @State_SCA #FMSUpdate-https://go.usa.gov/xysdv


6:01 PM - Jul 26, 2019
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The DSCA explained that the sales “will not alter the basic military balance in the region.” The approvals come days after a visit to the US by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, and a month after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a high-level visit to India.

Actually there is more, but then people like you wont be able to digest it.

Some of what I have said has been confirmed by serving officers on this forum.

If you dont like what I say, do ask the mgmt to ban me.
No who I am to ask to ban you. It's a discussion forum and everyone has a right to share his/her own point of view within the boundaries of ethics everyone has a right to speak here. We may have disagreements too but that's all the discussion is for and it's the beauty of debate to have disagreements and arguments between the participants. Nothing hateful. Peace and love from me  cheers:smitten::pakistan::cheers:
maybe yes, maybe we can even intercept Russian, Afghan, Iranian and Bangladeshi air forces as well
but its irrelevant as we have no hostilities towards them
what matters to us is that we can use these jets (like before) to take out Indian SU 30s , Mirage 2000s and Mig 21s etc like the 27 Feb 19 air war.

I like these Innocent questions like
is Pakistan going to share these Jets with Chinese
will Pakistan use these Jets to Invade Israel?
will Pakistan give these Jets to Iranians to Harass the American drones and Cargo ships?
will Americans prevent us if Pakistan reverse Engineers the American components?

@Oscar @Khafee @MastanKhan

BLA , TTP and their mentors will have a revisit to the 27 February surprise day.
the Camps setup for BLA Baloch Samachar across the border will also get more exposed and artillery or direct strikes from these helicopters will take them out
With you that they will work against India and some other hostile forces.
I am not military aviation expert....but I highly doubt Pak F-16 will work against any Israel attack on a Pak "facility"!!!
What do you think Eedogan hell bent upon buying S-400? At great risk to its investment in F-35.
Totally agree with you. I said the same as you did in this post. The doctrine for Defence and efficiency and firepower of military should never be compromised regardless of threat's identity whoever it may be. So you have to regularly Guage your readiness and effectiveness against every possible threats overtly or covertly as ever evolving geopolitical situation dictates.

So does that require any query in regard to any hostility against Pakistan?

Mr "call lockheed to ask" himself :lol:

I worked certain defense projects in aerospace sector, I have met people in the know....and people can simply see for themselves if any such F-16 acquisition is announced. Simple. You have got them all excited for some forum echo chamber drama yet again....as you put it "voices in the head" (but your case lol).

BTW you were quite fairly banned. I know you are seriously smarting from no action taken against Iran after braying for it endlessly.

If you mean in regard to "not official" news here in discussion then, we all agreed on this. But to say that just because it isn't official hence, shall never brought to discussion even on the basis of possibility, logic, updates and observations under different progresses. Fishing aside but let's not take jibes at each other rather, we have a subject to discuss and not the person. I already read your comment in regard to Forum Quality and what not but that is not worth to remind or even discuss in reply, is it?
It won't happen. Some guy in this thread is literally saying "call lockheed on phone to ask" :cheesy: :rofl:

And now its 38 page long thread lol. This is state of PDF these days. SU-35 acquisition saga was quite similar.

People literally have no idea what a good portion of pentagon top policy makers were involved in 10 years ago, those that were present at the frontlines anyway. There is an absolute red line regarding any major acquisition by haqqani-network supporters...given there is long rapsheet and its quite personal for these pentagon folks. I have this on quite good authority, just like what I know regarding what the US is planning (and already starting) to deploy "blackwater+" wise no matter what the "peace deal" for AFG shapes up to be.

I know its hogwash.. But i wish Pakistan really manages to acquire some decent western hardware in a public deal so that we don't have any excuse to slack off.

Relying on the incompetence of an enemy or generosity of an ally is a blunder as things are not always what they seem to be.

We have already committed this mistake twice, once in 62 and once in Kargil and have paid dearly for it. A lesson is long overdue.

As for US or for that matter Russia, its not in their interest to let India get to big for it's boots. We don't have an ideological, racial or religious common ground with either of them which could result in true strategic alliance. Nature of our relationship as always remains transactional.

We are so lucky that we have got access to all kinds of technology and hardware and we have to make hay while the sun shines. Look at China and one has to admire how far they have gone under such adverse circumstances by begging borrowing or stealing, while we rely on outsiders helping us time and again when it comes to military.technology.

What happens when US, Israel, France and Russia decide to stop supplying us in a scenario where we have to conduct another nuclear test or blow up some satellite in space.

At the risk of repeating myself for the tenth time, we should absorb as much technology while we can never minding the costs or penny pinching by our bureaucrats. S-400, Thad, F-21, Rafaels, EMALS, Drones get them all while you can along with whatever ToT and reverse engineer the rest. If sacrifices have to be made elsewhere then so be it.

Remember All Politics, Economics and Diplomacy is done on the back of hard military power. Without an unshakeable Military everything can turn into dust in a week
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