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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Looks like a fair deal overall then.

Chinese are realistically not that far away btw
not at all. my comment was in no way belittling Chinese . the engine and radar are among those elusive
technologies that continue to challenge china's aspiration towards next generation jets
that said the way Huawei ( as an example) has made technological strides it has even astonished the Americans as well
Both. Would it be worth it to get 36 F16 to counter the Rafales?
India are paying 9 billion for 36 Rafales, how much would Pak have to
pay for 36 F16's?
There really isn't an updated price listing currently available, but to get an idea.

- Slovakia is paying $1.4 Billion for 14 Aircrafts

- Bahrain is paying $3.8 Billion for 16 Aircrafts

- Morocco is paying $3.7 Billion for 25 Aircrafts

- Bulgaria (were) planning on paying $1.2 Billion for 8 Aircrafts, but that deal recently went to Parliament after the President veto'ed the purchase. LM aren't gonna be happy 'bout that one.

Note: I don't think jets are really offered at flyaway conditions 'cause then they'd just be for display at Airshows.

And India is planning on acquiring 114 more jets. 36 Jets are the least of our worries.

AESA Radar

Cockpit derived from the F-35
Can Pakistan F-16 and purported new BLK 70/72 can intercept Israel AF? Would IFF designate them as????
@Khafee @Starlord @MastanKhan @Irfan Baloch @HRK or any other expert, pro.

maybe yes, maybe we can even intercept Russian, Afghan, Iranian and Bangladeshi air forces as well
but its irrelevant as we have no hostilities towards them
what matters to us is that we can use these jets (like before) to take out Indian SU 30s , Mirage 2000s and Mig 21s etc like the 27 Feb 19 air war.

I like these Innocent questions like
is Pakistan going to share these Jets with Chinese
will Pakistan use these Jets to Invade Israel?
will Pakistan give these Jets to Iranians to Harass the American drones and Cargo ships?
will Americans prevent us if Pakistan reverse Engineers the American components?

@Oscar @Khafee @MastanKhan

Irfan Sahab, What will happen when Zulus start coming in?
BLA , TTP and their mentors will have a revisit to the 27 February surprise day.
the Camps setup for BLA Baloch Samachar across the border will also get more exposed and artillery or direct strikes from these helicopters will take them out
na kar. kabse?

F16s are everywhere in Pakistan atop every monument on the roundabouts. From Kitchen to the cabinet all Pakistanis are well versed in F16 lingo.

F16 also holds the honor of having idioms coined After it in Pakistan.

We need some Radar tech I gather. Will Block 70 meet that merit?
It's a curse
there is an upgrade program reported by Dawn as well
so its not a wishful thinking. call it whatever block


There are few interesting mentions in the said support programme for Pakistan F-16s.

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Pakistan for Technical Security Team (TST) in continued support of the F-16 program for an estimated cost of $125 million,” said an official announcement released on Friday evening.

The US Defence Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification, notifying Congress of this possible sale on July 26, three days after the prime minister’s visit.

The government of Pakistan requested a continuation of technical support services, which includes US government and contractor technical and logistics support services. The request also includes other related elements of logistics support to assist in the oversight of operations in support of the Pakistan Peace Drive advanced F-16 program. The total estimated program cost is $125 million.

“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by protecting US technology through the continued presence of US personnel that provide 24/7 end-use monitoring,” the State Department said.

“The proposed sale of this support will not alter the basic military balance in the region,” the statement added, in an effort to assuage possible Indian irritation.

The principal contractor for this support program is Booz Allen Hamilton Engineering Services LLC, Fairborn, Ohio.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of 60 contractor representatives to Pakistan to assist in the oversight of operations as part of the Peace Drive F-16 program.

The US Defence Security Cooperation Agency informed Congress that “there will be no adverse impact on US defence readiness as a result of this proposed sale.”

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

Almost all such requests, however, are approved after a possible debate. In case Congress rejects the request, the administration can still use a waiver to provide the requested services.

@Khafee it seems like the support programme may or may not include what you try to say but there are few things that matches the case in hand. I noticed few things like Pakistan requested, no power imbalance in region, in-case of congress rejection, administration will use a waiver means it is good to go and above all, it will be covered through FMS.

