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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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This seems more plausible.

The Americans may let Pakistan have our say in Afghanistan but India is an important cog in the wheel in its "Indo-Pacific" strategy.

With China already way ahead of India in the 5th generation game, F-35 will be presented to India as a good counter.

India can also balance its S-400 and Rafael purchase with a F-35 deal to assuage the Americans.
The Americans have already said that they cannot allow their F35 to coexist in the same arsenal as the S400 where it's weaknesses can be wargames and identified, they have cancelled Turkey's contract in this regard.
Can someone tell me why they would make an exception in India's case.
Answers on a postcard please.
I have not heard anything about block 70/72 purchase from my sources in DC. Even if there were some preliminary talks at Pentagon level, it is still too early to predict anything. It has to be approved by the USA government.

Flyaway Conditions or with all the goodies...

Both. Would it be worth it to get 36 F16 to counter the Rafales?
India are paying 9 billion for 36 Rafales, how much would Pak have to
pay for 36 F16's?
The Americans have already said that they cannot allow their F35 to coexist in the same arsenal, they have cancelled Turkey's contract in this regard.
Can someone tell me why they would make an exception in India's case.
Answers on a postcard please.
Americans love woman name india that's why these keyboard dudes r the best.
Turkey was partner in developing F35 program for them its loss maybe they change theior mind what they gonna do with S400 I don't know.

That information was already admitted by the then President Asif Zardari in an op-ed piece---I believe in a US news paper at that time---.


@Irfan Baloch
This seems more plausible.

The Americans may let Pakistan have our say in Afghanistan but India is an important cog in the wheel in its "Indo-Pacific" strategy.

With China already way ahead of India in the 5th generation game, F-35 will be presented to India as a good counter.

India can also balance its S-400 and Rafael purchase with a F-35 deal to assuage the Americans.
problem with your option is
for Americans... F 35 and S 400 cant go together
this is the very reason Americans have banned their NATO ally Turkey and removed from the program. they cant just offer it to India on special concessions.
in case you were not following the news. Americans contended that S 400 was not just an air defense platform but an intelligence gathering and data collecting system as well and would collect the data on F 35 over time and help Russians build up the necessary counter for the closely guarded stealth technology which is the sum of all the systems that make up that jet both physical and software the sensor fusion the flight characteristics etc).
all modern technology military or otherwise that is of such significance sends out data to its manufacturer (service provider) just look at your smart phone as an example.
if India wins some concessions then Turkey will demand compensation as well as inclusion back into the program as well.

but F that discussion about what India will get and what not. this thread is about our F 16s support program that has been already announced and approved.
problem with your option is
for Americans... F 35 and S 400 cant go together
this is the very reason Americans have banned their NATO ally Turkey and removed from the program. they cant just offer it to India on special concessions.
in case you were not following the news. Americans contended that S 400 was not just an air defense platform but an intelligence gathering and data collecting system as well and would collect the data on F 35 over time and help Russians build up the necessary counter for the closely guarded stealth technology which is the sum of all the systems that make up that jet both physical and software the sensor fusion the flight characteristics etc).
all modern technology military or otherwise that is of such significance sends out data to its manufacturer (service provider) just look at your smart phone as an example.
if India wins some concessions then Turkey will demand compensation as well as inclusion back into the program as well.

but F that discussion about what India will get and what not. this thread is out our F 16s support program that has been already announced and approved.
Thanks for clearing that up.
This whole thing about Block-72 purchase is sounding more and more like wishful thinking. For Pakistan, the way forward is Block-3 Thunders, PL-15 missiles, used F-16s put through MLU/SLEP and focus on Gen-5 development. Pakistan needs at least two decades of peace, economic prosperity and educational reforms which would produce a stable quantity of aeronautical engineers, propulsion experts, chemical scientists, metallurgists and so on. 20 years of peace, high number of graduates in all relevant fields and sustained growth of CPEC under strict accountability across the board. When Pakistan restructures and reforms state institutions, this would improve and stabilize Pakistan's economy on a phenomenal scale.

These are the areas Pakistanis need to be focusing on, not rotten american carrots.
I do believe that LM F-21 promotion video for India was produced in India and LM trolled IAF with a flag which is not Indian...... at-least it tells the value of deal may ever come to fruition...

View attachment 571094
Well that flag has more friendly looks towards NATO :cuckoo:. That's why LM designed it so India looks more friendly to NATO and US at this deal. :girl_wink:
This whole thing about Block-72 purchase is sounding more and more like wishful thinking. For Pakistan, the way forward is Block-3 Thunders, PL-15 missiles, used F-16s put through MLU/SLEP and focus on Gen-5 development. Pakistan needs at least two decades of peace, economic prosperity and educational reforms which would produce a stable quantity of aeronautical engineers, propulsion experts, chemical scientists, metallurgists and so on. 20 years of peace, high number of graduates in all relevant fields and sustained growth of CPEC under strict accountability across the board. When Pakistan restructures and reforms state institutions, this would improve and stabilize Pakistan's economy on a phenomenal scale.

These are the areas Pakistanis need to be focusing on, not rotten american carrots.
there is an upgrade program reported by Dawn as well
so its not a wishful thinking. call it whatever block

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