Speaking of FMS, means it will be done from already existing agreement between both countries but the confusion arises about the alleged sponsorship by brotherly nations.
Can Pakistan F-16 and purported new BLK 70/72 can intercept Israel AF? Would IFF designate them as????
Realistically - the only way the !srael could even get close to Pakistan Airspace is if they were to takeoff from Indian Bases.

Even India is not dumb enough to entertain such an option, as they know 27th of February will be revisited - this time with Nuclear might at the expense of !srael.
The Americans have already said that they cannot allow their F35 to coexist in the same arsenal as the S400 where it's weaknesses can be wargames and identified, they have cancelled Turkey's contract in this regard.
Can someone tell me why they would make an exception in India's case.
Answers on a postcard please.
As they have made exception for Kurds in Syria and Greece etc. That's what Turks claim that it's only Turkey(mostly due to the Muslim blood and ottoman legacy) in NATO which US and other NATO allies can't see independent and strong. In india's case its not the deciding factor at least. After let's say 2030 there would be no use for US to keep holding F-35 from the world as its perimeters would already be established globally and Russia and US would have moved to far ahead in this tussle. So India may sooner or later, definitely get F-35 if it wants and as long as this deal serves the US interests too.
Dono hath aur dono. Pair jor k. Maafi mango and say no ...

Go Chinese all the way . .
maybe yes, maybe we can even intercept Russian, Afghan, Iranian and Bangladeshi air forces as well
but its irrelevant as we have no hostilities towards them
what matters to us is that we can use these jets (like before) to take out Indian SU 30s , Mirage 2000s and Mig 21s etc like the 27 Feb 19 air war.

I like these Innocent questions like
is Pakistan going to share these Jets with Chinese
will Pakistan use these Jets to Invade Israel?
will Pakistan give these Jets to Iranians to Harass the American drones and Cargo ships?
will Americans prevent us if Pakistan reverse Engineers the American components?

@Oscar @Khafee @MastanKhan

BLA , TTP and their mentors will have a revisit to the 27 February surprise day.
the Camps setup for BLA Baloch Samachar across the border will also get more exposed and artillery or direct strikes from these helicopters will take them out

I want them Indian to call Trump a liar, more & more. By the way, a safe passage for US to leave Afghanistan and then a possible assurance in regard to Washington strategic interests; is not that cheap to say. We are looking at something worth bargain or to say, give & take based upon equality and mutual benefits for the both Countries. IK had the same approach being representative of whole nation.

On other hand, COAS was received with Guard of Honour and 21 guns salute at Pentagon. In fact, something bigger happened hence, the hospitality & acknowledgement. US banned & listed BLA as terrorist outfit which allows us or any other victim of BLA to hunt them down with full force which means, the ground and space will be provided when a safe passage is done. It is all about equal profit for the parties.
Allegations are just that, unless proven.

You missed the point as may be I wasn't very clear with wording. However, it is safe to assume that what you tell is not related to F-16 support programme as this is FMS payment whereby Block-70 or 72 seems to be different story where brotherly nations are involved. Righto?
There really isn't an updated price listing currently available, but to get an idea.

- Slovakia is paying $1.4 Billion for 14 Aircrafts

- Bahrain is paying $3.8 Billion for 16 Aircrafts

- Morocco is paying $3.7 Billion for 25 Aircrafts

- Bulgaria (were) planning on paying $1.2 Billion for 8 Aircrafts, but that deal recently went to Parliament after the President veto'ed the purchase. LM aren't gonna be happy 'bout that one.

Note: I don't think jets are really offered at flyaway conditions 'cause then they'd just be for display at Airshows.

And India is planning on acquiring 114 more jets. 36 Jets are the least of our worries.

AESA Radar

Cockpit derived from the F-35
The Moroccans paid 952 million to upgrade their 23 F16s to blk 70.
3.7 billion for 25 new builds plus weapons.

So the sale discussed would be approximately 6-7 billion.
I think Pakistan should go for T 129 and J-10 for stopgap measures until Project AZM reaches fruition. But unfortunately our military establishment's eyes are stuck in white a** of US. They can't see beyond this unless they are compelled to do so by US itself.
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